10/03/13 08:13PM
Could Your Brain Be Hacked?
Thought this was kind of relevant
10/03/13 09:10PM
As someone who is a huge fan of tech_control, this shit's awesome, and I can't wait until it's ready and brain surgery becomes a fad with teenage girls. "So like my BFF told me on facebook that, like, brain implants are soooo totally in!"

As someone who has enough conspiracy theories already, fuck.
10/04/13 01:02AM
God Damn
1 - that is a fucking freaky concept.
2 - I'm too creative. I watched that youtube video, and now I have a story idea possibly bouncing around in my head DX
10/04/13 03:15AM
deathwish said:
Thought this was kind of relevant

I'm excited! (and a little afraid)
Mostly excited.
10/04/13 03:28AM
deathwish said:
Thought this was kind of relevant

Am I surprised technology came that way? It had to happen (21st century...)
Should I/we be scared? Would any government abuse such technology for their purposes....?
10/04/13 08:14AM
I thought one of the problems with the concept of hacking the brain like it's an electric computer is that the brain is not an electric computer, it's an electrochemical organ, and, while you can certainly use electricity (or light, I watched the video) to achieve some degree of interaction between brain and processor to produce some fascinating effects, we're still a long way from the futuristic fantasy where someone can completely upload the contents of someone's brain to a computer (or download a completely new persona like on DOLLHOUSE). Not saying you can't hack someone's brain to some degree in theory, but the effects would probably be a lot more unreliable than this video would let on.

From a fiction perspective, I'm not really a fan of computerized mind control. Hypnosis is old school, romantic, mysterious, sexy, magical, and, most importantly, "human". The very act of being engrossed in a good MC story is itself a form of mild hypnosis. Mind control through technology sucks all of the magic out of it and makes the process of being controlled something a lot more cold and mechanical, and that might be a turn on for some people and that's okay, but I'll stick with the power of suggestion over the power of technology.
10/04/13 08:34AM
sasazuka said:
I thought one of the problems with the concept of hacking the brain like it's an electric computer is that the brain is not an electric computer, it's an electrochemical organ, and, while you can certainly use electricity (or light, I watched the video) to achieve some degree of interaction between brain and processor to produce some fascinating effects, we're still a long way from the futuristic fantasy where someone can completely upload the contents of someone's brain to a computer (or download a completely new persona like on DOLLHOUSE). Not saying you can't hack someone's brain to some degree in theory, but the effects would probably be a lot more unreliable than this video would let on.

For all we know, "running erratically and leaning to the left" could have been the first successful (as in "brain not fried") result after a big pile of rat corpses.

But mind you, neural networks can do the work themselves. It's not automatic, but with training it's possible to adjust the neurons to respond in a specific complex pattern, similar to how one would train an artificial perceptron by backpropagation. The possibilities are as endless as they are scary if you raise a living being on such a training.

sasazuka said:
Hypnosis is old school, romantic, mysterious, sexy, magical, and, most importantly, "human". The very act of being engrossed in a good MC story is itself a form of mild hypnosis. Mind control through technology sucks all of the magic out of it and makes the process of being controlled something a lot more cold and mechanical

Well, to me "magical" almost always is a turn off, because with tech_control, drugs and other means it stops being fantasy and becomes sci-fi. In other words: this kind of stuff is realistic, and that "coldness" turns me on.
10/04/13 08:46AM
I didn't literally mean hypnosis is magic, it's really more like intense focus and concentration on a specific suggestion, I just meant "magic" metaphorically, sort of like the opposite of technological. I'm not a fan of totally magical hypnosis either, I generally prefer it when writers/artists include at least a little bit of realism (maybe not a line-by-line hypnosis induction because that would be boring for a lot of readers, but at least a small taste of the induction) although I will admit to also being turned on by Kaa eyes when done well.
10/04/13 08:48AM
I just like hypnosis/MC; I don't care what form it takes. Also, I wouldn't call hypnosis "magical", unless you're referring to how it's often portrayed in fetish works. Then, sure. But I do agree that I like the intimacy of more traditional hypnosis. It's all rather off-topic, though.

Edit: Ninja'd, and now part of what I said is irrelevant.
10/07/13 04:51AM
Ghost in the Shell, here we come.
10/07/13 08:07AM
Henry-killenger said:
Ghost in the Shell, here we come.

This is why we need to get moral evolution going on faster than it is. If we get to that sort of technology while still throwing white phosphorous and depleted uranium bullets at each other (or unilaterally), we're screwed.
10/07/13 08:19AM
Stem_Cell said:
This is why we need to get moral evolution going on faster than it is. If we get to that sort of technology while still throwing white phosphorous and depleted uranium bullets at each other (or unilaterally), we're screwed.

I'm still holding my breath for immortality
10/07/13 09:56PM
Well, this means we'll have to be extra careful not to be the ones being hacked. I for one am already prepared for the future by installing McGa-McGa-McGa-Norton antivirus on my brain.
10/07/13 10:00PM
Changer said:
Well, this means we'll have to be extra careful not to be the ones being hacked. I for one am already prepared for the future by installing McGa-McGa-McGa-Norton antivirus on my brain.

You fool! That's how they prepare for the inevitable world domination! Uninstall tha-...Good thinking, this will certainly protect us from the dangers to come. We should trust their intentions.
10/07/13 11:10PM
Only the Amish will remain safe.
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