10/10/14 10:11PM
"Horns" Movie

Daniel Radcliff plays a guy who wakes up from a drunken stupor to find his girlfriend dead. The town and the media quickly decide he was the one who did it and hound him relentlessly. He then wakes up one morning with a pair of devil horns growing out of his head. Aside from the interesting cosmetic challenge this presents him, the horns grant him power over other people's dark sides. This seems to range from making them blurt out bursts of brutal honesty to causing them to give in to their impulses and repressed desires. So now he's trying to use these new powers to find the real killer as it is the only way he can think of to make the horns go away.
10/10/14 10:53PM
I think it's interesting that the guy who did High Tension and The Hills Have Eyes is doing something like this. Still, been hearing decent things about this and I'm kind of tempted to take a stab at sometime in the future.
10/11/14 02:06PM
That actually looks like it'll be pretty good.
10/11/14 05:05PM
The book is fantastic, I highly recommend it. Joe Hill is easily becoming one of my favorite writers. And the movie looks like it's going to be pretty good too.
10/11/14 09:22PM
That trailer was awful. It looks like one of those movies that you can't make a trailer for because there's no dialogue that sums anything up that they can splice in without spoiling stuff.

Napoleon Dynamite and The Matrix are good examples of "untrailerable" films.
10/12/14 05:28PM
It was a very nice movie. The plot and characters were good and interesting, sortofa paranormal murder mistery.

There was indeed some fetish fuel for some people, mostly corruption.
10/12/14 08:00PM
Insert joke about Christian parents claiming Harry Potter as satanic being right.
10/13/14 09:35AM
Did it come out already?

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