10/12/14 12:35AM
Heya folks!
Hi ^^ I've been lurking on this site for a while, and I used to frequent hypnochan/the hypnochan IRC back in the day. I only recently decided to take the plunge and make an account here. It just gets to be a bit of a pain to have to search for pictures you KNOW you saw once before but can't remember what they were tagged, so I figured I could do better off just making an account and favoriting whatever I come across and like. Plus, I've recently getting back into the hypno fetish outside of just liking some of the manips on here, so I'm hoping to be able to talk to some folks about it and just make new friends!...who happen to like hypnosis and mind control >>;

So...yeah! Nice to meet you all!
10/12/14 12:52AM
Nice to see new people around here !
This also reminds me that I never did a proper presentation like this...
10/12/14 12:54AM
llawliet said:
Hi ^^ I've been lurking on this site for a while, and I used to frequent hypnochan/the hypnochan IRC back in the day. I only recently decided to take the plunge and make an account here. It just gets to be a bit of a pain to have to search for pictures you KNOW you saw once before but can't remember what they were tagged, so I figured I could do better off just making an account and favoriting whatever I come across and like. Plus, I've recently getting back into the hypno fetish outside of just liking some of the manips on here, so I'm hoping to be able to talk to some folks about it and just make new friends!...who happen to like hypnosis and mind control >>;

So...yeah! Nice to meet you all!

New person :o. Hi.

Well then welcome and nice to meet you. o7

Always nice to see more people into hypnosis/mc.

10/12/14 12:57AM
llawliet said:
Hi ^^ I've been lurking on this site for a while, and I used to frequent hypnochan/the hypnochan IRC back in the day. I only recently decided to take the plunge and make an account here. It just gets to be a bit of a pain to have to search for pictures you KNOW you saw once before but can't remember what they were tagged, so I figured I could do better off just making an account and favoriting whatever I come across and like. Plus, I've recently getting back into the hypno fetish outside of just liking some of the manips on here, so I'm hoping to be able to talk to some folks about it and just make new friends!...who happen to like hypnosis and mind control >>;

So...yeah! Nice to meet you all!

Come to the chatroom! We have cookies. And friendship.
10/12/14 01:07AM
PomPom said:
Come to the chatroom! We have cookies. And friendship.

And fluff.
10/12/14 01:08AM
PomPom said:
Come to the chatroom! We have cookies. And friendship.

Which are by no means, whatsoever, hypno cookies.
10/12/14 05:42AM
Metals said:
Which are by no means, whatsoever, hypno cookies.

I knew it! It's the hypnotic friendship! D:
10/12/14 12:14PM
Metals said:
Which are by no means, whatsoever, hypno cookies.

Or hypnotic muffins.

Anyways it's always great to see a new face. Welcome. :D
10/14/14 09:30AM
llawliet said:
who happen to like hypnosis and mind control >>;

Nope. I hate them both. Obviously. (¬‿¬)

Jokes aside, I welcome you to your graduation from lurkerdom!

Whenever someone new posts a hello thread, I get a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling inside. :3


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