10/12/14 06:09AM
People who own PS3's Unite!
So i decided to make this thread because i'm looking for peeps to play PS3 games with, like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, but feel free to talk about anything Playstation/Sony/CONSOLE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS related.
The only thing i ask is keep it civil.
10/12/14 06:51AM
I could take you on in all stars battle.
10/12/14 06:56AM
All stars is a bullshit game.
fucking unbalanced as heck!
10/12/14 07:23AM
DHB said:
All stars is a bullshit game.
fucking unbalanced as heck!

Though I would have to agree with this.
Op raiden is op
10/12/14 07:25AM
DHB said:
All stars is a bullshit game.
fucking unbalanced as heck!

As an actual quote from the devs
It's meant to be a JoJo's game, not a competitive fighting game
Just identify what's OP and try not to fite it is all i can say
10/12/14 07:26AM
Pieman754 said:
Wanting to play JoJo's with a scrub

I'd have to wait 2 business days to play, but i'd love to as soon as i get my bearings.
10/12/14 07:38AM
My PSN is CYAthha, and I play -- on PS3, anyway -- Marvel and Persona 4 Ultimax, mostly.
10/12/14 01:49PM
Astral said:
My PSN is CYAthha, and I play -- on PS3, anyway -- Marvel and Persona 4 Ultimax, mostly.

Decent enough, can't say i play many fighting games, but i guess i bought All Star Battle because fan of the series.
10/12/14 09:59PM
I got one, but...

I kind of haven't hooked it up since moving a few months ago.

Partially because my old monitor kicked it and I have been using my TV as a monitor.
10/13/14 05:20AM
Oh God...
All Stars is Shit. DX
I have a copy and hate it XD
10/13/14 06:52AM
Lunakiri said:
Oh God...
All Stars is Shit. DX
I have a copy and hate it XD

TBH in america it's about 60 bucks, right
i got it here for 20 pounds, which by my calculations is about the average price of a steam game here, and in american dollars is 32.19, so i'll probably atleast get some fun out of it.
in other news, instead of calling a game bad, why not discuss games you feel are good?
10/14/14 07:19PM
All Star Battle just got delivered to me, anyone up for a fight?
10/20/14 09:23AM
I'll take all of you on. I'll likely lose but who cares?
10/20/14 09:32AM
tradejack said:
I'll take all of you on. I'll likely lose but who cares?

Add Benblu666 on PSN.(inb4 christianity, i was a bit weird back then)
10/20/14 10:04AM
Benblu said:
.(inb4 christianity,)

stop right there. Im a nihilist so no worries. My psn is deckenexe
1 2>>>

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