Mister Vi
10/13/14 10:34PM
Talents of DragonIce
so after a couple of sessions dragonice gave me the gift of a wonderfully amazing partner to explore my fantasies with. the experience prompted me to ask if you've ever had any similar experiences, and also to promote dragonice's amazing talents as a hypnotist...

for extra fun the my temporary companion was a cat girl:
so after playing around with some new suggestions to let dragonice toy with my head without me noticing. I find that a beautiful catgirl is perched on the couch next to me. She Introduces herself with some soft mewling, letting me pet her. then my lovely hypnotist left with a message along the lines of "she's there for an hour, have fun." The cat girl takes on a seductive look, pushing me to the floor and making me kneel and beg for her touch until I was panting like an animal. satisfied she brought me up to explore her body with my hands and lips, she seemed to enjoy the situation because she started stroking me with her tail, it felt amazing. she made me worship and pleasure her with my mouth while continuing the tail job. Soon I realized that she planned on keeping me on edge for as long as possible. she kept me on the brink, for most of our time together, while I brought her to climax after climax. my world became nothing more than my cat mistress and her pleasure. once her time was about to end she lifted me up so I could enter her, we made love until I came... then she dissipated. It was a dream come true and I couldn't be happier even writing about it.
10/13/14 10:43PM
Wow. I'd love to try out something like that.
10/13/14 10:55PM
Kinda jealous. I've been trying to induce hallucinations on myself, but haven't had much luck. Best I've gotten was a few mild tactile hallucinations and seeing a static image of a character appear to breathe and move her head from side to side.
10/13/14 11:41PM
Couldn't this have just gone in <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/14186|This thread?>>
Mister Vi
10/14/14 06:09AM
Mindwipe said:
Couldn't this have just gone in <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/14186|This thread?>>

oops sorry.. following orders. besides not all hallucinations are related to being "worried that you have fingers on your hands...." maybe that thread should be over here... sorry again.
10/14/14 02:43PM
Mindwipe said:
Couldn't this have just gone in <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/14186|This thread?>>

Thats entirely different topic... Different subject and different technique... That subject was brainwashed into a cat girl. That is not a hallucination, it is a belief and he got worried when something did not much, he saw normal human fingers when he believed that he has cat paws.
This subject has been given hallucination, he saw someone else in his room, could touch his visitor, etc.
The only thing in common this 2 threads have is me - the hypnotist.
10/14/14 07:58PM
Mindwipe said:
Couldn't this have just gone in <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/14186|This thread?>>

Even if the subjects of the two threads were the same, it really wouldn't make sense to have the hallucination thread be named something as nonsensical as that, would it?
10/14/14 11:02PM
DragonIce said:
Thats entirely different topic... Different subject and different technique... That subject was brainwashed into a cat girl. That is not a hallucination, it is a belief and he got worried when something did not much, he saw normal human fingers when he believed that he has cat paws.
This subject has been given hallucination, he saw someone else in his room, could touch his visitor, etc.
The only thing in common this 2 threads have is me - the hypnotist.

I fail to see how the two are that different. Also, it seems that both threads exist to promote you. So, let's keep that contained to one place, please.

Dreamshade said:
Even if the subjects of the two threads were the same, it really wouldn't make sense to have the hallucination thread be named something as nonsensical as that, would it?

Good thing we can change thread names.
Mister Vi
10/15/14 12:58AM
Mindwipe said:
both threads exist to promote you. So, let's keep that contained to one place, please.
Good thing we can change thread names.

thank you for letting me know that I could change the name, meow...

my owner suggested I do so, so that I could promote him meow.
He's turned me into a cat, meow.
he even gave me a nice collar because he's my owner, it makes me feel so happy meow.
it's nice I can feel my own tail my ears it's fun meow. I look so pretty and I have my new owner to thank for it meow :)
Mister Vi
10/15/14 01:25AM
Fun moments with hypnosis: after qutie a time of rolling around as a cat enjoying myself I get snapped out so I can function in normal people land without meowing all the time... then I see my own skype name... then it hit's me that it's my name, like I stared at it for a moment wondering who it was before I thought "oh it's me." it's quite trippy
10/15/14 04:58AM
I've had a similar experience when I listened to a cat file. I recall staring at words written out on some book covers but it didn't "click"; like they were just a cluster of letters and that they weren't important anyway.


I've been tempted to give this whole text chat hypnosis thing a try, what with the recent influx of text hypno success stories, but due to personal reasons I don't believe I'm ready. It's good to see a lot of you are enjoying yourselves though. c:
10/15/14 04:14PM
By the way, I want to do a little group session(around 10 subjects), who ever interested add me in skype: goldancientdrag
It will be a text session, but with skype group as a stage.
10/22/14 04:06AM
Hello, I was also asked to share an experience I've had with DragonIce.

I met DragonIce and we started talking about our interest in hypnosis, what we liked and wanted from it. He asked me a lot of questions about my previous experiences with hypnosis, how often it happened, what normally happened, and what it felt like to be in a trance; questions like that. I didn't really notice when I started to drift, but I started feeling the sensations that I normally feel when in a trance and let go into them. It felt incredible, and when he started to place the suggestions we had discussed beforehand, it felt even better.

The impressive part came next as he showed me a picture of a woman being suspended from the ceiling, and asked me to describe her and what she would be feeling, using this to make me feel like I was her. He then devised a scenario where I was being brainwashed, whilst in this position hearing an audio file reminding me constantly of the pleasure to be found in obedience. It was something else. The pleasure, the arousal, the heat were mind-blowing.

He is an amazing hypnotist and I'm certainly looking forward to our next time together.

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