10/14/14 06:21PM
Favorite Starter Pokemon?
Us Pokemon Trainers all have that soft spot for those starters that got us through it all. So, which is your favorite?

Mine would have to be a tie between Chespin, Totodile, Oshawott and Squirtle, I can't choose between them q_q
10/14/14 09:14PM
I have to go with Snivy. I've got a soft spot for grass-starters in general, and the Snivy line have fantastic designs and a stellar movepool (Coil is insanely good)

Plus, they're snakes. I fuckin love snakes (and noooo, not just for the obvious reasons) And its hidden ability is Contrary (sadly, not legitimately available. Yet)

Piplup is a close second.
Mister Vi
10/15/14 02:21AM
squirtle, started one in leaf green carried him all the way up to black. he never disappointed me, he never betrayed me even when I didn't have the badges. He also had the highest speed stat I've ever seen, he was a goddamn ninja turtle. I got into a match where he outran birds killing them with aqua tail before they could get any decent responses in... I like turtles.
10/15/14 02:28AM
10/15/14 02:28AM
Pikachu. Pokemon Yellow counts, right! I also did like Chikorita, he was cute.
10/15/14 03:08AM
I've never really liked grass types (till Gogoat was a part of my life) so I always went with water or fire. That said, my fave has to be Cyndaquil. Adorable at first but then he became a fast flame spitting badass
10/15/14 03:10AM
I like Mudkip (no really) because he evolves in to one of my favourite Pokemon.

But on first forms alone.... Hmmm... Squirtle was my first favourite.... But I really like Oshawott too.... And Froakie has found a way into my favourites.... Damn it! I can't choose!

I guess.... Oshawott because I like his whole line.
10/15/14 03:18AM
10/15/14 10:27AM

...What? Your rival starts with one in Yellow.
Okay, fine. Oshawott.
10/15/14 10:59AM
I would have to say Charmander or Squirtle.

Though Cyndaquil, Totodile and Piplup are high up there.
10/15/14 06:23PM
I've only ever played and beaten up to Gold/Silver, though FireRed Omega has let me try out the Hoenn starters. Still, I tend to lean toward water-types for some reason - Squirtle, Totodile, and Mudkip.

Totodile is the only pokemon I've ever leveled up all the way to 100, and I made him incredibly broken against everything really.

If romhacks like FRO count? Elekid then, if only because I always wanted an Electabuzz on my team back in gen 1.

And since each gen has different starters, I'm not gonna pick a best of the best because they're all awesome! XD
10/17/14 01:01AM
Turtwig for me.
10/17/14 08:46AM
Roxa said:

Accept no substitutes.... except maybe Cyndaquil
10/17/14 10:12AM
Gotta go with Torchic.
10/17/14 12:17PM
By strategic standards, I'd have to say either Mudkip or Piplup, because Swampert and Empoleon are not to be trifled with. Swampert's got that Water-Earth typing that negates Electric threats and packs a hard punch with a high attack and Earthquake, while Empoleon's Water-Steel typing leaves it well-defended against so many different types.

But by personal, biased choice with heavy influence from cuteness factor, I'd have to go with Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil was my first, and it is one of the darn cutest creatures I've ever seen, <<cdn.bulbagarden.net/uploa...ng/250px-155Cyndaquil.png|BECAUSE LOOK AT THAT NOSE-SNOUT. SO CUTE.>>
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