10/15/14 08:00PM
Prevailing JRPG Discussion Thread
Is anyone else here a fan of JRPG's? I wanted to make a discussion thread to see just what people were into here.

Here you can discuss anything even remotely pertaining to the subject and spoilers are allowed. However, the spoiler tags are mandatory for any spoiler.

Spoiler tags: [spo iler] -your text- [/spo iler] minus the spaces.
10/15/14 08:05PM
Great fan of :

-Final Fantasy (IX ftw)
-Kingdom Hearts
-Tales of (Symphonia and Phantasia)
-Bravely Default
-Dragon Quest
-Chrono Trigger
10/15/14 08:34PM
Roxa said:
Great fan of :

-Final Fantasy (IX ftw)
-Kingdom Hearts
-Tales of (Symphonia and Phantasia)
-Bravely Default
-Dragon Quest
-Chrono Trigger

Tales Series! I'm playing Graces now but Symphonia continues to be my all time favorite (Vesperia is #2 ><).

Also literally just started bravely default last night. It is gorgeous and intriguing, though I'm a little skeptical of the whole Sleep Points thing...
10/15/14 08:40PM
PomPom said:
Symphonia continues to be my all time favorite

Very good tastes !
I played Graces F and Xillia too, they kinda disappointed me...
Vesperia is good, but, I don't know... For me, it doesn't have the little thing Symphonia has.
10/15/14 08:43PM
Can't wait for Persona 5 :)...
Hope we'll get it next year and Square doesn't screw up the US/EU release.

Playing Lunar Silver Star: Harmony on my PSP right now, pretty awesome stuff (pretty mature, nice anime vid sequences (and lots of them) to lighten things up, good humor, awesome gameplay), albeit a bit too easy. Once I got it finished I'll get myself Persona 2, looking forward to that.
10/15/14 08:48PM
Dantus said:
Can't wait for Persona 5 :)...

The only reason I've never played any of the Persona games is because the text are only in english. x')
10/15/14 09:05PM
Roxa said:
Very good tastes !
I played Graces F and Xillia too, they kinda disappointed me...
Vesperia is good, but, I don't know... For me, it doesn't have the little thing Symphonia has.

I know the feeling. I like the characters of Graces but the story is meh. Xillia is next and I'm looking forward to Zestiria. Vesperia just was fun for me I think. I was really invested in the character interactions.

And Persona 4 is a big thing for me, if that hasn't been apparent yet :P
10/15/14 09:09PM
PomPom said:
I know the feeling. I like the characters of Graces but the story is meh. Xillia is next and I'm looking forward to Zestiria. Vesperia just was fun for me I think. I was really invested in the character interactions.

And Persona 4 is a big thing for me, if that hasn't been apparent yet :P

Oh yeah, Yuri is one of the best protagonist ever for me !
I love his attitude, it changes from the "cliché" of the kind and naive hero.
10/15/14 09:09PM
the only JRPG i played in my entire life was Final fantasy 3 on DS

man the last level of this game, when you cant save, and must fight a boss, then lost to the second boss, THEN fight 4 others boss THEN ONLY FIGHT THE FINAL BOSS


i never play any JRPG after that :(
10/15/14 09:13PM
Cell said:
the only JRPG i played in my entire life was Final fantasy 3 on DS

man the last level of this game, when you cant save, and must fight a boss, then lost to the second boss, THEN fight 4 others boss THEN ONLY FIGHT THE FINAL BOSS


i never play any JRPG after that :(

The first episodes of FF are quite hard, and doesn't really have a story (except FF IV).
But man, from VI to X, it's like the golden age of the serie, you have to play them !
10/15/14 09:21PM
The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky

Want 2nd chapter nao!
10/15/14 09:39PM
I can't get into JRPGs at all. The only one I was able to get into when I was younger was Radiata Stories and it still remains the only JRPG I can play for hours without getting bored.
10/15/14 10:53PM
Roxa said:
Oh yeah, Yuri is one of the best protagonist ever for me !
I love his attitude, it changes from the "cliché" of the kind and naive hero.

He's just a badass! Like a legit one, not the pansy ones we're used to obsessed with doing the right thing.

Also he and estellise are like OTP of all time.
10/16/14 02:55AM
I'll say it as many times as people are willing to ask, .Hack is my all time favorite game/anime series.

Aside from that I'm really into the Tales series with vesperia being my intro to the franchise and I haven't looked back since. I've only been following the more recent tales games so far but I plan on going back to the oldies at some point. I just started abyss on the 3ds.

The disgaea series is also one of my favorites despite the fact that I've never actually beaten any of them.

The only other JRPG's I like besides the ones I already mentioned are the Devil Survivor and Persona series (Both the original and Social Link generations)
10/16/14 03:05AM
Sol420 said:
I'll say it as many times as people are willing to ask, .Hack is my all time favorite game/anime series.

An old one but I always liked the presentation of these. They were fun :)
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