10/04/13 05:54AM
A Constructive Chat About Manips Pt. 2
The following is a lengthy(somewhat augmented) argumentative response I made to voice my concern about what I believe to be a still steadily declining quality in the photo-manipulated content of our site. Though a few things might lose context I still feel it portrays a valid point that I hope you all will take into consideration and give constructive feed back to.

Mindwipe said:
Well, what type of mind control eyes do you like? :P

It's just an aesthetic preference. Some like spiral eyes, some like whitewash eyes, some like empty eyes... And some have no preference.

00* said:
I suppose it is a matter of aesthetics but going down that road one could easily get lost in thought. If someone can be turned on by this than why not anything? And then you remember rule 34 and convolutedly diverse two different minds can be let alone two thousand. Yet somehow they all manage to converge in agree met on a single albeit wide realm of preference; enough so that they can even form a system of quality control rules.

I understand that art is completely arbitrary but does that not mean that you of the administration haven't the right to omit anything! If you "moderators" can unite on singular lines of aesthetic such as body proportions and eye boarders than surely you can understand my disgruntlement in the steadily rising amount of recent image... no... all images in which anime characters are depicted brutality hacked out and sometimes not even replaced....

I'll admit that western styles of art are not always my cup of tea but when I do enjoy them I like seeing them with spiral eyes and sometimes-but rarely-whitewash eyes. However, that is solely for western images. How often are anime images ever depicted with a single character lacking their irises to display hypnotism or mind control. It's a slim ration I can assure you. When I see manips of anime characters that don't have their irises I am utterly removed from what ever the manipper and the artist was trying to convey. Are the irises not a vital part of what defines an anime image? It's one thing to try and bled anime and western in to an art style but to try to blend them into a manipping style might really be pushing it. While an artist can start from scratch and combine two influences into something original; a manipper is already using someone else's work. That means that anything a manipper makes is automatically derivative.

It is only a personal opinion of mine but I say if you're going to be derivative of someone else's tireless efforts at least have the decency to try and make it authentic. Do the original artist justice and put sometime into it. Don't just destroy a part they might have spent over a half an hour on and replace it with some blunt symbol you got from 30 millisecond Google search. I just don't feel as though it's fair that manippers here can post something that took them less than twenty minute to produce and still get more praise from people than those people may ever give the original artist. Some people here don't even think about the original artist they just see a hot babe with spirals stuffed into her sockets and think "Ooo, sexy..." How is that any different from what goes on at the collective?

I know that I'm saying lot of things people might not want to hear so I'll close with this. To all the manippers and aspiring manippers out there; pay respects to your source material. Try to make your manips look more authentic, as they were real pictures. If you're writing for a text manip learn the characters back story and try to come up with something that fits into that. It completely takes me out of the story when I see an image of Tomoe Mami doing paizuri and the texts has her as some lonely housewife named Jennifer (and I haven't even seen the anime yet). Maybe these gripes aren't as big with everyone as they are with me but I think this is a goo way to take the quality of manipping to the next level. So, if you truly take pride in your manips, not as another cheap random bit of fap material to get you off but as a respected art form like photo-editing then please guys, don't be image whores.

No disrespect to any of the manippers, I had just been sitting on this for years and I wanted to get it out.
10/04/13 06:11AM
First of all, what exactly do you mean?
If you're referring to when people just blank out their entire eyes and all you see is whiteness... then I think that is indeed stupid.
But if you're referring to when their eyes are all a blank color (usually ends up being a gradient), then I'm afraid I can't agree, since I really like that and that is actually the preferred way for Japanese people to show mind control (and I think it's pretty hot too).

But I agree at least about the whole "knowing the character" thing.
It's not "Jennifer", It's Tomoe Mami. That's the name of the character. I know it, and you should try and take into account that I may find it distracting and hard to immerse myself in the story because of that.
Insert head pun here.
10/04/13 06:26AM
00* said:
Some people here don't even think about the original artist they just see a hot babe with spirals stuffed into her sockets and think "Ooo, sexy..."

I would be that kind of person. I'm quite happy with the current state of manips, as well as the moderation of what is and isn't allowed here. Could there be more "high quality" manips than we're be seeing? Possibly. But for now I can't complain very much. Maybe whitewashes are a little lazy in my book, but everything else I see here still pleases me.
10/04/13 06:28AM
Alright, I'm gonna try and break this down and give my perspective and opinions. I'm going to ignore the opening part that seems to target our QC policies, as I feel that is beside the point of this thread. I will, however, point out that the point of our QC policies is not to only let a certain level of quality in.

How often are anime images ever depicted with a single character lacking their irises to display hypnotism or mind control. It's a slim ration I can assure you. When I see manips of anime characters that don't have their irises I am utterly removed from what ever the manipper and the artist was trying to convey. Are the irises not a vital part of what defines an anime image? It's one thing to try and bled anime and western in to an art style but to try to blend them into a manipping style might really be pushing it. While an artist can start from scratch and combine two influences into something original; a manipper is already using someone else's work. That means that anything a manipper makes is automatically derivative.

Here, it seems you are making the argument that no one should use any type of mind control eyes besides empty eyes for anime characters, or at the very least, not use any type of eye that changes the basic look of the eye. I think this limits creativity, and causes things to get repetitive quickly. There are so many types of mind control eyes. Why should we restrict what type of eyes anime images can have? Why is it okay for an artist to combine Western and anime influences, but not manippers? It seems like a double standard. Also, I believe the anime art style (which is actually a wide variety of art styles) is defined by much more than just the irises; enough to where their absence shouldn't affect the style of the pic.

It is only a personal opinion of mine but I say if you're going to be derivative of someone else's tireless efforts at least have the decency to try and make it authentic. Do the original artist justice and put sometime into it. Don't just destroy a part they might have spent over a half an hour on and replace it with some blunt symbol you got from 30 millisecond Google search.

I honestly can't place a spiral in eyes without it being off-center or outside the boundaries of the eyes. I know that probably says a lot more about me than the people that make those manips, but I'm just saying, don't dismiss how long it can take to learn something like that. You also seem to be subtly suggesting that people shouldn't manip at all. You point out that they're changing "some else's tireless efforts". That's true, but I don't see why it should matter, or why the manipper should take into account how much time the artist may have put into the work. We aren't ungrateful for the artist's work. After all, without it, we would have nothing to manip. Most of us can't just fap to spirals; it's the rest of the pic that makes us love it. But we aren't artists ourselves. Most of us aren't capable of creating that level of art.

I just don't feel as though it's fair that manippers here can post something that took them less than twenty minute to produce and still get more praise from people than those people may ever give the original artist. Some people here don't even think about the original artist they just see a hot babe with spirals stuffed into her sockets and think "Ooo, sexy..." How is that any different from what goes on at the collective?

Why does it bother you what other people enjoy? If 20 people favorite a manip that took 20 minutes to make and only 5 favorite a pic that took 20 hours, what does it matter? I can understand being upset that something you view to be of lesser quality is getter more attention than something you worked hard on (or that you know someone else worked hard on), believe me. But people will like what they like, and keep in mind that it's not just the manipper's work they like, it's the original artist's as well. Most people come here to find images they can fap to, and I'd wager there's a decent number who don't even care who made them, let alone how long it took.

If you're writing for a text manip learn the characters back story and try to come up with something that fits into that. It completely takes me out of the story when I see an image of Tomoe Mami doing paizuri and the texts has her as some lonely housewife named Jennifer (and I haven't even seen the anime yet).

While it also bothers me when a character I recognize is called by some other name, I think it's unfair to expect everyone to research every character they manip a pic of. After all, game CGs are one of the biggest sources of manips, and I'd wager most people couldn't tell you what game a particular CG is from. Keep in mind that not everyone knows or even recognizes every character. It is possible to mistakenly believe that some popular character is actually some OC a random artist drew (trust me, I've seen it before). And, again, I'd make the argument that it somewhat stifles creativity to say that all characters must be portrayed as they are in-universe in manips. If someone sees a pic that inspires them to make a text manip, but it likely doesn't fit the characters portrayed in it, should they simply not make it, even if it could be REALLY good? I would much rather see their idea, even if they call Mami "Jennifer".

So, if you truly take pride in your manips, not as another cheap random bit of fap material to get you off but as a respected art form like photo-editing then please guys, don't be image whores.

I feel this is overly judgmental. Again, why does it matter why someone does something? A lot of people make manips to fap. What's wrong with that? As I stated earlier, that's why most people come here. You can't tell me that a lot of the artists who cater to our (or any) fetish don't make their art knowing full well that it's fap material. Why is the same not acceptable for manips? And I'll be perfectly honest, I don't consider photo-editing to be a respected art form. There are some who can do AMAZING things with it, but rarely is it on the level of original art. Honestly, I've always considered manipping to be a (comparatively) quick and easy way for those without drawing ability to create content.
10/04/13 06:32AM
Well at least we can agree on a few things but I don't believe that most anime artists prefer to remove the irises completely in place of a gradient to show mind control. Some might, maybe but most do not.

Maybe I should rewrite my concerns in a more clear way.
10/04/13 06:39AM
LittleToyMaker said:
if you're referring to when their eyes are all a blank color (usually ends up being a gradient), then I'm afraid I can't agree, since I really like that and that is actually the preferred way for Japanese people to show mind control (and I think it's pretty hot too).

10/04/13 07:02PM
Am... am I the only one on this site who likes whitewash eyes? :(

tbh, empty eyes have never really packed enough of a kick for me. I can definitely appreciate the time and effort it takes to manip them, but unless there's some context to the image, like a visible means of induction, or a caption, it's never really been enough to sell the hypnosis to me. Whereas, you see the irises replaced with swirls, or hearts, or removed entirely, and you instantly think, "okay, they're zonked out."
10/04/13 09:09PM
Vorp said:
Am... am I the only one on this site who likes whitewash eyes? :(

Most likely you didn't upload all of the examples, so I'm pretty sure you're not the only one who likes them. And it's good to have variety.

And I can feel you, it's sad to have a fetish for something that's scarce :(
10/04/13 09:58PM
Hey, I pretty much agree with you! My standards for MC pictures are unusually high, and I rarely find manips that manage to meet that standard (text manips are pretty much an automatic "no").

...but you know what, I prefer to just ignore these things and focus on the stuff that I do see as high-quality, instead of complaining about what I don't like. After all, even if I hate spirals and Kaa, other people clearly like them, so... whatever floats their boats, I guess.

Alternatively, Sturgeon's Law.
10/04/13 11:14PM
For me, I tend to get off on trances. Since most of what I look at is anime art, where empty eyes are the #1 indicator of trance, empty eyes have basically become my favorite. That's how I can look through hypnosis CG sets and fap without knowing the context of the image. I see a girl with empty eyes and think "she's in a trance, and that's hot" and let my imagination take care of the rest, if necessary.

But empty eyes don't go with everything, and I look at Western art too. Plus, Kaa eyes are my 2nd favorite, and my whole fetish started with The Jungle Book... So, I like a variety of mind control eyes in my fap material. My hypnofetish is pretty versatile.
10/05/13 09:42PM
Mindwipe said:
I see a girl with empty eyes and think "she's in a trance, and that's hot" and let my imagination take care of the rest, if necessary.

I do something similar for mind break :P

Mindwipe said:
My hypnofetish is pretty versatile.

Well, there's someone out there fapping to badly-recorded amateur missionary with an average-looking couple on it.

But I can't say I never lower my bar, because... firstly there's just not enough "excellent" or sometimes even "good" stuff in a specific sub-genre, and <<i.imgur.com/7aXks.png|secondly...>>

So sometimes you just do what you have to do <<oi54.tinypic.com/j6rkh4.jpg|and>>.
10/05/13 10:15PM

This seems another case of "people aren't making things which hit my exact chords and therefore I hate it!"

There are more than 2 extremes, guys. You don't need to LOVE something or HATE it. Indifference is a thing also.

I get off to empty eyes. I wish I could explain it. But when you show Delia Ketchum with wide open eyes and those blank emotionless gradient eyes it does something to me (PS: Fuck Pokemon 3 the Movie for throwing that at me. Talk about an unexpected/unwelcome reminder of your kink). Do others enjoy that? Who the fuck cares. I'm not watching anyone elses "interest" fodder and I sure as hell hope no one is tracking through my favorites and making judgments on my likes and dislikes.

There is plenty of content to go around, but a quite honest and hearty FUCK. YOU. if you think you can/should or even have the briefest ability to control what others do to meet your personal needs. That's what commissions are for and I for one know that not everything that comes out of Purple Tree Studios hits the "community" button but for the person who requests it, it is a work of art that they cherish.

There shouldn't even be a discussion on "Most of the stuff that gets posted here... -- Change it!" ever. People have different tastes. Plain and simple. Find enjoyment out of what you can and stop trying to control the will of others... and if you're going to try, at least break out the pocket watch so we can get something out of it.
10/06/13 01:07AM
bellchan said:
There are more than 2 extremes, guys. You don't need to LOVE something or HATE it. Indifference is a thing also.

There is plenty of content to go around, but a quite honest and hearty FUCK. YOU. if you think you can/should or even have the briefest ability to control what others do to meet your personal needs.

Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean that I'd want content here removed or something, if that's what it looked like. I'm all for having everyone's kinks here (even the ones I do not like), and I don't even blacklist anything so I'm pretty open-minded about "what should be allowed".

My only standards are about what gets saved to my computer, and that's why I lament the lack of some of the things I like.
10/06/13 02:27AM
bell was just replying to the thread, not you, Stem.
10/06/13 06:06AM
Uh... sorry if that comment was partly directed at me, bellchan. For the record, I have no problem with people liking empty eyes. I'm just not a huge fan myself.
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