10/18/14 09:58PM
Anyone here played 7 Sins (you know... The porn game?) (Spoilers?)
Hello all!

I just ask here if anyone ever played 7 Sins... It's really a porn game with an excuse plot where you're basically a Pick Up Artist trying to climb the corporate ladder... But the game covers a few fetishes while being relatively short.

One of the levels tales place in a BDSM club. Foodplay, exhibitionism/voyeurism, S/M, and even a tantric altar. Your objective here is to learn the identities of as many people as possible (for blackmailing purposes.).

The next level is a fight club where you have to seduce your way through the trainers' tests to find the boss, give her a beatdown so she stops sending her goons after you.

The next level is pretty funny, and is actually the one I wanted to talk about. It's called L'escargot. L'escargot is a restaurant trying to be high class. Five people are invited to the grand opening: a female high class culinary critic, a female dietitian, a male crusader against modified crops, a male sanitary inspector, and the last odd out: a complete bimbo who plans to seduce the chef to get promoted assistant. Now, the thing is, the restaurant is far from functional in any of the areas that these people inspect... So trying your usual seduction tactics, you hit a road block as you can't improve the relation past a certain point with any of the people invited. So you must talk to the chef who gives you challenges, and for each of this challenges passed the chef gives you his special mind-control concoctions (seriously). A pills to make males your best friends, love potions... And real honest to goodness penis-shaped bimbofication ice creams (In am not kidding)! Give the bimbofication ice creams to the ladies (except the bimbo, see below), and for a while they start acting like complete sex crazed ditzes, including undressing in full view of everyone if you get them a bit horny (and it's easy, just pick the sex/foreplay dialog option). Give it a little time to rest, and they adjust to a bimbofied and way more sex crazed version of themselves. Now, I said the bimbo was a special case... At first, she becomes slightly more of a bimbo... But when the effects fully settle, she is fully unbimbofied and becomes a really smart girl who has absolutely zero interest in sex.

This game was the one which corrupted me by introducing me to the bimbofication fetish, and for a porn game, it has a surprisingly amazing attention to detail...

I am not making *any* of this up.

Anyone here played this game?

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