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052614"Let's try Hypnosis"

(TL note: The "SHOW" replaces "しょ" as a pun.)
Rogurao2022-06-23 13:56:23Revert
052615Next up is this one ri~ght here~♪Rogurao2022-06-23 14:13:27Revert
052616Here is today's guest! Rakugo storyteller Kigurumi Haroukitei.Rogurao2022-06-23 14:19:03Revert
052617Next up here in this cor~ner~♪Rogurao2022-06-23 14:23:37Revert
052618This corner's plan is to let you enjoy the girl's cuteness and hypnosis without worrying about any evil intentions.Rogurao2022-06-23 14:30:19Revert
052619P-Pleased to meet you~...Rogurao2022-06-23 14:31:32Revert