10/22/14 01:09PM
Faustus's back?!
So....on hypnopics-collective there's now someone telling 'she' would be our beloved Faustus and wants to hold another manip contest.
If she's really the original Faustus is an assertion in contest :\
If she's really back it would only be nice that we go there and greet her for coming back!

Real Faustus back= (Maybe) More comics
10/22/14 01:20PM
Huzzah :D
10/22/14 01:22PM
strangeperson said:
Huzzah :D

I nearly got an heart-attack but your reaction is good too :D
10/22/14 01:24PM
10/22/14 01:26PM
10/22/14 02:11PM
10/22/14 05:07PM
I'll Huzzah if she ever uploads her old pics and comics...
10/22/14 07:21PM
10/22/14 10:53PM
I wouldn't get too excited. People who take off and sever everything like that tend to do it again. I'm a furry, and you run into this an awful lot in the furry community. I know it's not quite the same but our communities are still very similar.
10/22/14 11:02PM
Chaytel said:
I wouldn't get too excited. People who take off and sever everything like that tend to do it again. I'm a furry, and you run into this an awful lot in the furry community. I know it's not quite the same but our communities are still very similar.

same here, i followed a 3d artist 3 years ago who make great stuff with kaa : presidus

then for 2 years, he disappear, no news, no answer, nothing
when everybody was thinking he was dead, he come back, just post some other stuff for 6 months

now its been 6 month since his last update, and again no news, so i cant trust artist who come back from dead anymore :(
10/23/14 03:38AM

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