10/23/14 07:16AM
Hello! (This also isn't the same Hello! thread from before)
Long time fan, first time posting. Figured I'd hope in and thank the folks here for the great art I've been enjoying. so, thanks. :)

Anyone around these parts enjoy RP? Feel free to hit me up and we can chat. Been awhile since I had some fun MC-related RP.
10/23/14 07:26AM
Changed thread title to avoid confusion.

Also, hello!
10/23/14 07:29AM
Mindwipe said:
Changed thread title to avoid confusion.

Also, hello!

Oh, thanks. Couldn't find any Forum guidelines. >_>
10/23/14 08:09AM
Mi-Go said:
Oh, thanks. Couldn't find any Forum guidelines. >_>

Don't sweat it, nothing to do with guidelines. :)

We just have a previous thread titled Hello that turned into the biggest thread on the forums, so we wanted to avoid people thinking it was bumped. XD

Anyway, hello there, and welcome to the Hub!
10/23/14 09:25AM
Thank you for the warm welcomes. :)
10/23/14 10:14AM
Welcome to the hub. It's always great to see new people talking :D
10/23/14 01:48PM

....These 'Hello!' threads keep stacking <.<
10/23/14 02:49PM
Hi hi!

I'm Eshie! I draw stuff and I make a fine doormat! Don't be afraid to ask me anything.

You should check out the IRC too if you haven't already. Join us, we're fun!
10/24/14 12:31AM
Thanks for the warm welcomes. :)

So, any rp'ers? Drop me a PM or something. I've been jonsing for some good MC-related rp lately. It's a sickness, really.
10/24/14 09:30AM
You can probably find a few RPers on the IRC channels actually o:

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