10/23/14 11:19PM
Possible Hiatus In a few days
Hey guys, some rather unexpected news heading in your direction.

I am going through a lot of life issues. One of them being.... I can't do this forever. This whole "drawing lewd for chump change" thing.

I've wanted to go a certain direction with my art for the longest time. I wound up taking this because I felt the money came in a little quicker and I could make some side money to help my family. Then I got in over my head.

Now I'm stuck in a rut with a shit paying job, a lot of work piled up, I'm always depressed, little to no friends in real life. I'm just unhappy.

I need time to think about what I want to do in life. I'm 21... so I need to get my shit together NOW.

And the part all of you are probably wondering about

"What about my commission!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I'll be doing them still.... I have a few other customers who I owe for the longest time and trust me, I feel like a faggot for it. I've dropped the ball quite a few times. I'm absolutely sorry for anyone who ordered a big commission from me and has been waiting for some time. If I have to, I will find a way to refund the money I was paid to make these things. It won't be easy, but I fucked up, so I have to face my consequences.

Again... I'm sorry

I'll post more as events go on
10/23/14 11:32PM
Shit... Sorry to hear that...
I sincerely hope that things will get better for you.

As one of your commissioner, let me tell you that I don't care if you can't do the second thing I asked for.
And I won't ask for a refund.
10/24/14 09:19AM
Oh wow. I love your art, it's a real shame to hear you're having these sorts of problems with depression and whatnot. All I can really say though, if it helps, is that although we may all be anonymous faces on the internet, you have a lot of people here that really appreciate you for your work and your contributions to the community. It's certainly not a true replacement for "real life" friends but... I mean, certainly should count for something, yeah? :/

I know I'm certainly not one to be able to talk since I barely comment on anything here as it is, but I can guarantee that just about everyone here'll support you 100% for whatever you decide to do. I certainly feel you on the crappy job thing. Unfortunately I can't really say anything there, I'm in the same boat. Best of luck to you on that front too.
10/24/14 01:43PM
^-- Anything from above and take the time you need Pk! :\
10/25/14 01:30AM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time, Pen. :/

Just let me mimic more or less everything Chibideath said. We appreciate all you've done for and shared with us, and we'll support you with any decision you make. I know how it is, depression and all that, so I can really sympathize. I truly wish you the best of luck in getting yourself to a better position in your life, and I do hope to see you again soon.

Forgive me if it seems cold to bring this up here, but you know that I have little choice. You are on the potential rewarder list for the Hub's first original art contest. Given the situation, would you like me to scratch your name off that list? It's no too late to opt out, and no one will blame you if you do.
10/28/14 01:21AM
Vanndril said:
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time, Pen. :/

Just let me mimic more or less everything Chibideath said. We appreciate all you've done for and shared with us, and we'll support you with any decision you make. I know how it is, depression and all that, so I can really sympathize. I truly wish you the best of luck in getting yourself to a better position in your life, and I do hope to see you again soon.

Forgive me if it seems cold to bring this up here, but you know that I have little choice. You are on the potential rewarder list for the Hub's first original art contest. Given the situation, would you like me to scratch your name off that list? It's no too late to opt out, and no one will blame you if you do.

No No, I made a promise that I will do so and I'm gonna stick to it

As for the rest of you guys, thank you so much for the support. It's been a rough couple of days, with work issues, and my dog having a seizure and having to take care of her, I just need a breather.

I do plan on getting things straight and figuring out how to balance both of my SFW and NSFW works though. And I plan on doing a casual little livestream tomorrow.

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