10/28/14 03:42PM
YCH Style Request?
How many folks are familiar with Your Character Here auctions? I've had a few group hypno pictures in mind and I don't just want to draw any random characters, or just repeat my own all the time either. Now I doubt I'm a popular enough artist to get much out of an auction so I'm going to throw this out there and see if anyone would like to get in on this:

Nasier my genie OC enslaving four girls into being part of his harem, complete with outfits to match when its more fleshed out. Ideally I'd prefer OCs, but I'll take ideas for the four girls from the community.
10/29/14 02:25AM
How about a girl from Winx Club?
10/29/14 03:05AM
If only Zyii posted my avatar!

That's the only OC I know of, otherwise I'd recommend <<|Ritsu>> from <<|K-on.>>
10/29/14 05:20AM
Don't know any OCs, but I always have a hankering for new Korra hypno.
10/29/14 08:22AM
I don't really have any OCs either or else I would volunteer. Can't wait to see it though :D
10/29/14 09:12AM
Understandable he main pull would be for characters fro series. Is there any particular numbered pose people would want for a character?
10/29/14 09:28AM
Well, if you're cool working a futa character into there, there's my nameless spider-girl:

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