10/30/14 03:30AM
Hi, I'm not 100% sure if this goes here sorry if it isn't. I've been lurking this site for a long time and decided I'd like to try and get connected with the community.
So yea, hi
10/30/14 07:12AM
Jacey said:
Hi, I'm not 100% sure if this goes here sorry if it isn't. I've been lurking this site for a long time and decided I'd like to try and get connected with the community.
So yea, hi

10/30/14 08:21AM
Hello and welcome. It's always great to see new people on the site :D
10/30/14 11:20AM
Jacey Denton

10/30/14 01:01PM
Hehe another "Hello" titled thread....

Anyway, hi hi!

I remember seeing you on the IRC last night! I hope you stick around and join in the fun! Oh, and take these pamphlets!

*Eshie hands over pamphlets reading: "Join the cult of the Fluff Goddess today!", "Hail Hypno-tan!", "[Become a Brackets Club member]" "For the cost of a pizza Eshie will draw anything for you, feed your Eshie for the holidays!", "Maps to Hub member's homes and the best trees to hide in!"*

10/30/14 02:41PM
I don't think we have an official introductions thread. Maybe one of the "Hello" threads should be one?

Anyway, hello! Always nice to see a fresh face on here (so to speak).
10/31/14 01:20AM
It's fine to post this here, yes. :)

Welcome to the Hub, Jacey! :D

eshie said:
Hehe another "Hello" titled thread....

Maybe we should change Nadia's Hello thread to "Club Nadia" after all, just to differentiate. XD
10/31/14 10:40AM
Vanndril said:
Maybe we should change Nadia's Hello thread to "Club Nadia" after all, just to differentiate. XD

and <<fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/...by_speedfox22-d5aydxi.png| destroy the legacy??? >>
10/31/14 08:27PM
Anno1404 said:
and <<fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/...by_speedfox22-d5aydxi.png| destroy the legacy??? >>

No... To create a legend!
10/31/14 08:54PM
Why can't we just have different categories for the forum already?
10/31/14 09:29PM
RebKMG said:
Why can't we just have different categories for the forum already?

Because I ain't touching PHP with a 10-yard stick, if I can help it. :P

And because my suggestion to the developer for the feature has not yet been accepted.

And because the dude who offered to make it for us a little while ago is still trying to clear his backlog of other projects before he starts doing anything My Imouto Booru-related (though he may or may not have forgotten about my request, by now).
11/01/14 12:05AM
I still maintain that it's kind of silly when less than a dozen threads are posted/updated per day. It's like building and maintaining a Wallace & Gromit machine to spread jam on your toast.
11/01/14 12:34AM
Hi? o/
11/01/14 04:20AM
I think I should greet you too.

it's been a while I saw you, glad you posted it there o/
11/01/14 07:14AM
greasyi said:
I still maintain that it's kind of silly when less than a dozen threads are posted/updated per day. It's like building and maintaining a Wallace & Gromit machine to spread jam on your toast.

While true, it would also be nice to have. It probably wouldn't be used overly much, but at the very least maybe we'd have a story section.

Metals said:
Hi? o/

Oh, right! This is a hello thread. Uh, don't mind us, Jacey, we always get off topic like this. :P
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