11/04/14 09:19AM
1 sketch a day!
Hey all!

I want to do 1 hypno sketch a day. And yes, I do mean sketch.
<<|Something like this>> to be specific =)

But I need some help. I'm not sure if I can think of what to do, for each day. SO! I'm here asking you all =D

Between now and the new year, I want to do one a day. Yepyep.

So I guess... consider this a sketch hypno request thing.
Yes I have comms I'm working on, but I'm waiting on replies from the people who want them for some and blahblah. In short, I have some free time. [A sketch could be done in 3o minutes anyway XD]

Soooo. yeah.

Gimme your suggestions!

11/04/14 01:38PM
Any character coil walking. That's an under appreciated part of the Kaa scenes.
11/04/14 04:57PM
Lunakiri said:
I want to do 1 hypno sketch a day.


Gimme your suggestions!


Anything...? :3

You should sketch yourself sketching the sketch of you sketching the sketch of you sketching the sketch of you... *trails off*

I kid, of course.

Uh... let's see... A few random ideas for good measure...

* A character being hypnotized by a passing butterfly with hypnotic-patterned wings.
* A character with an abnormally happy facial expression w/ small tentacles coming out the ear(s) (you know, parasitic mind control).
* A character strapped to a chair wearing a mind control helmet - a classic.
* A character being afflicted with a love spell or drinking a love potion.
* A character quite literally attached to magical puppet strings, wearing an empty expression - the best kind of puppet, indeed!

I think five general suggestions is enough. I don't want to drown you in them. :P

If you were looking for more detailed suggestions, let me know. Also, if you need character ideas...I'll pull out my list. :3
11/04/14 06:02PM
Would it be too forward of me to ask for sketches featuring my own characters? I'd love to see someone take on my Genie character Nasir for example, doesn't have to be anything in particular just him doing what he does. And if you don't like that hypno OC, I have others!
11/04/14 06:50PM
As a Dark Souls fan: Crossbreed Priscilla being hypnotized and masturbating ;).
Real shame that there is 0 MC art of her, she really deserves it. Such an outstanding character.
In case you are one of the few people that haven't played Dark Souls, here is some reference material :):
And as she appears in the game:
11/04/14 11:04PM
finerhats said:
Any character coil walking. That's an under appreciated part of the Kaa scenes.



Vanndril said:
Anything...? :3

You should sketch yourself sketching the sketch of you sketching the sketch of you sketching the sketch of you... *trails off*

I kid, of course.

Uh... let's see... A few random ideas for good measure...

* A character being hypnotized by a passing butterfly with hypnotic-patterned wings.
* A character with an abnormally happy facial expression w/ small tentacles coming out the ear(s) (you know, parasitic mind control).
* A character strapped to a chair wearing a mind control helmet - a classic.
* A character being afflicted with a love spell or drinking a love potion.
* A character quite literally attached to magical puppet strings, wearing an empty expression - the best kind of puppet, indeed!

I think five general suggestions is enough. I don't want to drown you in them. :P

If you were looking for more detailed suggestions, let me know. Also, if you need character ideas...I'll pull out my list. :3

Somehow... I think I expected you to show up XD Lol.
And be as detailed as you want! =D

Mr.H said:
Would it be too forward of me to ask for sketches featuring my own characters? I'd love to see someone take on my Genie character Nasir for example, doesn't have to be anything in particular just him doing what he does. And if you don't like that hypno OC, I have others!

Doesn't matter to me!
As long as anyone who suggests specific characters realizes that I may not use that character. I may use one of my own OC's, or a game/anime/show/movie/book/whatever character I like instead. [Not guaranteed. But it IS possible].

Dantus said:
As a Dark Souls fan: Crossbreed Priscilla being hypnotized and masturbating ;).
Real shame that there is 0 MC art of her, she really deserves it. Such an outstanding character.
In case you are one of the few people that haven't played Dark Souls, here is some reference material :):
And as she appears in the game:

She's fucking HUGE!
Holy shite!
11/05/14 01:59AM
Lunakiri said:
She's fucking HUGE!
Holy shite!

Well... you could draw her normal sized... as long as there are no puny humans for size comparisons present xD...

And she is so adorable...and fluffy... especially the tail... you just want to hug her ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
11/05/14 03:49AM
Dantus said:
And she is so adorable...and fluffy... especially the tail... you just want to hug her ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

ok....that's strange! Female char..."she's <<|so fluffy>>"

11/05/14 10:23AM
Anno1404 said:
ok....that's strange! Female char..."she's <<|so fluffy>>"

I'm Strange. o:

All hail the fluffy tail @.@

Speaking of Dark Souls, why not have a character getting hypnotized by the flames of a bonfire? Could just take an OC and dress them up in knight armor (or one of the other armors in game)
11/05/14 03:08PM
Lunakiri said:


Like in the second encounter, where Mowgli sleepwalks along Kaa's body?
Like this:
11/06/14 12:19AM
Some boy being hypnotized by kneeling woman's statue. And this statue make this person masturbate for sure plsplspls
11/06/14 07:31AM
Hmm let me see... this is for a fanfic, I just need girls acting like animals with those harstyles (dont care if they're wearing the same clothes, naked if possible) they're so much... but at least want the doggy or monkey girl xD.:

- acting like a dog.

- acting like a monkey

- acting like a cow

- acting like a kitty and chicken

If you cant, no problem x_X.
11/06/14 09:02AM
<<|One of Vann's ideas>>
<<|FinerHats ideas>> with REALLY borked anatomy. Sorry!
11/06/14 07:41PM
Lunakiri said:
<<|One of Vann's ideas>>

Huzzah! Love potions!

Lunakiri said:
<<|FinerHats ideas>> with REALLY borked anatomy. Sorry!

Huz-wah? Anatomy lesson! :P
11/07/14 04:01AM
Lunakiri said:
borked anatomy.

Nnnaaaaaa....Her foot should be twisted like this if she spontaneously decides to walk in the other direction....
But I'll have to say the snake is well nourished....I mean her eye is as big as the girl's face xD
1 2>>>

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