11/12/14 04:56AM
Want you want. (baby I got it)
As I am working on my comic commissions, which will only be fully posted once all pages are finished. I can't help but feel like I am falling behind in my art sharing abilities.

So, I would like to start this little forum to the community, in hopes that some people would like to share their ideas for more content. Helping me, and hopefully other artists struggling for ideas.
Just small things.
Whether they are your tastes, or theme'd with the month.

Not sure if there is already a regular forum for this. But I'm lazy and didn't feel like checking. But I hope all you wonderful people out there that enjoy my art, wanting me to draw more of a certain thing (BESIDES LoZ comic... yeah I know, it's coming).

11/13/14 06:29PM
You know from that title, I was afraid that you were about to say that you weren't feeling respected here or something.

Anyway, as far as general requests go, here's some sorta joking ones I've seen elsewhere.

1. In the background there's Nu52 Batgirl under the control of a Mad Hatter card and undressing/dressing up in an Alice in Wonderland outfit. In the foreground the Mad Hatter is looking wistfully at a photo of Stephanie Brown, he says, "Oh curse this new universe, it's just not the same without a natural blonde."

2. Poison Ivy is riding on the back of a mind controlled Power Girl, maybe with the seat and steering wheel of a toy car glued to her back. She says, "Hey, you like my new ride? It's solar powered and zero emissions, very eco friendly."

3. Nightwing with a Mad Hatter card tucked in his ear, a Brainiac brain mine on top of his head, a Poison Ivy... rope of ivy, around his neck, spiral eyes, and a robot-y voice saying, "Hey Batman, come patrol with me down this isolated alleyway. It is completely legit and not suspicious at all." Possibly with an insert panel of the villains watching this on a monitor super excited like they're expecting it to work any second now.
11/14/14 02:50AM
Very Batman related wants.

I can get behind that, doubt I'd do respect to the character's with my art style to be honest.
11/14/14 02:55AM
notanotheralias said:
You know from that title, I was afraid that you were about to say that you weren't feeling respected here or something.

It made me start singing Spice Girls in my head.

And out loud.

Please continue being awesome, DHB! Your efforts always emphasize quality over quantity, which is far better than the reverse!

As for requests, hopefully we can get more people taking part in No Shame November. Shameless plug, but it is a shameless month :P
11/14/14 06:50AM
I don't know about you, but I'm not really know all those arty words (sorry for the stupid word) but I do have many ideas, so I'll share them with you and if you'll like them send me a chat message.

So, you, walking down the street when suddenly! A wild smartass bitch appears!
She starts talking shit about that you should be more aware to your surrounding
and you doesn't have the patience for her so: Abra Kabimbo! You are continuing to walk while she is masturbating and babbling about cocks and boobs, cause PLOT TWIST! She is bisexual.

Sorry for any mistakes in this text: not my mother nor father language.
11/14/14 08:11AM
darkray8 said:

So, you, walking down the street when suddenly! A wild smartass bitch appears!
She starts talking shit about that you should be more aware to your surrounding
and you doesn't have the patience for her so: Abra Kabimbo! You are continuing to walk while she is masturbating and babbling about cocks and boobs, cause PLOT TWIST! She is bisexual.

Sorry for any mistakes in this text: not my mother nor father language.

Straight forward plot, till the twist~
Sounds like it would make a great picture.

I say that as I visualize it frame by frame in my head, and loving it.
11/14/14 10:15AM
Thanks man, it's would be nice to see a picture from my own head actually get in shape since I can't really draw.

If you want any other idea, I would be delighted to help.

11/15/14 10:12AM
PomPom said:
It made me start singing Spice Girls in my head.

I don't mean to be an elitist, but come on man. The Spice Girls was "what I want, what I really, really want." "What you want, baby I got it," was Aretha Franklin's famous version of "Respect," originally written by Otis Redding.

Anyway, if you want something not DC comics (but still kind of based on previously existing stuff), I have kind of a weird idea. I'm picturing this character that's a well muscled man with a giant peacock tail coming out of his lower back. And the "eye" pattern on every feather is a hypnotic eye. Maybe have this guy sitting on a throne surrounded by entranced worshippers.
11/16/14 06:13AM
I got another idea!

You are in the zoo, walking around, looking at animals, having fun. Then you're being interrupted by a couple who's interviewing to a special tv show about how people loce animals, but apparently they don't like you, cause they are screaming at you to get out of the frame. You get annoyed and hypnotizing them, the interviewer and the cameraman. They are hypnotized to mate in front of all the zoo and everyone who's watching the show, 'cause the cameraman is hypnotized to keep recording and the interviewer is narrating. In the end, you walk away while the couple is having fun and the closing phrase is "and now we're seeing the white girl craving for sex, truly a stunning sight".

So... is it good enough?
11/17/14 08:57AM
darkray8 said:
So... is it good enough?

These ideas... are both to good. God damn it, not sure which one to start.
Grrr, I personally love both of them~

That public humiliation, that making rude people get what's coming to them.
You could make full on stories about these ideas. Because, damn! They hit home!
11/17/14 05:07PM
Dude... you just made my good day a better one.
11/18/14 08:30AM
Don't see how, your the one providing me with such rad ideas.
11/20/14 04:41AM
My Man~!

I have done a comic based on the idea you provided.
And I'm glad it turned out pretty well. I can only hope others like it.
Because the idea was just to rad to pass up... :3
11/20/14 07:45PM
Second: What about the other comics that I suggested? Is it going to come out?
Third: I will post any other ideas if ill have
And last for now: do you have a steam account? 'Cause I would like to play with ya.
11/21/14 12:27AM
darkray8 said:
Second: What about the other comics that I suggested? Is it going to come out?
Third: I will post any other ideas if ill have
And last for now: do you have a steam account? 'Cause I would like to play with ya.

First: Guilty as charged~!
Secondly: It had hit me to do the other on, brainstorming between ways to do it.
Perspective wise.

Thirdly: Please do~ Always nice to have cool ideas to fall back on when you have none in your head.

Lastly: I do, as lame as it is. The username is "xdarkhatboyx" because for some reason my name was taken. I don't have many multi-player steam games though. Just Gmod I believe.
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