11/14/14 12:03PM
Luna's vid post
Gonna use this for any speedpaints I do.
I wanna do more than I have, do them more regularly. So maybe having an actually thread to post them on will help?

Some may be hypno based
Some may not be
Some may be NSFW
Some may be clean

To start~

<<|Playing around with my Love>> Chance for him to join the hypno community too, actually. =D
<<|Inking a commission for someone on dA>> I'm gonna be recording the entirety of it and posting it on Youtube when it's finished =D
11/16/14 12:08PM
<<|New one!>>
Commission for someone on dA, that I'll be doing a LOT for XD

If it doesn't load, try again in a little bit. It's still uploading as of posting this.
11/17/14 02:31AM
<<|And another one!>>
Cute sketch that I recorded as I did it.

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