12/04/14 11:59PM
petal said:

-Stella (Gardevoir, Male (Mega))

>Beer name
>Male Gardevoir

I like you.

petal said:

-Pabst (Exploud, Female)

Why not Muk? Since PBR tastes like motor oil :P
12/05/14 12:11AM
PomPom said:
>Beer name
>Male Gardevoir

I like you.

Male Gardevoir is THE ONLY WAY TO GO. I was so happy I could give him a female name without breaking the theme.

PomPom said:
Why not Muk? Since PBR tastes like motor oil :P

I don't even drink haha, I just wanted to name my Mudkip Miller and I was like "hey, that's a beer name..." I'm aware of Pabst's reputation though, and I figured Exploud is probably painful to be around.

I also named Kyogre Bud Light and Rayquaza Corona.
12/05/14 02:49AM
All my Pokemon were named after Minerals.... Kinda boring now I think of it. I think my food name from B/W is still my favourite.

Let's see...
Kyanite - Swampert, male
Gahnite - Gardevoir, female
Malachite - Manectric, female
Rosaite - Rosarade, male
Altaite - Altaria, female
Pyrolusite - Ninetails , female

I love all the expanded stuff they had in this, the characters are much better and the story feels so much more involved. They saved the best for last because riding a mega dragon into space to destroy a meteor then fight an alien is the coolest thing in a pokemon game ever.

The music is also really good, it's not like HG/SS where it kinda falls flat. Every track is awesome and they're so much more new stuff too, Wally's theme is awesome!
Also yeah I saw that creepy ghost girl in Phoebe's room too.... It's kinda creepy and I love it! And yeah Norman is kind of a bad husband but at least he comes home sometimes!

It's pretty much the best Pokemon game yet with B/W right behind it.
12/05/14 03:10AM
gen 5 was the worst generation fight me
12/05/14 03:16AM
I still believe Gen 3 is worst gen, but I'm looking forward to get OR all the same.
12/05/14 03:19AM
I still think the game is kind of boring. Been sitting on Pokemon Y and really try to get into it for a year, but I think there must be a point where it just kicks in and you get all those awesome options and a really good story - but 10h into the game I should already be there in my opinion. Maybe it's just not my game.
12/05/14 03:22AM
TakyonH said:
gen 5 was the worst generation fight me

Mindwipe said:
I still believe Gen 3 is worst gen, but I'm looking forward to get OR all the same.

How do either of you live with yourselves, knowing you're both <<www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=233|objectively incorrrect?>>

For reals tho, to each their own. I liked gen 3 but I don't feel like stacking more DS games on my list right now >_>
12/05/14 03:46AM
PomPom said:
How do either of you live with yourselves, knowing you're both <<www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=233|objectively incorrrect?>>

Gen 4 was great only because it had the underground and introduced the radar
Was slower than other games but I've never thought of that as a reason to complain
12/05/14 03:49AM
TakyonH said:
Gen 4 was great only because it had the underground and introduced the radar
Was slower than other games but I've never thought of that as a reason to complain

But bowl cuts.

And bidoof.

Underground was interesting. All of those freaking shards @_@
12/05/14 04:28AM
I have finally acquired Alpha Sapphire; the nuzlocke begins now.
12/07/14 11:06AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I still think the game is kind of boring. Been sitting on Pokemon Y and really try to get into it for a year, but I think there must be a point where it just kicks in and you get all those awesome options and a really good story - but 10h into the game I should already be there in my opinion. Maybe it's just not my game.

I remember my sister telling me that X & Y are more about the new features they added and that they don't really have much of a story. I've never played those games tho, so I can't really say.

petal said:

What was everybody's team this time?

My current team is

Skarmory (I want to replace him with tropicus eventually)
Cosplay Pikachu

I'm still on Route 119 and I'm thinking about Adding Castform to my team but I heard mixed things about him. What do you guys think?
12/07/14 03:16PM
You can't use a legendary! They're for catching and then keeping in your box except for special occasions.

Also I love the flying thing with Lati@s because I don't need to have a pokemon with fly any more and I get an awesome view of Hoenn. I hate that this will be gone next game... I mean trainer customisation and other stuff was hard to loose but this will be even worse.
12/07/14 05:45PM
Holy crap. I just caught Deoxys in a normal pokéball. Thank you to the kind stranger sending me Capture O-Power lvl 3 and letting me crit-capture it.

PS. On an unrelated note, Latias plus Pokemon-Amie equals adorable.
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