11/22/14 09:17AM
Should be a tag for orgasm without stimulation.
I'm not sure where to suggest this so I just made a new topic. I think there should be a tag for when someone has an orgasm that was directly caused by hypnosis or mind control, rather than some sort of external stimulation. This is the only good quality example I could find (SHOTA!):
11/22/14 10:22AM
It should probably be stickied by now but "where to suggest this" would normally be <<|here>>.

"This is the only good quality example I could find" is pretty much the best possible argument against making it a tag. Even the "orgasm" tag is really, really wishy-washy in the context of images (e.g. it's on one of my manips that I never actually thought of having one in it), let alone subsets of it.

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