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060427I'm currently providing legal advice to a man.
"I sexually harasses people daily, what should I do if I am sued?".
That's his case.
zucczerk2023-09-16 22:31:25Revert
060428The man smiled throughout the entire session, seemingly unaware of why what he's done is wrong. Every word was a reminder that he does not respect women.
Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but he was behaving somewhat arrogantly.
zucczerk2023-09-16 22:31:50Revert
060429I normally sue these type of men, and while he's far from my favourite client, I still gave him the proper legal advice.zucczerk2023-09-16 22:32:11Revert
060430However... Something doesn't feel right.zucczerk2023-09-16 22:32:30Revert
060431A talented lawyer known for winning lawsuits.
(Unaware Hypnosis Version)
zucczerk2023-09-16 22:32:48Revert
060432Uselesszucczerk2023-09-16 22:33:05Revert
060433Toiletzucczerk2023-09-16 22:33:34Revert
060434Completely Ruined!!!zucczerk2023-09-16 22:33:59Revert
060435Stupidzucczerk2023-09-16 22:34:18Revert
060436Unaware Toiletzucczerk2023-09-16 22:34:39Revert