11/26/14 05:55AM
I got a bug
On every page, I got the pink boxy but it says "deleted". I'm not deleted, am I?
11/26/14 06:11AM
Well if you can post on the forums and I can still see your uploads, I don't think you're deleted. But you might have more success with the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/2484?page=8|Bug Reporting thread.>>

Hope that helps!
11/27/14 03:34AM
volco said:
On every page, I got the pink boxy but it says "deleted". I'm not deleted, am I?

Apparently not. :P

But, wait... WHAT'S happening? o.O
If it's still an issue, could you maybe explain that with a little more detail?
11/27/14 04:02AM

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like. It's not effecting anything, but it's messing up my inner OCD.
11/27/14 04:30AM
volco said:

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like. It's not effecting anything, but it's messing up my inner OCD.


I have never seen that before. o.O

Well, that's not entirely true. Something similar appears if we lock an account's permissions without banning it, but it wouldn't say deleted. O.o

I looked at all your account information on the database, and nothing seems any different than any other normal account. I don't see what could be causing this, assuming it's an account issue.

This happens on EVERY page? Is there any page it DOESN'T happen on?

Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies and relogging?
11/27/14 07:57AM
It seems to be fixed now. And yeah, I did that stuff before.

But it's fixed now, who cares? I'll give and update if it comes back.
11/28/14 06:22AM
Bah, still there. It only doesn't happen on the main page, and the /posts page. Everything else still has it.
12/02/14 04:02AM
Days later, and I still think this is extremely odd. I'll have to forward this bug to the developer, but we all know by now that he's extremely slow on most updates. I can't even really give you an ETA on a fix. <.<

As to my knowledge, there should be nothing wrong with your account. As such, feel free to just ignore it for the time being.
12/03/14 04:53AM
Hey, Volco, I just had a thought. Judging by your screenshot, you're accessing the site via iPad, correct? Could you try accessing it from a different type of machine - a PC, laptop, or other non-apple mobile device - to see if it goes away then?
12/05/14 07:51AM
And 3 days later, I notice this. It only happened on chrome with that. Doesn't happen on other browsers, or the thing I'm borrowing. It as a bug with an outdated app on an outdated OS, on an outdated it still nicely working price of tech.

No biggie. It's fine no.
12/05/14 08:06AM
Could you give me some information, just so I can give those details to the developer? I already made the report, so I may as well try to be as specific as possible.

Can you tell me...

* The make and model of the device you were using.
* The name and version number of that device's OS
* The version number of the Chrome app you were using

It's no big deal if you can't, but it's just something I should put into the report if known.
12/05/14 07:17PM
Don't bother mate, they stopped updating it. It's fine man, the browser had way more issues then a pink box on a porn site. lol
12/06/14 05:05AM
volco said:
Don't bother mate, they stopped updating it. It's fine man, the browser had way more issues then a pink box on a porn site. lol

Alright. XD I'll let them know that the bug was a fluke due to old, no-longer-updated software.

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