11/27/14 09:12AM
Hush boy, oh hush boy. Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt
Title is song Lyrics from <<|Benny's 'Little Game'>>

I have decided.
Once a day, I will post a new video that speaks to me, or is something everyone should hear. Perhaps it'll be a song, a vlog, a poem... It could be anything.

I can't promise any of it will have to do with hypnosis though. Sorry!

But this is just somewhere for me to share things I feel should be shared. I will provide a link to EVERYthing I'm sharing, of course!

You're all welcome to chat here too. Comment, share feelings, share other things you think should be shared. Just don't focus on Hypnosis, please. There are other threads for that, I'm sure.
11/27/14 09:13AM
Nov 27/2014

<<|Benny - Little Game>>

I do not care who you are.
I do not care what your past is.
I do not care what you're family is like.
You, as a human being, have EVERY right to be who you want to be.
I don't care. Male. Female. Trans. I don't care.
You can play with dolls if you're a boy.
You can play sports if you're a girl.
I don't give a shit.
Benny here, just summed all of that up brilliantly.
We need more people like this. If this song is anything to go by, I'm looking forward to more of this kids stuff.
If a FIFTEEN year old can write something like this [as far as I know, it's a 15 year old. I could be wrong though], then WHY the fuck doesn't anyone else!?
Give this a listen. Perhaps it'll help you lose the societal shackles known as gender roles that we're all stuck with.
11/28/14 12:46AM
Two today because of the fact that I posted the first at such an odd time. Sorry!


Yes. Yes. And again. Yes.

Gender roles, suicide, eating disorders... I don't think that they would be nearly as bad as they are now if we changed the toys for little girls. I'm not exactly sure how to help the boys that end up with issues of the sort, but this is more for the girls this time. [Sorry boys!]

While I am aware that some boys get eating disorders, I realize that it's mostly females who do. Whether they are little girls, teens, pre-teens, or even adults. It's more prevalent with females, and it's largely based on social norm, and what we're raised with.

Change barbie - actually.... fuck that. get RID of barbie - and I'm sure it would make a difference. The link for today... well, the doll 'Lamily' was born from a college student's project on eating disorders.

She made a Life-Sized 'barbie'.

Her measurements? 39

<<|This is just>> absolutely <<|Terrifying>>. Nothing else. That's fucking terrifying.

With images like that plastered all throughout the average little girls life... why the hell do you THINK we're all ready to stop eating to get that size!?

I'm gonna buy Lamily for my Little Sis if I ever find out she's into dolls.
11/29/14 05:18AM
<<|Thank you Haters!>>

So... I'm one that has had to deal with asses on the internet for a few years now, solely because of... whatever reason. I don't care. I know I can't change their minds, so why the bloody fuck should I try? I should just move on, and let 'em be who they are.

If anything. I should thank them.
They'll help to build me to have thicker skin
to learn how to ignore people [since I've always had a hard time with that]
how to just take things with a grain of salt.

It's something a lot of people need.

Now, this track, just gets a freaking laugh out of me.
Got a hater?
Watch this and laugh! Chances are you'll feel better afterwards =D

And look at it this way - they keep coming by to trash you? They're getting more people to trash you?
You're getting views! You're getting attention!
You're getting more and more people coming to your page/submission/whatever.
11/30/14 03:52AM
<<|Warning... this will break your heart>>

Stolen from Upworthy
One of the most interesting things about NFL star Ray Rice’s domestic violence incident was how much more attention it got after the video of him striking his fiancée in the elevator was finally made public.

Do we really need a visual to figure out that something terrible happened when two people entered an elevator and only one (the one who runs into 300-pound linemen on a weekly basis) exited upright?

But the reality is, it was one thing to read about it but something else entirely to see it. When you can actually empathize with the humanity of the situation, your perspective changes.

That’s why I wanted to share this video.

Trigger warning: This is an audio recording of a 911 call made by a 6-year-old girl who is witnessing her mother being beaten by her stepfather. It’s incredibly painful to listen to.

But if hearing it is what it takes to raise greater awareness around domestic violence and the silent victims of domestic violence — the children — then I think this is a video worth sharing.
12/01/14 01:04AM

Imagine if you couldn't identify ANY of those characters. That would suck, right?
More people need to read, dammit.

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