11/30/14 06:25PM
Could use some Art Advice.
I have been collecting various artwork creation materials, pens, pencils, drawing tablet, how to draw manga books, anatomy books, background books, a large amount of paper, Manga studio software and a scanner to upload hand-drawn works. SO! what do i do now? I have no prior experience in drawing, however i would absolutely love to start and make it a long term hobby/job of mine drawing erotic hypnosis among other things. So... any suggestions? Am i still missing anything, and can you recommend any ways to practice that would improve my lack of skill/experience? I'd appreciate any feedback.
11/30/14 07:08PM
Uhm - good luck with that. My experience is that it takes 3-4 years of drawing until an artist becomes "decent".

I'd just say start drawing whatever you want to draw - anything. During the day when then weather is good go outside for sketching. draw nature, people, whatever, practice practice practice and then you'll probably get better. Takes a lot of dedication to become a decent artist - don't let anyone discourage you!
11/30/14 11:39PM
The only way to get good is to draw constantly. If youre not doing it everyday you're not trying hard enough.

Practice drawing from real life first before you do anime/cartoons, you need to learn proper anatomy and how lights and shadows work before you can stylize it nicely. You gotta know the rules before you break them.

Watch streams to pick up how other artists do it, seeing someone work on something can really help.

Look at small tutorials artists post like how to draw eyes, how to cell shade, how to color hair, etc. Anytime you see a tutorial like that save it and have it for reference, they can be really great, especially for beginners.I have a little folder categorized with a bunch of them, so if i need some inspiration for drawing some nice eyes I go to my Tutorials>Human Body>Head>eyes folder and look at them.

Always ask for critical feedback and always take it to heart, you will need get rid of your pride and let people nit pick every little problem in youre drawing and its your job to work on it. Dont be one of those artists who say they dont care what others think because they dont ever lose their bad habits. I always prefer getting critical feedback or someone saying something is off about my art over praise because I now have something to focus on for next time.

When it comes to drawing people and pin ups I reeaaally want you to look into: Composition, gesture drawing, line of action. These are things a lot of new artists don't know how to use but are vital for making a drawing look nice. I have some trouble with these myself so and try to make use of them anytime I can because they can really make an image go from good to amazing

But if you're just starting off do some studies, draw like 20 human bodies in different poses, than do 20 hands, then 20 feet, 20 faces, 20 eyes, etc.

Heres 2 youtubers that are really handy for people who are starting out, I highly recommend them

Thats all I got for now, I may not be the best artist but I think I at least know how to help someone who can't draw get gud.
If you got anymore questions I'm always willing to answer.
12/01/14 01:21AM
Zko said:
The only way to get good is to draw constantly. If youre not doing it everyday you're not trying hard enough.

Practice drawing from real life first before you do anime/cartoons, you need to learn proper anatomy and how lights and shadows work before you can stylize it nicely. You gotta know the rules before you break them.

Watch streams to pick up how other artists do it, seeing someone work on something can really help.

Look at small tutorials artists post like how to draw eyes, how to cell shade, how to color hair, etc. Anytime you see a tutorial like that save it and have it for reference, they can be really great, especially for beginners.I have a little folder categorized with a bunch of them, so if i need some inspiration for drawing some nice eyes I go to my Tutorials>Human Body>Head>eyes folder and look at them.

Always ask for critical feedback and always take it to heart, you will need get rid of your pride and let people nit pick every little problem in youre drawing and its your job to work on it. Dont be one of those artists who say they dont care what others think because they dont ever lose their bad habits. I always prefer getting critical feedback or someone saying something is off about my art over praise because I now have something to focus on for next time.

When it comes to drawing people and pin ups I reeaaally want you to look into: Composition, gesture drawing, line of action. These are things a lot of new artists don't know how to use but are vital for making a drawing look nice. I have some trouble with these myself so and try to make use of them anytime I can because they can really make an image go from good to amazing

But if you're just starting off do some studies, draw like 20 human bodies in different poses, than do 20 hands, then 20 feet, 20 faces, 20 eyes, etc.

Heres 2 youtubers that are really handy for people who are starting out, I highly recommend them

Thats all I got for now, I may not be the best artist but I think I at least know how to help someone who can't draw get gud.
If you got anymore questions I'm always willing to answer.

This is an incredible amount of information, and will help me a lot. So thank you dude i appreciate it.
12/01/14 01:37AM
Pretty much what Zko said....

You just gotta keep trying to always be better and just look at everything in your daily life and study it when you can.

It's gonna be a long road and you gotta keep going no matter how bad it gets. I'm still walking along that road myself, I tend to not like what I've drawn after awhile because I see all the stuff I could have done better. But I guess that's a good thing, so if you look at your stuff and think I need to do better then you've at least got the right attitude.

Don't get too hung up on trying to be unique either, I've seen some really good artists try to have an art style and it looks so bad because they do something weird to make it unique.
12/01/14 03:22AM
Eshie made a point that made me remember something that is pretty important, if you think your art is great you're doing it wrong. If you think your art is bad it means you can see that you can improve. Never settle for what you have. Your going to need to develop a thick skin for yourself if you plan to draw but its worth it.
12/01/14 05:23AM
Not an artist here, but I picked up a cool piece of advice. Once you've spent say a week practicing drawing by eye, get a manga (or similar) and trace a page of it. It'll apperently help you get a feel for how that kind if thing is drawn. After that, try to reproduce a page of it by having the manga and your paper side by side.

Also check out Ctrl+Paint, it's a really great recourse if you want to learn digital painting, and it starts off with a tutorial on how to sketch. (Sorry, I don't know how formatting works on here)
12/01/14 09:48AM
Nah, tracing won't really do anything for you after a week. Especially manga which is drawn very very quickly when you are still drawing very very slowly. Do a lot of practice with gesture (I know one of the people zko linked talks about it) and some exercises from Vilppu's The Art of Figure Drawing. Copying out of that will get you a much better feel for the process.
12/01/14 06:11PM
<!> Warning, what follows are the insane ramblings of a madman too lazy to have actually ever learned to draw, so take everything with a grain of salt. Just like that one time when your uncle said getting a medical license is a sure-fire way to success despite having been a car technician his entire life. <!>

Way I see it, tracing increases experience, but not knowledge. No matter how much you trace, that alone won't let you make something truly original, but it can give you ideas on how to get around certain problem spots you may have (often feet, hands, etc.). That said, in order to make use of that experience, you'll need at least some knowledge. Kind of how you can use Newton's laws of motion even if you don't know thing one about physics, but can't apply them outside the basic formulae. So, first gain a solid footing on knowledge, learn the basics of proportion, perspective, anatomy etc. until you could apply them upside-down in your sleep, and then look into tracing for easy exp.
12/02/14 12:09AM
I'm probably not the best person to say anything here, but the one piece of advice I've always found the most helpful when I first started drawing was to look at things in 2D rather than 3D.

If I were to use <<|this>> reference image, I wouldn't try to draw the knee and elbow connection as some extension of the arm. I would literally use the chest as a reference and pretend that it is flat on the bottom of her bust.

It's a weird mindset but I've been trying to train myself into it. Hopefully it'll get better?
12/02/14 06:23AM
The work on your art threads on 4chans /co board have been really cool, especially for critical feedback. The /ic board as well.
12/02/14 06:40AM
boogars said:

12/02/14 07:18AM
lol I know I know; but not everyone there is an trolling asshole. You do have to have armored skin sometimes though. I've gotten some genuinely great critiques from both places.

12/02/14 07:19AM
It's /co/ and /ic/ c'mon
12/02/14 07:50AM
Am I missing context or something? is it because it's 4chan ¿:3?
1 2>>>

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