10/07/13 09:46AM
The quite useful and the absolutely useless links
At the request of Henry Killinger on a note, I'm going to post a list of stuff everybody can feast on for some time. I'll repeat the posted ones for them to out-live the presence on the comments section.

h2. The Useful

* Use <<|VirusTotal>> to check files for viruses. It will make you aware of how crappy some anti-viruses are (like McAfee), how many of them make up many false-positives, and how good some are (like Kaspersky), and you know what? I don't use an anti-virus (and haven't been infected in years), so it's quite handy once in a while.
* Use <<|TinyPNG>> to compress PNGs.
* Use <<|Metadata Viewer>> to see some of what's in certain filetypes.
* Use <<|Imgur>> to upload images. <<|>> also works.
* Use imgur to lose time <<|by looking at sub-reddits with it>>! (see how the URL looks like).
* Use <<|Anubis>> to see what running a program will basically do (a bit advanced).
* Use <<|K-Lite Mega>> codec pack and <<|MPC Black Edition>>.
* Use <<|Youtube Center>> (By the way, the player I mentioned above can play back youtube links directly!).
* Use <<|Uptime Robot>> to see if your website (or someone else's) is up or down, it checks each 5 minutes (for free).
* Besides Google's reverse image search, <<|IQDB>> does it for boorus and <<|SauceNao>> does it for Pixiv.
* Look up animes on <<|AniDB>>. Hentai lookup requires an account and settings change.
* Upload files on <<|Mega>> and download them on <<|ThePirateBay>> and friends.
* Do I even need to mention E-Hentai/ExHentai?
* Use <<|RIES>> to find equations, given their solutions.
* Use <<|WolframAlpha>> to find solutions, given their equations. (No, seriously, check that out!)
* Use <<|ShapeCatcher>> to find an Unicode character by drawing its shape. Doesn't work for CJK.
* For the CJK characters that we give one damn or more about, use <<|Handwritten Kanji Search>>.
* Use <<|Mojibake Decoder>> to fix filenames that have been shat upon by the differences in character encodings of two different countries.
* Use <<|Just Delete Me>> when you don't know how to get rid of an account at some site.
* Use <<|BugMeNot>> when you don't want to even create an account at some site.
* Use <<|Grooveshark>> to listen to music.
* If you feel geeky, download videos and songs from websites that don't have a download button using the "Network" tab of the developer tools for your browser.
* You can also just use things like <<|SoundDrain>> or <<|SaveVideo>>.
* Have lots of file-sharing links? Use something like <<|pyLoad>> or <<|jDownloader>>.
* Hate having to type captchas for either of those? There are sites where you can solve captchas for other people, gain points for that, and use those points so your downloader of choice can download a big list for you overnight or when you are away. I use <<|9kw>> (beware that the landing page is in German though).
* Where is a site hosted at? <<|Look it up>>.
* is it <<|Down For Everyone Or Just Me?>>

This list could go on and on... and I didn't mention many desktop software which make my computer life great, like <<|Greenshot>>. It can upload screenshots directly to Imgur after you take them! None of that PrintScreen->MSPaint bullshit anymore.

h4. Also:

* See how often words were used in literature across the years, decades and centuries with <<|Google Ngram Viewer>>.
* See how much it will take for all people to <<|drop Internet Explorer>>.
* When you'll have to give to the dog whatever food you're storing for "later"? Check out <<|StillTasty>>.
* Some <<|Japanese-related tools>>.
* Do you know <<|how big the universe is>>?

Gosh, I better stop with the useful ones.

h2. The Useless

* <<|Move your mouse>>.
* <<|Move it even more>>.
* <<|Feed it>>.
* <<|Listen and look>>.
* <<|Clean your monitor from the inside out>>.
* <<|Try harder>>.
* <<|OMFG, Dogs!>>
* <<|Bat-cat!>>
* <<|Is it Christmas?>>
* <<|Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?>>
* <<|Will the future be awesome?>>
* <<|What is the opposite of poo?>>
* <<|Is my computer on?>>
* <<|Apple products>>.
* <<|An extrapolation of current tendencies>>.
* <<|Ned Flanders feat. Nightwish>>.
* <<|ooooiiii>> <<|dabadabadab>> <<|iiiiiiii>> <<|lalalaa>>.
* <<|Now say this last URL over the phone...>>

Edit: by popular demand,

h2. Moar Useless

* <<|Anasomnia>>
* <<|Zoom Quilt>>
* <<|Boohbah Zone>>
* <<|Creepy Girl>>
* <<|Superbad>>
* <<|Tile Gifs>>
* <<|Neave's Imagination>>
* <<|Hippo, Hippo, Hippo, Hippo.>>
* <<|Revolving Internet>>
* <<|Larry Carlson's Movies>>
* <<|Medijate>>
* <<|Television Without Context>>
* <<|The Bongcheon-Dong Ghost>>
* <<|Strobe>>
* <<|Flow>>

Now don't complain, you asked for something to kill brain cells with :)
10/07/13 09:48AM
Yay! :D
10/07/13 10:29AM
Heh. Someone made a bugmenot account for this site.
I guess I'll leave it be so long as it's not misused, after which I will mercilessly ban it. >:)

Also, some of these links are GENIUS. XD
10/07/13 11:46AM
I'd just like to point out two things...

- CCCP + Media Player Classic Home Cinema > Every other media player and codec pack in existence.
- My Anime List is better for getting info on Anime.
10/07/13 12:49PM
VLC player is also good for watching YT vids and d0wnloading them :)
VirusTotal \o/ ,they also have a desktop application
Malwarebytes is good if you just have the need to scan something in-depth
10/07/13 12:53PM
LittleToyMaker said:
I'd just like to point out two things...

- CCCP + Media Player Classic Home Cinema > Every other media player and codec pack in existence.
- My Anime List is better for getting info on Anime.

For the first case. Many people talk about how good CCCP is compared to K-Lite, then I ask them why, and they fumble around with the words for the net result of "I read it was better, but can't remember where". I never had any problem with K-Lite mega, and it plays back so many formats without any issue... Plus, it includes MPC-HC in the installer if you want that.

But, if you say MPC Home Cinema is better than MPC Black edition, you just didn't try Black Edition. Because it's exactly the same thing (shortcuts are slightly different but you can edit them anyway), with bonuses like playing Youtube URLs, hover previews on the seek bar (Youtube-like) and chapter markers, plus a better-looking UI. Oh, and not only it's just as lightweight as Home Cinema, it also has optimizations so it's even faster.

And for My Anime List, well, the info I'm mostly after is which fansubs made subs in a language I can read, and AniDB provides a table just for that so I love it. Otherwise, whatever suits you is good too :)
10/07/13 01:00PM
Anno1404 said:
VirusTotal \o/ ,they also have a desktop application
Malwarebytes is good if you just have the need to scan something in-depth

They do, but it's pretty basic. <<|This one>> is unofficial but better.
And Malwarebytes? It's pretty average. The best free one, I think, is Microsoft's. Or better yet, just trust your own understanding of the OS, and a task manager.

On the topic of task managers, I use <<|Process Hacker>>, it's better than anything else, even better than Windows 8's, and still by far!
10/07/13 01:33PM
So, can I assume the obvious here that links to sites with hypnosis mp3s and videos are verboten, even if they only include non-commercial files and not pirated ones? If so, I completely understand and mostly agree, as I don't want what happened to Hypnochan (the rampant posting of links to pirated commercial files) to happen here.

I think most people here know about, at the very least, WarpMyMind anyway and, if they're into both hypnosis and MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, probably have stumbled across either a certain Google Docs document or videos on the subject on Youtube.
10/07/13 01:55PM

* <<|Move it even more>>.

This made me jump so much T-T
I'm too scared to click on the other links under "Useless" now
10/07/13 08:37PM
By the look of that selection of useless sites, someone's been visiting
10/07/13 10:53PM
sasazuka said:
So, can I assume the obvious here that links to sites with hypnosis mp3s and videos are verboten, even if they only include non-commercial files and not pirated ones? If so, I completely understand and mostly agree, as I don't want what happened to Hypnochan (the rampant posting of links to pirated commercial files) to happen here.

I think most people here know about, at the very least, WarpMyMind anyway and, if they're into both hypnosis and MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, probably have stumbled across either a certain Google Docs document or videos on the subject on Youtube.

Those kinds of links would go here: forum #22. We just can't share any commercial files here.

As for media players, I use CCCP + MPC-HC. Maybe K-Lite + MPC Black is better, but I'm not sure how I'd be able to tell.
10/08/13 06:53AM
Mindwipe said:
As for media players, I use CCCP + MPC-HC. Maybe K-Lite + MPC Black is better, but I'm not sure how I'd be able to tell.

The Black Edition can be used with CCCP, or any other codec pack. Even if you choose CCCP, I recommend you to try out MPC-BE. I think CCCP is just as good as K-Lite, anyway.

You can <<|download a portable version here>>. Initially I did that, then I replaced my default player by that one, because I already loved MPC-HC, and BE only adds features while keeping it just as lightweight.

For music files I use <<|Foobar2000>>, it's really great. I used to use VLC, but Foobar is faster and more customizable. The cool thing is that you can enable a "layout editing mode" on it, where you can move stuff around and choose how you want it to look.

rain said:
By the look of that selection of useless sites, someone's been visiting

Yes, most in the useless section come from there. But the useful ones are all from my bookmarks :)

RebKMG said:
This made me jump so much T-T
I'm too scared to click on the other links under "Useless" now

Sorry, the others are safe :D
10/22/13 11:55PM
Post updated with more links. Warning: possible IQ reduction.

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