PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
054735Teramoto-san... um...dummylol2022-11-15 03:25:21Revert
054736I like you, Go out with me!!!dummylol2022-11-15 04:26:41Revert
054737that is impossibledummylol2022-11-15 03:27:11Revert 03:27:40Revert
054739ha...dummylol2022-11-15 03:30:05Revert
054740why?dummylol2022-11-15 03:30:49Revert
054741. ..rather, why would I agree to this?What makes you think I'd agree to it?dummylol2022-11-15 03:33:50Revert
054742[he never speak to her], you're not coming (?)dummylol2022-11-15 03:36:22Revert
You said you have something to talk about after school...

I thought maybe, but...

I didn't expect it to come true...
dummylol2022-11-15 04:37:58Revert
054744Did you think I didn't notice that you're always staring at me?dummylol2022-11-15 03:39:53Revert
054745いつも教室の隅、 一人で変な本読みながら ブツブツ言って。 ほんとキモちわるい。dummylol2022-11-15 03:40:16Revert
054746And he's an idiot.dummylol2022-11-15 03:40:47Revert
054747OI!dummylol2022-11-15 03:41:32Revert
054748eh-dummylol2022-11-15 03:42:54Revert
054749eh..ah...dummylol2022-11-15 03:44:17Revert
054750Yes you don't understand anything
fall down fall down
Falling down with a thud
Yes, you are falling
dummylol2022-11-15 03:45:40Revert
054751you can't think about anything. It feels so good.dummylol2022-11-15 03:46:23Revert
054752Just relax, let go, let the voice speak to you, and my words will be in your head.dummylol2022-11-15 03:46:55Revert
054753My head is filled with people , I can't think of anything, my words are packed inside my head.dummylol2022-11-15 03:48:42Revert
054754I can't think about it.
Don't think about it
Feels good.
It feels so good.
dummylol2022-11-15 03:49:13Revert
054755you can't think about it.
Don't think about it
Feels good.
It feels so good.
dummylol2022-11-15 03:49:35Revert
054756Surrender to the feeling of comfort.
to the comfort of your own body.
dummylol2022-11-15 03:49:51Revert
054757Consciousness /becomes distant.dummylol2022-11-15 03:51:38Revert
054758That's good. Let's go down deep.dummylol2022-11-15 03:52:14Revert
054759Everything but my voice
are getting farther and farther away.
dummylol2022-11-15 03:52:54Revert
054760temakari-san(?)dummylol2022-11-15 03:53:35Revert
054824teramoto-sandummylol2022-11-15 08:18:49Revert