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064588Rape Consent Form
I hereby consent to being raped at any time by any person.
justhere4the2024-04-25 05:09:20Revert
064589Small fry
(Japanese slang meaning "weak to stimulation" or "goes down easily")
justhere4the2024-04-25 05:15:12Revert
064590Good morningjusthere4the2024-04-25 05:15:32Revert
064591???-kun. Hurry up, you're the only one who hasn't turned in your career choice paper yet.
What? You lost your paper?
I'm so disappointed. You're really hopeless, aren't you?
...... Fine. I'll let the teacher know.
justhere4the2024-04-25 05:18:12Revert
064592...... what? You can go now.
I frankly don't want to have to talk with you more than the bare minimum necessary.
I'm only having this conversation because of my role as head of the class committee.
If you understand, please go away.
justhere4the2024-04-25 05:22:46Revert