12/16/14 11:02PM
Clay's $10 Holiday Hypno Sale
Hi there! Want some hypno drawings this holiday season? Great! Read on!

-$10 usd - It will be something like this post #21624, simple digital color in anime style
-plus $7 to $10 usd for another character (depends on complexity and how much body part is in the pic)
-simple props/items is free
-no bg for now

I wanted to populate my <<|blog>> with better hypno drawings,
have something to cook for noche buena XD, lol,
and get back to making art after being in hiatus for months.

So just for this holiday, until the end of December, I'm accepting $10 commissions.
It's pretty low from my usual starting price, but I consider this as introductory since I don't have a lot of hypno pic, and since I want to practice drawing anime because it's also not my normal drawing style. (you can look at my <<|personal blog>> to see my usual art style, scroll further down for digital colored samples)

I'm open to anything except: guro, scat, child porn, inflation.
And I only accept paypal. Please message me for further details.

Happy Holidays!

12/17/14 01:18AM
.... Yep. Gotta find some cash, and gotta find an idea. XD

Good luck with the commissions~ Your stuff is gorgeous
12/17/14 01:45AM
Lunakiri said:
.... Yep. Gotta find some cash, and gotta find an idea. XD

Good luck with the commissions~ Your stuff is gorgeous

XD Aw, thank you Lunakiri!
12/17/14 03:40AM
Clay said:
XD Aw, thank you Lunakiri!

I'll be watching your tumblr and for anything you post on here =D
12/17/14 04:33AM
$10-commissions? Someone will have pretty much work during the holidays XD
12/20/14 02:21AM
Lunakiri said:
I'll be watching your tumblr and for anything you post on here =D

Oh, lol you watched my personal blog! XD
I should get back to posting there. haha

Anno1404 said:
$10-commissions? Someone will have pretty much work during the holidays XD

Something to keep me this cold lonely holiday, yeah. lol

12/20/14 09:07AM
Also, you may want to specify what currency you're talking about.
I could send you $1o USD and it would be completely different from $1o Canadian or $1o Austrailian, for example.
12/20/14 03:27PM
Lunakiri said:
Also, you may want to specify what currency you're talking about.
I could send you $1o USD and it would be completely different from $1o Canadian or $1o Austrailian, for example.

OH! Right, right! I forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me, Lunakiri!
12/21/14 06:01AM
$10 USD for that amount of detail?
Thats a HELL of a deal for someone at you're skill level, I bet you'll be swimming in commissions by now.
12/21/14 07:14PM
Zko said:
$10 USD for that amount of detail?
Thats a HELL of a deal for someone at you're skill level, I bet you'll be swimming in commissions by now.

Exactly! I must come up with an idea or eight. :o

Then i must Commission Clay and Luna this season! :D

Oh, and Clay, since I missed your introductory post: Welcome to the Hub!

Also, I have to wonder, what ARE your normal commission prices? Comparison of sale and normal prices often boost interest. It's a marketing thing.
12/21/14 08:06PM
I have several ideas, they all just depend on whether or not you have seen RWBY or Kingdom Hearts.
12/22/14 12:38PM
Zko said:
$10 USD for that amount of detail?
Thats a HELL of a deal for someone at you're skill level, I bet you'll be swimming in commissions by now.

Zko! I really love skypenotized btw! xD
And just the opposite haha, ; u;
But I understand there're a lot of gifts and sales for people to spend on this season.

Vanndril said:
Exactly! I must come up with an idea or eight. :o

Then i must Commission Clay and Luna this season! :D

Oh, and Clay, since I missed your introductory post: Welcome to the Hub!

Also, I have to wonder, what ARE your normal commission prices? Comparison of sale and normal prices often boost interest. It's a marketing thing.

Oh! That's great!
Thanks or the welcome! You all seem really nice. XD
And since you asked, I've been meaning to update my prices, and decided to use the new prices on January (my lowest minimum will be around 75 usd), while I busy myself with a couple of projects. So order now people, while it's still December! Haha.

Normally I charge a minimum of 25 usd for sample sketches like these: <<|1>> - <<|2>> - <<|3>> - <<|4>> (something happened and I can't color digitally that time)

<<|Also 25 for flat colors/simple shading.>>

And usually charge a minimum of 40 usd for digitally painted pics. <<|1>> - <<|2>> - <<|3>>

RL and depression got in the way, and I had to go on hiatus for several months, this $10 usd thing is for me to loosen up and get my energy back. xD
So I'm trying to do something rather simple for the rest of December, something I always wanted to try.

Xehanorto said:
I have several ideas, they all just depend on whether or not you have seen RWBY or Kingdom Hearts.

I know RWBY from a friend, though I haven't watched it. And I play Kingdom Hearts long ago and read some of the manga. xD

edit: changed some broken links
12/22/14 01:48PM
Sadly a few of those links don't work.

But wow those pictures are amazing O.O
12/22/14 03:33PM
strangeperson said:
Sadly a few of those links don't work.

But wow those pictures are amazing O.O

All the links work for me. (O 3O)b
Were the broken links from tumblr or FA? Because I find it hard to connect to tumblr recently without using ultrasurf.

And thanks!
12/23/14 05:04AM
Clay said:
And since you asked, I've been meaning to update my prices, and decided to use the new prices on January (my lowest minimum will be around 75 usd), while I busy myself with a couple of projects. So order now people, while it's still December! Haha.

Normally I charge a minimum of 25 usd for sample sketches like these: <<|1>> - <<|2>> - <<|3>> - <<|4>> (something happened and I can't color digitally that time)
<<|Also 25 for flat colors/simple shading.>>
And usually charge a minimum of 40 usd for digitally painted pics. <<|1>> - <<|2>> - <<|3>>
Need an idea.......Brain! Come on!
1 2>>>

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