Wiki History Listing

2A unique piece of technology from [[Genshin_Impact]] that allows for the transfer and sharing of information. It takes the shape of an [[earpiece]] and can be activated with the phrase "May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom". Prolonged use of the Akasha System does carry some risks. Firstly, knowledge gained from the System asserts itself as true to the user and is difficult to forget. This makes it difficult to correct information if the knowledge turns out to be wrong. Secondly, excessive use can diminish one's ability to think. Because of its capabilities and risks, it can be used as a form of [[tech_control]].
Updated by JustChilling Sun, Aug 06 '23, 03:37
Version 2
1A unique piece of technology from [[Genshin_Impact]] that allows for the transfer and sharing of information. It takes the shape of an earpiece and can be activated with the phrase "May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom". Prolonged use of the Akasha System does carry some risks. Firstly, knowledge gained from the System asserts itself as true to the user and is difficult to forget. This makes it difficult to correct information if the knowledge turns out to be wrong. Secondly, excessive use can diminish one's ability to think. Because of its capabilities and risks, it can be used as a form of [[tech_control]].
Updated by JustChilling Mon, Nov 21 '22, 18:15
Version 1