12/22/14 04:04PM
So... This is kind of a sequel to my former post.
I looked at some drawings and noticed a post about an happy parasite worm that help you study and with the new Christmas scenario from plague inc. About mind parasite that help people become happy I thought (once again) that it would be great.

Drones that make you learn, strange sound waves that makes you happier, special cookie that brings out your holiday spirit, hypnotizing a bitch to make her nicer and making her leaving her bitchy friends and/or douchy boyfriend and (once again, I really like this idea) making her become a gamer and say gaming innuendos like: "do you want to Squirtle on my Jigglypuffs" and "you have captured the third base"

So, find your holiday spirit and make this for a poor man who just want to see his ideas in real life and don't have the talent, or I'll use those waves on you ;)
12/22/14 04:26PM
darkray8 said:
So... This is kind of a sequel to my former post.
I looked at some drawings and noticed a post about an happy parasite worm that help you study and with the new Christmas scenario from plague inc. About mind parasite that help people become happy I thought (once again) that it would be great.

Drones that make you learn, strange sound waves that makes you happier, special cookie that brings out your holiday spirit, hypnotizing a bitch to make her nicer and making her leaving her bitchy friends and/or douchy boyfriend and (once again, I really like this idea) making her become a gamer and say gaming innuendos like: "do you want to Squirtle on my Jigglypuffs" and "you have captured the third base"

So, find your holiday spirit and make this for a poor man who just want to see his ideas in real life and don't have the talent, or I'll use those waves on you ;)

So why not just bump that thread since its already on the first page?
12/22/14 05:35PM
What do you mean?
12/22/14 05:50PM
darkray8 said:
What do you mean?

The <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/15819|goodwill hypnosis>> thread I'd imagine. You know, the one you started?
12/22/14 05:55PM
It's not really the same though and I'm just bringing it up once again.
12/22/14 06:53PM
darkray8 said:
It's not really the same though and I'm just bringing it up once again.

It really is similar enough, since you've asked about it before. And I'm not sure we want a bunch of threads asking for content from super specific things. Its one thing to open a discussion ABOUT debimbofication, but I feel its more related to your other discussion.
12/22/14 08:57PM
*smacks gavel on the desk*

I decree that this should be moved to the goodwill hypnosis. A comment was made in the thread and so far the idea is moving in that thread. There should not be a new thread for something that is already brought up.

Next case!

*smacks gavel again before giving the judges robe to PomPom and the crown to Vanndril and a plate of foot shaped cookies to Mindwipe*
12/22/14 11:49PM
Debimbofication isn't necessarily done in good will, it might just mean you want a more intelligent, focused slave...
12/24/14 03:08AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Debimbofication isn't necessarily done in good will, it might just mean you want a more intelligent, focused slave...

Eh, goodwill to oneself through another. Details, details...
12/26/14 06:17AM
The problem is that I really need to save money, but I also really want to see this as drawings.

Should I go back to my first goodwill post?
Also, for those who didn't get what I meant in goodwill hypnosis, its beneficial to both sides, like, one get sex, the other get confidence.
12/26/14 09:34PM
From an outsiders point of view, if you want to bimbo sluts to be gamer sluts, you should be more clear about it -basically make new post on sluts to gamer grrls. If you want a person to be smarter or nicer because it you think it would make 'em better, follow everyone's advice up to this point.
I think if you wanted to keep the post going you'd have to touch on what unbimbofying someone meant - if I bimbofy someone in the first place, wake them up seventeen years later, and then give them 24 hours to figure out why, I'm both unbimbofying them and retelling 'Oldboy'. No good will involved and messy.
12/26/14 09:57PM
I never said anything about bimbofying them then wake them up. There are natural bimbos that you can take and make them smarter.
12/27/14 07:01AM
Mr_Face said:
I'm both unbimbofying them and retelling 'Oldboy'. No good will involved and messy.

Good reference. I liked that movie

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