12/24/14 10:07AM
Hypno Arena-Female vs. Male
Located in the MC-Grand theater with seating space for 250. We have a circular arena 10 meters in diameter. Its surrounded by a cage 3 meters tall. Positioned around the arena are televisions with hardened glass screens. The mat itself is primarily made out of waterproofed canvas like material over mat boards. A large spiral has been painted into it, for aesthetic affect; it is not unheard of for a contestant end up staring into its depths.

The rules for the fighters are relatively simple. The goal is to drain your opponents willpower till they have no mind to resist you. You put on a good show for the audience afterwards, you get percentage of the bet money and maybe a few favors.

You hit your opponent in a manner the arena deems threatening and you're penalized 50,000 volts; minimum. The arena has other ways, stiffer penalties; the canvas can split as it desires and produce gas, oil, seats, and toys.

The machinery of the arena will not allow for anything other than the spectacle the crowd desires. The exact method of detection is not entirely known - perhaps telepaths, chemical sniffers, magic but its effectiveness is beyond doubt.
Prior to the fight bets are placed. The betting is capped at a 1000$.

Not because of a lack of money - the patrons of the arena are clearly well funded. The bets more of sign of the crowds interest, a place for them to make suggestions and express how they think the fight will go. There are 3 five minute rounds. Where there is no clear victor it comes down to judges decision. Betting may be adjusted between rounds.

This league in particular pits a female fighter against a male fighter. There has been talk of other leagues, but they would need organizers sensitive to the needs of those crowds.

Current match up is the warrior formally known as Sephiroth vs. Yuna, Gullwing, killer of Sin.
12/24/14 03:37PM
So wait, are we getting a character sheet, or nominating contestants, or what?
12/24/14 04:53PM
12/24/14 06:44PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
So wait, are we getting a character sheet, or nominating contestants, or what?

Its more of a character battle determined by 1) input in the form of bets up to a 1000$, 2) devious suggestions submitted with those bets and 3) a few coin tosses I make at home. Then I'd figure I'd try and write something entertaining and under 5000 words.

I sort of thought it'd be good to start with Sephiroth vs. Yuna.
I'm relatively sure that most people are familiar with 'em.

If someone wanted to make an rp with OC out of this, I wouldn't mind. As long as it didn't terribly piss off the admins, I'd like it in a separate post and labeled in a way so that people know what they are getting into (i.e. that its OC, who it is, and maybe some tags so people don't read something that is far outside of their preferences). It was a joke in one forum which I thought was to good to not turn into a thing, don't really care how it gets its legs.
12/31/14 10:06AM
1900 words. MF, FD, FS, MS, Tech

Round 1:
The first contender into the ring was Yuna. She regarded her 'opponent'. Tall, lean face. The waist length white hair gave her bad memories of her fiance Seymour. On the other hand he was another breed entirely.

Seymour impressed with his girth. He had seen her as another prize to add to his wealth and it had been his downfall. Sephiroth had Tidus build but Auron's poise. While his leather armor and plates could come from a sport, he was unmistakably military.

His eyes were all his own. She knew she couldn't trust them. He was a man possessed by something. At the same time there was something inviting about how comfortably he held himself. So she was left with a negative impression; a bit of uncomfortable arousal at the prospect of being locked in with a tiger.

As for the second contender he was disappointed. Someone had teleported him to a strange arena; essentially explained to him that he was to be their amusement and deprived him of Masumune. Had they not locked away much of his powers he would kill whoever did this to him. Another man might be broken by such things.

Sephiroth considered it all below him. Cloud would be arriving at the world's core in a few minutes. In two hours Sephiroth would be a god, but Cloud had become enough of a nuisance to justify his personal attention.

More over he had been stabbed, experimented on, brainwashed, put into a coma and, near as Sephiroth could tell, he gotten up from it and stolen Ultima Weapon's teeth the other day. Under other circumstances the Ex-SOLDIER would be amused, as it stood right now he was extremely disappointed. The damn tool.

He then regarded his opponent. Experienced monster hunter. Holsters, pistol, missing. Heavy reinforcement on the holsters: executive grade firepower, judging by her build she channeled magic to fire them. 161 centimeters. Wutai-Nibel mutt if he had to guess.

Clothes suggested a temperate environment and money; they were revealing and of designer material. Just classy enough that you knew she was someone, like Rufus Shinra. He was vaguely aware that she had been trying to reason with him.

Frankly, he was more concerned with testing his hosts than listening to her. He closed eight yards in half a second and layed into her with a kick which, he figured, a seasoned warrior had a good chance of surviving. It wasn't killing intent if you were just seeing what would happen after all.

She reacted well, took it in the stomach and not the solar plexus or liver. The magic barrier she erected kept him from destroying her spine; this was not unexpected. Frankly anyone who fought him without materia support was either suicidal or SOLDIER. She bounced off the arena's chain siding. Had enough sense she hit the arena mats with her arms covering her head.

Then things took a surprising turn. At once Sephiroth found his arms in chains. The curled, animated, with a life of their own. Suspended him above the floor. The electric shock the arena representative all but promised him did not come. "Guess I get to find out what they find worse than having the piss shocked out of you."

He regarded Yuna. She was struggling against something. She was on her knees, hands straining against a burden. He caught a thin black tie wrapping around the back of her neck and pulling her into the arena floor. It looked painful. 'Wonder what justifies that?', he mused.

His shoulder began to ache. He was flexible enough that being suspended by metal chains should be a strain and not an ache. He looked over and found that his armor at the shoulder had about three inches of ice sticking out of it. It had gone clean through.

The profound feeling of nausea flowed through him. He had underestimated another opponent. At the same time curiosity: "Is self defense intent to kill?"
He hadn't realized he said it aloud.

Perhaps if Yuna had not been caught unawares at the ground she would be wondering the same thing. A half inch plastic tie had some how found its way around her neck and pulled her into the arena mat.

Her face brushed the mat and she knew something was wrong. It felt like latex. Then it deformed around her face and swallowed her. Pulled her in till, pitched her ass in the air. Head neck shoulders. Her breasts pressed into the arena.

She breathed in and the world went from black to rose to red. Fear dropped away three breaths. Her body came alive on air tainted with rubber and sweat. She soaked herself with arousal.

She pushed against the floor. She wanted to play with her chest. She could feel a force of rubber playing against her chest and feel a bit swim and inflate in her mouth. Every breath she pulled stoked her a bit more. Gradually the arena released her from the floor.

She saw the world in vivid color. She regarded Sephiroth. He was two arm lengths away. She didn't care about who he was anymore. This was about her needs now.
She was hot and would devour him. The pain where he kicked her mingled and became a different sort of pleasure.

She told her intent with her walk. Put her hands on his leathers and burnt through them with black magic - down to his pants. She was a little more careful with that, however finding that his pants were secured by buttons under the leather she sundered their fittings with ease and pulled them off.

He lacked an erection. How disappointing. She ground against him and for the first time noticed the texture of breasts painted in latex. Her breasts were exposed and something told her that was right. She liked it, her womanhood clenched. She'd kiss him but for the mask and gag. As it was the white madman simply stared at her.

She began manipulating his penis. She could tell by feel that there was more blood flowing in there but something more simply had to be done. She reached down and with a bit of effort drove a finger into the man's ass. The fledgling boner began to die in her hands. Not much - he was distressed but not offended.

Then she began to pump a bit of magic into her hands as she worked his shaft and his whole. No story she told could described the strength of her boy toy's anal muscles - it was something someone had to feel for themselves. The poison she fed him was far from safe but not immediately lethal. Moreover it had quite an arousing effect.

Sephiroth's pale pride began to grow, submerged as it was in his will power but surfacing with the aid of frantic grinding, dextrous fingers and hexes. Yuna's cunt was disappointed to discover that he was about a half hand shorter than Tidus.

The rest of her was pulling her denim shorts off. They hit the floor with a wet sound. Her panties were ruined - in more ways than one when she tore them off.
She was waxed and open to any comers.

Under normal circumstances Yuna would have stopped to think about the awkwardness of what was about to happen next. Sephiroth was slightly taller than Tidus before you added in an inch for his boots.

Moreover he was held by living chains about two inches above the arena floor- with his toes extended. She was about a head and a half shorter than Sephiroth on equal ground. Instead she shored up her grip in his ass; adding another digit, and levered her other arm round his neck.

It took a bit of gymnastics from there to guide his member into her crotch. Sadly she had to pull her hand out of his hole to do that.

He didn't look away from her face for a second. He didn't struggle against the foregone conclusion. His eyes seemed to drift into hers. Yuna let them. His entire face seemed to glow. His pupils - pinpricks before, dilated outwards.

As she took him she knew she was breaking him. She didn't care she was giving the arena what it wanted anymore. She was going to make this little faggot heel.

Her chest glowed as she rode him with unnatural fury. If she could she'd play with her tits, rub against him. The fact that she had to use her own strength to ride him and the ice she had left in Sephiroth prevented this.

God if he had only listened to her. They could have gotten out of this together. She'd never have known how embarrassing and sexy it was to ride a man in front of a cheering crowd. Listening was important.

She'd make him listen and pay attention. She'd make a dog out of him for kicking her, for putting her in this position. She sensed his cock tense in preparation of orgasm. At the same time his eyes pushed - not out but down and in.

She keyed her rhythm down. She wanted to keep this slow. She needed to rub in the importance of obedience. She thought of submission. It made her pussy leak and her asshole clench. She felt like a passenger in her own body and yearn to be less; possessed she put the cock into her g spot and destroyed even more of herself as tribute. She bit into the gag.

Her partner had enough however. Having been about seven years, if not more, since he had had sexual contact the fact Sephiroth took two minutes and 37 seconds to burst was nothing short of remarkable. It was also a remarkable cum, staining his rapist with his jism.

Yuna hung off him for a moment. Disappointed. Any thoughts of the mans stamina were left at a buzzer. Five minutes were up.

She still felt good. Her tits her alight. She was aware that someone was walking her out of the arena. She walked to a bunch outside the cage. She would felt like she would never cum; never come back to her body - it didn't matter. Her mind was in acquiescent in sensation.

Something reached up and pulled the mask of her head. The latex came off freely, as did the gag. She took a deep breath or air. Settled for a minute. Looked down. Caught a glimpse of earbuds that barely registered. Stoned as she was, she flipped it over, studied the thing that had been on her. It was white latex with a gloss sheen.

Where eyes would have been was a bulky display screen. For all other respects though, she recognized her features. Yuna's jawline had been marred by two hoses that lead down her neck, into tanks which had cupped and through there sculpting enlarged her breasts. Aside from that the latex conformed to her features magically.

With clean air Yuna's consciousness returned and she realized what had transpired. She felt that psycho turned boy-toys cum dripping down her legs. A waive of guilt, submissive pleasure and blind fury rode through her. She turned to face the arena. Sephiroth was outside of it, on the other side.

His eyes weren't wide from the display anymore; he was possessed once again. He'd ditched his armor. An arena attendant was muttering as he wiped blood away from a seemingly uninjured shoulder. He was smiling.

She had more important things to do. She sat down and jilled herself to orgasm into about five seconds.

To Long, Didn't read: Round 1 undecided. Each participant handicapped. post bets on who you think will take round 2. 1000$ betting limit. Post suggestions for the second five minute round with your bets.
01/13/15 06:30AM
I vote Jafar vs. Maleficent for next matchup...
01/14/15 05:59AM
Far as this goes, I didn't really get feedback for it, other than you (Dr_Mabuse). So this is kind of going to be unfinished and idle unless people magically start posting bets or kinky ass suggestions. I'm sort of surprised to see it idle... I'd have thought the idea of a mind control character battle arena would be a nice place to let off steam and think of sexy things.

As far as Maleficent vs. Jafar, I'm not really motivated to pursue the idea further; unless basically a bunch of people badger me to. If someone else wants to use it as an rp setting/character battle thread, they should post one up themselves or have fun with it. It's not that I'm mad, it's just that realistically you can't have a character battle type thread with no feedback.
01/14/15 06:35AM
What is this awful fanfiction crap?
01/14/15 08:32AM
LittleToyMaker said:
What is this awful fanfiction crap?

Pretty much lol
01/14/15 02:29PM
It would have been nice if this turned into a community game of sorts, but if you just want to write a choose-your-own adventure, I'll just recommend the story thread lol.

Also I always recommend using pastebin or similar for text dumps, as walls of text such as this can be rather off-putting.

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