12/27/14 02:26AM
Advanced request.
First, I'd like to say why it's not in general request thread - because it is advanced request, and it would require, if not some hard manipulation, drawing from zero/almost zero.

Will copy it from one mail I sent, as it's probably better than to write again about exactly same thing.

Could you draw an manip for me?

I am on P(lay)B(y)F(orum) where mine G(ame)M(aster) keep slowing and slowing down action, so i reiceve about one post per month (current wait time: 34 days).

My character (don't have to be on picture, in fact I'd prefer manip to be from his point of view, if not interested in full plot you can skip to next paragraph) is 28 year old man with some demon genes that made things bit unfortunate. While he have cat ears, tail and slightly sharper fangs, he is also stuck in 12 year old body (father was of basically ageless breed of demons, shaped like giant black panther, mother was an zoophiliac who also worshipped goddess of dangerous, deceptive beauty... and sex.) He was also abused for about 12 years (mother was main priest of that goddess, he was in temple for most of his life), so he is "bit" traumatized about not only woman body, but also about intercourses. That also caused him to have really low will (2 with average of 5) and additional weakness toward woman. Which caused him to fall into...

Woman he met on ship. While best part started later, he met her there and he instantly realized that she WAS beautiful, with her waves of dark, red hair, pale skin, quite big (but not overwhelming) breasts visible from under white shirt and simply perfect lower parts of body.
Later the ship crashed and my char and this woman were only survivors. He woke up after some time and after natives living on island led him to her she told him that they were there for some long time. Now she was naked, with every bit of her perfect body visible, which (among other things and actions) allowed her to slowly induct my character into believing her and basically making him fall in love so hard so, later, one her word (or, once, wink) was enough to mess with his thoughts when he was getting out of her spell.
The induction however was bit messy, also nothing intimate happened yet (it was supposed to happen about 2-3 months ago, but then posts started to appear slowe and slower). The woman look somewhere about this: and now she is usually wearing such clothes as here: . Could you draw her (either imitating the style of first picture or with your own style) lying on the bed, and make manip when she is using her voice (it's changing slowly, from normal soft voice to so soft and sweet so it become addictive) and body (while it can be changed, in original there is nothing covering her pubes, just by the way, but it's more about her curves) to induce my character? (eventually adding at least one kiss, still progress)

I know it would not be easy but... please, do it... The GM is teasing me for 3 months already and I want to continue it in any way possible.
12/27/14 04:24AM
There's actually been <<|a thread>> for this, though I don't blame you for not finding it.
12/27/14 11:23AM
greasyi said:
There's actually been <<|a thread>> for this, though I don't blame you for not finding it.

Should I repost this post there?

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