12/28/14 04:26AM
Need help logging in.
I am attempting to access the website from my phone, and can't seem to log in. I am using the Incognito window in Chrome. I get the text box to pop up, and I can enter my information. When I hit enter, I get a message saying that I have been logged in. But the 'loli' tag stays blacklisted and whenever I try to acces the drop-down menu under 'My Account', I only have the option to login or change my password.
12/28/14 04:28AM
Also of note, I tried to post this when I wasn't logged in, and it made me log in. I did it from a full page(not the pop-up box) and I stayed logged in.
12/28/14 10:06AM
I assume Chrome's incognito refuses all cookies, which seem to be assumed by the site. It might just be misconfigured and not maintain login state by open connection and therefore require cookies. It seems more likely that the login popup in particular is misconfigured than the server, though, especially if the login page works.
12/28/14 11:40PM
tkdbb156 said:
Also of note, I tried to post this when I wasn't logged in, and it made me log in. I did it from a full page(not the pop-up box) and I stayed logged in.

I have issues with access from my phone from time to time, though mobile chrome for me is pretty moody to begin with.

I think Takyon's idea is pretty sound, though I generally haven't had issues incognito on a desktop. Not sure about mobile.

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