01/04/15 09:08AM
Help :(
Is it just me or did i miss something ?
Cause on My Mobile the Site has a Black background but when im on my Laptop the background is white which hurts my eyes @.@
So is that a Glitch or something? D:
01/04/15 03:00PM
No problems at my end here....Be it mobile or desktop pc....background is always black..
Which operating system and browser do you use?
01/04/15 09:27PM
Think it's you as it's Black no matter what I'm on even with my 360 IE app
01/04/15 09:35PM
Juuzou said:
Is it just me or did i miss something ?
Cause on My Mobile the Site has a Black background but when im on my Laptop the background is white which hurts my eyes @.@
So is that a Glitch or something? D:

I'm not aware of that either from my phone or my laptop. If it persists, you can report it in the Bug Thread up top.

I've had the mobile background take a while to load but usually nothing more than like ten seconds.
01/05/15 12:13AM
Here this is how it looks like QQ
01/05/15 04:16AM
Juuzou said:
Here this is how it looks like QQ

Gnnnaaarrr....Down the light! Down the light! D:
Seems like everything is fine just the background is not loading....Already tried deleting your cache and reloading the page? Maybe it missed the code part 'load black background' (not actual code btw) at first load :\
01/05/15 08:10AM
Juuzou said:
Here this is how it looks like QQ

That's really weird. The site just uses a line of CSS script to tell the browser to load the background as a certain color. It's not like we even have a background image, it's just a color. There's nothing that shouldn't be incompatible with, really.

A few general things to check...

* Does your browser have Javascript enabled for the site?
** Our site uses Javascript fairly heavily, so not having it enabled can do screwy things. I doubt it'd cause this, but...

* Have you tried clearing your browser's cache?
** There's a chance that the cache may be corrupt, which could cause rendering issues such as this.

* Does it happen on browsers other than the one you're using now?
** If you change browsers using the same laptop as before, and it works fine on the second browser, then the problem is more than likely not on our end, but a problem with that first browser.

* Is your browser completely up to date?
** Extremely old browser versions can REALLY mess with stuff. I've met people who still use browsers that went out of date when the internet was new, and it is the cause of all sorts of hilarity and brokenness.

If none of these little hints lead you to a solution, just let me know a few things and I'll try to see what I can figure out. I'll need your:

* Operating System name and version number.
* Browser name and version number.
* The names and version numbers of any mods/addons you use on your browser.

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