01/10/15 07:50PM
eshie said:
Vampire boss a Castlevania style level.

A beach level with a siren as the boss.

An Alien parasite boss with kinda Metroid style level.

A Lab level with a Scientist as the boss.

Each boss would have their own mind controlled minions each themed to them. Like the alien parasite would have girls with parasites on their heads and the scientist would have girls with some clear sign of a mind control device on them.

Maybe A stage hypnotist boss and their minions are all doing silly stuff you'd expect from stage hypnosis like chicken stuff and so on as an optional boss.

They're all just fighting to be the most dominant mind controller for no real reason.

Final Boss is a Puppet Master who helps you the most and give you the tutorials and goals so it seems like they've been controlling you the whole time too. Kinda like Atlas/Fontaine from Bioshock.

I had a lot of the same ideas for bosses on page 1. Do you like any of the potential attacks for the bosses I listed?
01/11/15 11:44PM
eshie said:

They're all just fighting to be the most dominant mind controller for no real reason.

For no reason? could it be...

After defeating the final boss, Hypno-tan is shown waking up in her bedroom. She was using headphones, listening to an audio that said: "Hypnosis: Have a great adventure in your dreams"
01/12/15 12:37AM
Amentibus said:
For no reason? could it be...

After defeating the final boss, Hypno-tan is shown waking up in her bedroom. She was using headphones, listening to an audio that said: "Hypnosis: Have a great adventure in your dreams"

xD But for the actual game, please no... IMO, there's nothing that kills an awesome adventure like "but it was all just a dream" :p
01/12/15 12:48AM
I don't know how interested you guys are in the engine, but if you wanted, and could provide me with graphics, I'm pretty good with RPG Maker VX Ace and would be willing to do mapping and eventing.
01/12/15 01:30AM
Also, I haven't read most of the posts in this thread, but if you do decide to go the metroidvania route, might I present a few ideas?

I believe it was mentioned before to give her various "forms" where she is under different types of hypnosis. I like this idea, but I'd like to make a suggestion on how to do it. Give each one 3 different actions, plus a jump button (in most cases). Here's some forms and actions I've thought of:

Hypnotized Form (aka default normal form)
Notes: A typical Metroidvania-esque character style. No special passive traits.
Action A: Attacks with a swinging pendulum like a whip.
Action B: Swings the pendulum around in circles while making a glowing spiral effect.
Action C: Trance. Makes her stare at her own swinging watch with a dazed expression. This causes her Will (health) meter to drop slowly. It's basically a suicide move that has no effect other than to let you see a sexy scene of her being defeated and hypnotized by a nearby enemy.

Corrupt Form (demonic, evil Hypno-tan)
Notes: More powerful than other forms, and can double jump due to having demon wings, but also takes more damage from attacks.
Action A: Wave of Darkness melee attack.
Action B: Multiple fireballs of darkness projectile attack. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Creates a black hole that draws enemies in. If an enemy comes into contact with it, it gets a dark aura around it and it becomes your familiar until it is killed by an enemy attack. Consumes special meter.

Bimbo Form (Like, totally hot and sexy Hypno-tan *giggle*)
Notes: Lowered attack and defenses, but gains more EXP and Money
Action A: Blows a kiss, making a heart projectile float out towards enemies.
Action B: Hold the button down to chew bubblegum. Release to blow it, making it slowly float forwards to pop on any enemies it comes into contact with. The longer you hold it, the bigger and more powerful the bubble and subsequent explosion. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Does a sexy dance. Nearby weak enemies will throw money at you. Stronger enemies won't be affected, however. Consumes special meter.

Robot Form (mecha Hypno-tan)
Notes: Moves slowly and robotically, and can't jump at all, but has the second most powerful attacks (behind Corrupt Form) and the highest defenses.
Action A: Fires a hypnotic ray gun. Long range and powerful. Hold down the button to aim, release to fire.
Action B: Fires rockets from her boobs, which explode into a hypnotic gas with massive effect range. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Hypno Virus: Interfaces with electronic devices, hacking them and manipulating them in various ways.

Puppet Form (Hypno-tan on strings)
Notes: Turns into a wooden marionette on strings that hang from the ceiling. Has low stats overall, but has the best vertical movement of any form, and can become nearly invincible.
Action A: Wildly swings around limbs for melee attacking.
Action B: Gets pulled up to the ceiling by her strings. When you release the button, she is slowly dropped back down (like gliding).
Action C: Her strings get cut and she slumps to the ground, helpless. However, she's so low to the ground that many attacks simply pass over her, and she becomes immune to damage by only physical contact. Press again to fix her strings. Consumes special meter.

Futa Form (Hypno-tan just can't resist stroking her new cock...)
Notes: Faps every step she takes. Walks around like some sort of dick-zombie, dazed and slow moving, taking special care to please her cock.
Action A: Squirts a string of cum. This cum deals moderate damage, but more importantly has a piercing property and also slows enemies down by covering them in jizz. However, it has extremely short range, except when you do...
Action B: Masturbates furiously with a look of pure pleasure on her face. The more she masturbates, the more cum she shoots out with Action A. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Slowly drips cum from the tip of her cock while staring off into space blankly. This cum deals massive damage but it only works from above, but it also passes through passable platforms.
01/12/15 01:37AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
xD But for the actual game, please no... IMO, there's nothing that kills an awesome adventure like "but it was all just a dream" :p

But what about an awesome adventure that takes place inside your dreams because your dreams are being invaded by an evil entity and if you die in the dream you die for real? :O
01/12/15 01:48AM
Changer said:
But what about an awesome adventure that takes place inside your dreams because your dreams are being invaded by an evil entity and if you die in the dream you die for real? :O

Okay, okay, that works... but then we're back to square one as to why the bosses are competing :P

Also, I fucking love LittleToyMaker's form ideas :) .
01/12/15 02:59AM
Changer said:
But what about an awesome adventure that takes place inside your dreams because your dreams are being invaded by an evil entity and if you die in the dream you die for real? :O

The last time that happened to me, it did not go well for the evil entity.

Comments in italic:

LittleToyMaker said:
Also, I haven't read most of the posts in this thread, but if you do decide to go the metroidvania route, might I present a few ideas?

I believe it was mentioned before to give her various "forms" where she is under different types of hypnosis. I like this idea, but I'd like to make a suggestion on how to do it. Give each one 3 different actions, plus a jump button (in most cases). Here's some forms and actions I've thought of:

Hypnotized Form (aka default normal form) I like this
Notes: A typical Metroidvania-esque character style. No special passive traits.
Action A: Attacks with a swinging pendulum like a whip.
f Action B: Swings the pendulum around in circles while making a glowing spiral effect.
Action C: Trance. Makes her stare at her own swinging watch with a dazed expression. This causes her Will (health) meter to drop slowly. It's basically a suicide move that has no effect other than to let you see a sexy scene of her being defeated and hypnotized by a nearby enemy. To make useful, exchange will for a massive boost to special meter. Also, does this do a generic ending animation when used not in a boss area, based on the closes non-boss enemy or just based off of the area.

Corrupt Form (demonic, evil Hypno-tan)
Notes: More powerful than other forms, and can double jump due to having demon wings, but also takes more damage from attacks.
Action A: Wave of Darkness melee attack. Does it corrupt?
Action B: Multiple fireballs of darkness projectile attack. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Creates a black hole that draws enemies in. If action A corrupts enemies, you can have this just draw and stun enemies If an enemy comes into contact with it, it gets a dark aura around it and it becomes your familiar until it is killed by an enemy attack How many familiars?. Consumes special meter.
An ultra powerful form might not be appropriate for use... you could have it be accessible only through an in map pick up like the pimpronomicon and dark alters... the difference being that you can use the former once and the later many times. That idea risks bloating the game though. Does getting taken out in this form cause a special end scene?

Bimbo Form (Like, totally hot and sexy Hypno-tan *giggle*)
Notes: Lowered attack and defenses, but gains more EXP and Money What is this used for?
Action A: Blows a kiss, making a heart projectile float out towards enemies.
Action B: Hold the button down to chew bubblegum. Release to blow it, making it slowly float forwards to pop on any enemies it comes into contact with. The longer you hold it, the bigger and more powerful the bubble and subsequent explosion. Consumes special meter. Potential to be used as a platformer if the bubble instead floats downwards until it is stepped on. Potential to be secondary suicide effect, with bubblegum bondage ending scene.
Action C: Does a sexy dance. Nearby weak enemies will throw money at you. Stronger enemies won't be affected, however. Consumes special meter. Does it just effect every enemy on the screen? Do they need special animation or can you just palette swap them pink? Are they stunned and can hypno-tan move?

Robot Form (mecha Hypno-tan)
Notes: Moves slowly and robotically, and can't jump at all, but has the second most powerful attacks (behind Corrupt Form) and the highest defenses. Immune to all environmental effects accept electricity. Sinks into water if water is implemented... whether it can breathe under water or not :|
Action A: Fires a hypnotic ray gun. Long range and powerful. Hold down the button to aim, release to fire. Aim with jump, crouch buttons to toggle between angles. A charging allows over penetration
Action B: Fires rockets from her boobs, which explode into a hypnotic gas with massive effect range. Consumes special meter. The image of rotary barrel breast grenades is amusing to me, especially if they go in a lobbed arc and hit a low ceiling. Would be amusing if other versions of avatar could get incapped by the gas.
Action C: Hypno Virus: Interfaces with electronic devices, hacking them and manipulating them in various ways.
Complicated idea. You have to implement 1-2 other characters or else this is just a garage door opener. Also, what happens if you get nabbed while interfacing with something?

Puppet Form (Hypno-tan on strings)
Notes: Turns into a wooden marionette on strings that hang from the ceiling. Has low stats overall, but has the best vertical movement of any form, and can become nearly invincible.
Action A: Wildly swings around limbs for melee attacking. Potentially, you could re-use the watch whipping animation by having her swing strings. Lengthen the chain, do some palette swapping, remove the watch...
Action B: Gets pulled up to the ceiling by her strings. When you release the button, she is slowly dropped back down (like gliding).
Action C: Her strings get cut and she slumps to the ground, helpless. However, she's so low to the ground that many attacks simply pass over her, and she becomes immune to damage by only physical contact. Press again to fix her strings. Consumes special meter. If a character can crouch this is redundant... assuming the character can crouch :) . Can the avatar move?

Futa Form (Hypno-tan just can't resist stroking her new cock...)

-For some reason this doesn't want to italicize :.o
For the sake of other peoples prefences, may want to implement another palette of this:
Slut Form (Hypno-tan just can't resist stroking her cunt)
In all respects it is the same, except the cum shoots out a bit further and there isn't a gigantic penis involved.
Otherwise interesting because its a form that can have high offensive stats and weak defensive stats. Or that takes constant will damage.

Notes: Faps every step she takes. Walks around like some sort of dick-zombie, dazed and slow moving, taking special care to please her cock.
Action A: Squirts a string of cum. This cum deals moderate damage, but more importantly has a piercing property and also slows enemies down by covering them in jizz. However, it has extremely short range, except when you do...
Action B: Masturbates furiously with a look of pure pleasure on her face. The more she masturbates, the more cum she shoots out with Action A. Consumes special meter.
Action C: Slowly drips cum from the tip of her cock while staring off into space blankly. This cum deals massive damage but it only works from above, but it also passes through passable platforms. If she squats and drops cum directly below her, it's easier to implement the slut idea. If the slut idea gets implemented. It's tricky because the concept of an avatar overcome by lust is really interesting, but it seems like it might require two versions of art if you pursue the futa idea... yeah preferences are that strong.

01/12/15 03:58AM
You ask so many questions. I didn't think that far ahead with a lot of those, I was just brainstorming :P

Also, I had a somewhat different idea. What if instead of being a Metroidvania, it was done like a Mega Man game? Where each stage represents one type of mind control with a boss at the end who is also a victim of said type of mind control, but when Hypno-tan defeats them, our hapless heroine frees them from their MC curse, only to be captured by it herself.

So, for example, the Corruption stage might be... a demonic castle type place. The boss at the end would be some supreme female demon. The place would be filled with Succubi, Incubus, etc. Then at the end, once you have broken the MC spell on the boss, you find out she was like a Nun or something, but then the evil spirit that has possessed her, possesses Hypno-tan.

Then in the Bimbo stage, which could be... an overly pink Barbie-esque dream house, laden with sexual imagery. The place would, of course, be overrun by bimbos. The boss at the end would be a super bimbo with absolutely enormous boobs. Like, a total and complete exaggeration of femininity, even for bimbofication. And then you beat her and find out that she was a scientist working on a formula to suppress sexual urges and it didn't quite go as well as she planned. And then Hypno-tan, being kind of a ditz, tastes the funny looking pink liquid on the table and gets turned into a bimbo herself.

But Hypno-tan is special! Despite being in a constant state of mind control in one way or another, she has some control over her triggers and can invoke them... well, I wouldn't say at will >_> But whenever she determines that it is needed.
01/12/15 04:20AM
I love the ideas LittleToyMaker!

I was thinking that the forms would kinda work like that with three things to each. One for basic attack, another for platforming purposes and then a special thing unique to each. Say like Mr Face's idea of using the bubble gum for platforming could be the bimbo's way of unlocking new areas, it'd have a long vertical float to cross long pits maybe seeing as the puppet form does vertical.

Probably not gonna use the futa form though.... It's kind of a marmite thing where it'd probably turn people away from the game. Love all the other ideas though!

I don't think it'll have the RPG elements in it, not because I don't like them but it'd complicate things and add more to do which would make this harder. So the only thing the form changes effect are jump, attack range and speed at most as well as the special things they add.

LittleToyMaker said:
Also, I had a somewhat different idea. What if instead of being a Metroidvania, it was done like a Mega Man game? Where each stage represents one type of mind control with a boss at the end who is also a victim of said type of mind control, but when Hypno-tan defeats them, our hapless heroine frees them from their MC curse, only to be captured by it herself.

So, for example, the Corruption stage might be... a demonic castle type place. The boss at the end would be some supreme female demon. The place would be filled with Succubi, Incubus, etc. Then at the end, once you have broken the MC spell on the boss, you find out she was like a Nun or something, but then the evil spirit that has possessed her, possesses Hypno-tan.

But Hypno-tan is special! Despite being in a constant state of mind control in one way or another, she has some control over her triggers and can invoke them... well, I wouldn't say at will >_> But whenever she determines that it is needed.

This is a good idea plot wise! It'd tie together most things. Though I was thinking of a reward of a cutscene where Hypno-tan has her way with the boss so you don't have to die but I'm sure I can work out something else.

Also some of the powers match ideas for the bossed already, Scientist gives to robo Hypno-tan, the vampire (which can be changed to demon) for corruption, Puppet master gives puppet. And it gives me an idea for a new boss with the bimbo.

Needs some more hammering out but these are some good ideas!
01/12/15 04:41AM
What about having the bimbo form's boobs inflate to ridiculous sizes and make her float for short periods of time? For crossing large gaps, as you said.
01/12/15 04:52AM
LittleToyMaker said:
You ask so many questions. I didn't think that far ahead with a lot of those, I was just brainstorming :P

They're thinking questions I hope and not show stoppers. The only thing that was a buzz kill to me was the Action C of the 'bot-chan... just because it seems like it could easily be turned into something that is either too simple or too complicated.

Also, have a fork ;)
I'm kind of inclined to focus on Eshie's idea just because it was here first. It's not that you have a bad idea, I'm just a one thing at a time guy... it does make me wonder a bit how many games can live on one forum post.

It did get me thinking that, when planning (what I figure is going on right now) someone should sit down and get an idea of what the transformations do in the abstract sense. Have a few avatar archetypes that, when it comes down to it the artist can draw over 'em.
The idea is that you end up with 3 to whatever roles for transformations like "melee-chan", "tank-chan", "dps-chan", "bouncy-chan". I think you'd reap a lot of benefits from separating implementation from presentation like that. It makes it so that the artists problems are not the programmers problems to a point. For instance, the inflating boobs of the bimbo, rocket of robot/futa/slut-chan, wings on a demon-chan, ect. are all artist ways of approaching "flying-chan".
01/12/15 09:04AM
If this thread achieves anything more complicated than a "click here to hypnotize" image sequence, I will eat my hat.

Well, I will buy a hat, and then eat it.

Then I'll come back here and complain that you guys owe me a hat.
01/12/15 09:55AM
TheZiggler said:
If this thread achieves anything more complicated than a "click here to hypnotize" image sequence, I will eat my hat.

Well, I will buy a hat, and then eat it.

Then I'll come back here and complain that you guys owe me a hat.

You've got a point

*Puts on project manager hat*

A forum thread isn't a great way to organise a game project. If people are serious then setting up something like a slack (slack.com/ ) so we can keep the discussions separate would be a good start. Also best to timebox (That's manager for set a deadline) these sorts of brainstorming discussions else they just go round and round. Starting to setup basic prototypes to see which ones are actually fun should start soon. Problem is we seem to have lots of people using different engines so we should agree on what we're using first
01/12/15 11:32AM
LittleToyMaker said:
What about having the bimbo form's boobs inflate to ridiculous sizes and make her float for short periods of time? For crossing large gaps, as you said.

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