01/06/15 04:10AM
HELP!! A growing interest
Hello all,
You may have seen me a few times on the forums and often times in the chat. I'm the guy who thoroughly enjoys hypnosis and MC as it appears in Anime and cartoon episodes. Recently though I've come to realize my fancy with this stuff is growing and at a RAPID pace! It seems to be so routine that when I have time to myself that I am consumed by thoughts of finding MORE hypnosis examples in anime episodes. Does anybody else have an almost uncontrollable growing need when it comes to this stuff that it consumes your free time? I just want to know if there are others out there as compulsive in thinking about this stuff as me. Thanks for your time!
01/06/15 04:45AM
Yes, it is perfectly normal. It just means the subliminals are working as intended.
01/06/15 05:32AM
Changer said:
Yes, it is perfectly normal. It just means the subliminals are working as intended.

This ain't good. Although, maybe that isn't a bad thing, but subliminals are weaksauce, man. Try somthing else, like, you know, hypnotism? A little special page dedicated to brainwashing? I dunno, but that's just a thought.
01/06/15 06:01AM
Shmecha said:
This ain't good. Although, maybe that isn't a bad thing, but subliminals are weaksauce, man. Try somthing else, like, you know, hypnotism? A little special page dedicated to brainwashing? I dunno, but that's just a thought.

Hey, I don't make the site, I just lie about it's content.
01/06/15 07:52AM
Shmecha said:
[...]subliminals are weaksauce, man.

If you truly believe that, then I disagree. :3
...Because they obviously worked.

JC518 said:
Hello all,
You may have seen me a few times on the forums and often times in the chat. I'm the guy who thoroughly enjoys hypnosis and MC as it appears in Anime and cartoon episodes. Recently though I've come to realize my fancy with this stuff is growing and at a RAPID pace! It seems to be so routine that when I have time to myself that I am consumed by thoughts of finding MORE hypnosis examples in anime episodes. Does anybody else have an almost uncontrollable growing need when it comes to this stuff that it consumes your free time? I just want to know if there are others out there as compulsive in thinking about this stuff as me. Thanks for your time!

You're asking this on a Hypnofetish website that has an active community. Of course this is normal to us. XD

On the off chance that this is a serious concern and not just a joke post: if it doesn't interfere with your daily life, it's not a problem.
01/06/15 09:18AM
I've also been spending a lot more time with my fetish than I ever have previously. I chalk this up to 5 reasons in particular:

1. My other websites are dead, and people in my life are sucking up my time and preventing me from pursuing more productive hobbies. Meh.

2. It's tied to sex. Of course we're going to be interested in that; our bodies want it. It's like people getting way into porn of any kind >.>

3. Unlike porn of any kind, this is a niche kink that many of us probably did not know others shared until somewhat recently. I went through my childhood with the vague, subconscious hope that some piece of media would contain MC scenes, and now that there's a huge-ass, easily-accessible database of them both canon and original, the desire to "make up for lost time" indulging in 'em is powerful indeed :P

4. Hypnosis is fun. Shit, I look at all the kinks out there, and find myself downright blessed that I got hit with one that makes some sense on a mainstream sexual level, and is actually interesting to discuss in and of itself.

5. Compared to your typical internet community, Hypnohub is filled with good-humored, enthusiastic people who generally make it a nice, non-hostile place to visit.

6. [the subliminals are working as intended]
01/06/15 11:13AM
Dr_Mabuse said:

6. [the subliminals are working as intended]

Excellent >:D

Though yeah, this is a fun place to hang out ^_^
01/07/15 01:11AM
Thank you all for your support. It is SO refreshing to know that there are others out there sharing in this fancy. By taking over my life, I meant my sexual desires! it's as if anything and everything sexual has to relate back to hypnosis and/or Mind Control. This is an AWESOME place to hangout because everybody here feels the same way.

Dr. Mabuse, all of those are great points and looking at them has really impacted me that not only am I not alone, but its just a natural desire based on what makes my subconscious libido happy!
01/07/15 01:23AM
Thanks, JC518. I was debating with myself on whether to post that, or if it would seem too self-centered or pedantic. Very happy to know it helped you out! ^_^
01/07/15 07:16AM
JC518 said:
It seems to be so routine that when I have time to myself that I am consumed by thoughts of finding MORE hypnosis examples in anime episodes. Does anybody else have an almost uncontrollable growing need when it comes to this stuff that it consumes your free time?

Yeah, I'm this way. My autopilot mode is to check hypnohub, deviantart, and a few other sites to find new hypnofetish content. It's often the first thing I do in the morning <_<

I don't feel very uncomfortable about it because the hypnohub community is wonderful and there's so much stuff coming out!
01/07/15 09:47AM
Subliminal messages? * scoffs *

As for your worries: passions like an animal. Feed it, play with it and set good boundaries.
01/08/15 12:23AM
JamesF said:
Yeah, I'm this way. My autopilot mode is to check hypnohub, deviantart, and a few other sites to find new hypnofetish content. It's often the first thing I do in the morning <_<

I don't feel very uncomfortable about it because the hypnohub community is wonderful and there's so much stuff coming out!

This is so true! There's so much talent on here and some of the art is just simply amazing! Although anime hypno is still my main focus, the drawings are still phenomenal

Mr_Face said:
Subliminal messages? * scoffs *

As for your worries: passions like an animal. Feed it, play with it and set good boundaries.

This is just what I do : D

Thank you all again for your support! I'm so relived to have found this site
01/08/15 03:57PM
JamesF said:
Yeah, I'm this way. My autopilot mode is to check hypnohub, deviantart, and a few other sites to find new hypnofetish content. It's often the first thing I do in the morning <_<

I don't feel very uncomfortable about it because the hypnohub community is wonderful and there's so much stuff coming out!

true for me as well, hypnohub is my first stop of the day xD deviantart, sleepymaid, kaa booru and furaffinity (they do have some stuff on there) are just some of my other stops. but always hypnohub first ^^

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