01/06/15 11:15PM
Saimin Yuugi
Ok, so Saimin Yuugi is pretty damn awesome. However I can't seem to unlock the final scenes after the big show. I played through all the girl's routes, but am I still missing something?
01/08/15 06:09AM
Blastermaster said:
Ok, so Saimin Yuugi is pretty damn awesome. However I can't seem to unlock the final scenes after the big show. I played through all the girl's routes, but am I still missing something?

I can't remember if Saimin Yuugi has this, but in a lot of games, after you finish all the content except the inevitable harem scene, that scene will be a miniature post-game option added to the main menu where you would otherwise choose New Game, Load, etc. Check to see if there's any option that you don't remember seeing previously (or, sometimes, it's titled Extra, but most of the time Extra is where all the CG/Scene playbacks are).

I remember unlocking it, but it's been forever, and I've, for whatever reason, since lost my saves.
01/08/15 06:30PM
If I recall correctly I was told that in order to unlock it you needed to complete all three main routes (that is to continue until the credits roll and NOT pick to go hypnotize one of the other girls halfway through), but I feel like I might have done it in the wrong order or something? Man kind of a bummer
01/09/15 02:48AM
Blastermaster said:
If I recall correctly I was told that in order to unlock it you needed to complete all three main routes (that is to continue until the credits roll and NOT pick to go hypnotize one of the other girls halfway through), but I feel like I might have done it in the wrong order or something? Man kind of a bummer

Oh, so it's one of those.

It's a bit of a pain, but I usually go through the process of elimination and try every combination of choices possible the very first time I play a game. Then I enjoy it after I unlock all the scenes. :P

I think I found the scene in Saimin Yuugi by accident, but I do recall some games that have a new choice unlocked at some decision point in the game once you've unlocked all the other endings. I can't really help you with this one, unfortunately, since I've lost my save files somehow.

You could always go looking for a complete save if you wanna just see the scene.
01/11/15 07:01PM
To get the final scene, you need to choose to start a new game on the main menu after seeing all the other routes, and there will be a new option at the start of the game that leads to it. Took me forever to get it since I kept trying to find a new route through the game from my first save.
01/11/15 09:19PM
blooper said:
To get the final scene, you need to choose to start a new game on the main menu after seeing all the other routes, and there will be a new option at the start of the game that leads to it. Took me forever to get it since I kept trying to find a new route through the game from my first save.

Huh. Well I fired up a new file and it only gives me the same three options as before as to what route to go with... Unless it's even earlier than that?

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