01/14/15 12:15AM
Good Monster Girl Eroge?
Greetings fellow hypno-enthusiasts.

Other than Monster Girl Quest (already a giant lover of that one) Does anyone know of any other good games, anime, media, etc, that properly captures the beauty of the inhuman beauties?

01/14/15 01:02AM
Not exactly MG-themed, but I've really enjoyed Eushully's <<vndb.org/v5652|神採りアルケミーマイスター (Kamidori Alchemy Meister)>> so far. A J-SRPG sim that plays similarly to Fire Emblem. The main three routes you can choose from are pretty vanilla (the most Monster Girl you're going to get is the elf), but there are a few MG characters that can join your party including a slime/goo girl, a kitsune, a catgirl succubus, some angels, and even an earth golem -- all of which have eroge scenes.

There's a translation patch out there too. If I remember correctly, I believe the sex scenes start happening around Chapter 4 and onward.

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