10/09/13 07:23AM
Femsub vs Femdom
Hi all! After meeting such awesome people on this awesome site, I thought to myself 'yes, I think it's safe to start a mature discussion here' so here goes!

I love hypno fetish. Once upon a time I thought it was just abnormal to be so engaged in the idea, but I love that there is enough of a community here to keep a site like this alive.

But what is it that YOU find most appealing? Is it the sensuality of a woman in a trance, or perhaps the hypnotic beauty of a woman in power?

I love both, but I'd really love to see what you all have to say.
10/09/13 07:39AM
Inb4 "What about males?" :P

I prefer entranced women. I used to ONLY care about femsub, but ever since I tried making some of my own PoV femdom manips, I've entertained the idea of being a sub, if only occasionally. I guess you could say I'm slightly bi-curious when it comes to dom vs. sub. XD
10/09/13 07:41AM
Can go either way for me. Women always look more gorgeous in trance if you ask me, but whenever I experiment with hypno files, I much prefer having a female hypnotist.
10/09/13 08:02AM
I'm almost always a femsub kind of guy. The issue I find with Femdoms is the whole reverse harem idea being a turnoff. I want to be the only one, not a man amidst a legion.
10/09/13 08:07AM
This usually depends. If it's a heterosexual situation, I prefer femsub. If it's a Yuri situation, I can't really avoid femdom unless there's a male character controlling both subjects in the background. I've tried to branch out into femdom, but it's hard for me to get into the mindset. There's just something about seeing a beautiful women being placed in a dazed and compliant trance or temporarily reduced to an empty husk that just feels like a huge turn on for me.

In a way, I sort of feel bad since this fetish tends to bring out my inner bully, especially if there's loli involved.
10/09/13 08:18AM
Sol420 said:
here's just something about seeing a beautiful women being placed in a dazed and compliant trance or temporarily reduced to an empty husk that just feels like a huge turn on for me.

here here
10/09/13 09:41AM
Femdom all the way for me. Something in the idea of being helpless before such beauty, of having no will to resist, and of being so devoted to giving pleasure that you feel pleasure in return for doing so is... alluring. Of course, I'm also a fan of Futanari and am naturally shy and somewhat submissive, so the idea of letting a dominant woman lead while I just go along with what she wants is always at the center of my fantasies, hypnosis or no. The spiral (or music or Kaa eyes or whatever) just makes things even hotter.

Not that I'm against femsub at all, if I walked in to my room to find a hypnotized slave-girl and a note saying "have fun" both sitting on my bed, well... no objections there.
10/09/13 10:07AM
Femsub, I suppose, but I'm man enough to admit I'd be turned on by a hypnotized Bridget, and, of course, the first hypnotized cartoon character ever to turn me on as a boy was Mowgli, who is, of course, not a girl, but neither is Kaa.

For real-world hypnosis, I've only ever really been interested in being a subject, and I tried listening to many femdom files for a time (circa 2005), but after a while, I decided that they just weren't my bag. I mean, I have responded as advertised to a few of those hands-free orgasm files, but those files usually aren't that domme-ish, they're more focused on increasing your own arousal based on recalling past experiences. The femdom files I'm talking about are of the "obey your mistress, pet", I'm just not interested in that kind of mistress/slave BDSM roleplay. Eventually, I figured out that I just like being hypnotized by anonymous voices who don't demand any fealty or erotic attachment. I care about the quality of the hypnosis experience, not the hypnotist, and, in fact, most of the people whose hypnosis files I listen to today are men, even though I'm not exactly gay (used to think of myself as being bisexual, but those desires have largely faded with age).
10/09/13 12:21PM
What's funny is that I was absolutely into femsub, then, all of a sudden, I had some interest in femdom. But a very restricted one: if it's a story (i.e., I'm not the sub) the sub in the story must be shota, and there can't be inverse-harem.

Kinkyloli instead had some strong and/or dominant original characters when she was in her early teen years, but then I changed her mind, and now she's only interested in femsub situations (both in fiction and irl).

Which leads to a funny situation, but she does play dominant just to please me once in a while.
10/09/13 12:57PM
I like the idea of a woman who can directly stimulate and tease the erotic pleasure center of my brain and leave me basically helpless to resist.
10/09/13 02:02PM
Stem_Cell said all, so... yeah :)
10/09/13 03:45PM
My first thought on seeing the thread title was just, why not both?
10/09/13 05:57PM
Mr.H said:
My first thought on seeing the thread title was just, why not both?

*la bamba fanfare plays*


In all seriousness this is a real interesting thread. Thanks for participating, everyone!
10/09/13 08:55PM
Well I very much love both!

Traditionally I'm more of a femsub person. However, as I might have mentioned before, the idea that nobody is immune to hypnotism really gets me going. That everyone can be put into a trance if the hypnotist knows what to do. So that would include me, and other males in the "everyone" category.

I'll usually prefer seeing the ladies in an obedient trance. But once in a while, seeing the lady take over a boy's mind can be very thrilling! Especially if she uses his (or my...>.>;) fetishes against him. Tehe.
10/09/13 10:42PM
I am into both (as well as maledom and malesub) but the thing is... I kind of project myself into the story, like self-insert myself into the sub and then I like to imagine what it's like in their position.

That's actually how I get off to my MC. >///>
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