10/09/13 11:54AM
loli != flat_chest
Since some people here are usually confused.

<<|This is flat_chest>>.

<<|This is loli>>.

Note how lolis have a child's body, instead of a grown-up body with small chests.

Q: I thought "loli" was a cup size!
A: <<|It's not>>.

Q: Aha! So loli is the canonical age!
A: ... <<|It's not>>.

Q: So the "loli" tag is about people's tastes, right?
A: No, it's about the proportions.

Q: So when it looks about 16 years old, it's loli right?
A: No!

Q: So, loli is when it's child porn, right?
A: *facedesk*
10/09/13 08:27PM
Why the facedesk at the end there?

In the long run, yeah. It is.
A Loli is a little child, a girl, specifically. You said yourself, 'lolis have a child's body'.
So yeah.
It IS shild porn, in the most basic of senses. Well, when dealing with fetish stuff.

A child in sexual situations, thus being pedophilia. Even if they are not, canonically speaking, children, it still is due to appearances.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I just don't get why the facedesk at the end, and I explained why I don't get it.
So please. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease help me out here.
10/09/13 10:11PM
Calling lolicon (drawn children) "child porn" trivializes real child porn. By equating cartoon characters to real children, you are likewise equating real children to cartoon characters. Real child porn is devastating for the children used to make it. It involves terrible abuse, or at the very least, exploitation, which can be just as traumatic to relive. Lolicon, on the other hand, has no victims. No children were harmed in the making of those pics.

Unfortunately, thanks to so many governments policing "thought crimes", lolicon is illegal in many places, just because the people viewing it might want to have sex with real children. People have even been arrested and labeled sex offenders for having lolicon material. That's right, people have been jailed for something they might do. I'm gonna put this out there: fapping to loli pics in no way means you want to have sex with children, just as playing a violent video game in no way means you want to go on a shooting spree.

Anyway, Stem_Cell, the first pic is corrupted, it seems. (Also, I found this thread kinda funny, because that pic of Flandre with huge boobs that was uploaded yesterday was tagged "loli" at first.)
10/10/13 01:02AM
Lunakiri said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, I just don't get why the facedesk at the end, and I explained why I don't get it.
So please. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease help me out here.

You genuinely seem confused about it, which is curious because I thought everybody putting both in the same basket were set out to stain lolicon with the stigma of child pornography.
Seeing it can be just an interpretation mistake, it brightens my day.

The fact is, they aren't the same thing for a few reasons.

First, because child porn involves real children involved. Now, the damage caused to them varies a lot depending on what you call "child porn" - for example, there are russian child model agencies that make slightly-sexualized non-nude photoshoots where probably the "children" involved were just making some easy cash with the parent's consent. But in other cases it can be real exploitation of children, which is bad and shouldn't ever happen. Loli material, on the other hand, <<|does not involve real children>>. This means that while child porn might mean exploitation of children, loli material wouldn't.

Second, because the interest in both might not be correlated. You might get aroused and fap to an image of loli guro even if you would be completely disgusted by seeing it in real life and be entirely against the act. Child porn involves moral issues, but lolis are images, and morals do not apply. You don't have to be a sick criminal to play GTA and like it.

Thirdly, heck, some lolicons probably find real-life children a turn-off, because of how annoying they are. Lolis are an idealized version of a mix of cuteness and sexyness, and some times other things like badassness. You can make it wonderful, and everything is allowed because the limits are your imagination's. It's fantasy.

Lastly, as Mindwipe said, equating both trivializes child porn. Probably not all child porn is rape, as the hormones are ready much earlier than at 18, but in the cases where it is rape, it's wrong. This sort of thinking leads organizations like UNICEF to <<|protecting 2D imaginary children instead of doing their actual job>> (nevermind police arresting innocent people).

Actually, this even leads to a worse point: hampering freedom of expression and arresting innocents, potentially even using such a thought crime at police's discretion (like "piracy", and related bullshit crimes).

Mindwipe said:
Anyway, Stem_Cell, the first pic is corrupted, it seems.

It isn't corrupted here... even with clean cache o_O
Does it happen to anyone else?
10/10/13 01:09AM
Stem_Cell said:
It isn't corrupted here... even with clean cache o_O
Does it happen to anyone else?

Oh, never mind. I cleared my cache and it's fine now. Carry on.
10/10/13 04:02AM
Oh fuck it. nevermind
Getting rid of that before peoples opinions of me sour even more.

Thanks you guys. I disagree with it not being the same, but thanks for letting me know =)
10/10/13 01:05PM
Lunakiri said:
Oh fuck it. nevermind
Getting rid of that before peoples opinions of me sour even more.

Thanks you guys. I disagree with it not being the same, but thanks for letting me know =)

I'm curious about what you might have written. I'm not gonna judge :)

By the way, have you read all of what me and Mindwipe said about it and you still think loli art is child porn? I'm curious as to why, because some people raise that argument to label loli drawings as immoral.

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