Pool: Sig's Latex Symbiote

The liquid latex parasite sticks tightly against its host's skin, maintaining a solid but tight and flexible structure most of the time, but dissolving into viscous liquid at will. Hosts can be infected from a latex creature or someone else already infected. The parasite makes the host faster, more agile, and stronger. Hosts can generate liquid latex from their fingertips and tongue tip in order to infect others.

In return for granting the abilities, it makes any Wearers who were infected from another Wearer subservient and obedient to the first person infected. In addition, all Wearers experience an increase in libido and sexual energy when infected. Furthermore, during infection, the latex emits a special chemical that seeps into the skin to make it more sensitive to pleasure.

<a href="http://professor-celestino.deviantart.com/gallery/62145220/Latex-Symbiote">Latex Symbiote series</a>
<b>Before</b> ¤ <a href="http://professor-celestino.deviantart.com/art/Sig-s-Latex-Symbiote-I