Wiki History Listing

3A character has an eye on their forehead, above the midpoint of their two main eyes. This tag implies [[multiple_eyes]]. If they have an additional eye somewhere else, or if they have more than just an eye on their forehead, use [[multiple_eyes]] instead. [h4]See also:[/h4] • [[category:eyes]] • [[no_eyes]] • [[glowing_eyes]]
Updated by OperationTransport Sat, Jun 10 '23, 12:01
Version 3
2A character has an eye on their forehead, above the midpoint of their two main eyes. This tag implies [[multiple_eyes]]. If they have an additional eye somewhere else, or if they have more than just an eye on their forehead, use [[multiple_eyes]] instead. [h4]See also[/h4] * [[category:eyes]] * [[no_eyes]] * [[glowing_eyes]]
Updated by OperationTransport Fri, Mar 03 '23, 09:19
Version 2
1A character has an eye on their forehead, above the midpoint of their two main eyes. If they have an additional eye somewhere else, or if they have more than just an eye on their forehead, use [[multiple_eyes]] instead. [h4]See also[/h4] * [[category:eyes]] * [[no_eyes]] * [[glowing_eyes]]
Updated by OperationTransport Fri, Mar 03 '23, 09:18
Version 1