10/22/13 05:20AM
Okay so I just fought with the Single Battle Battle Chatelaine Sister and got my butt handed to me by a Grumpig and Wigglytuff... /singletear/

Her dialogue kinda gave me a weird feeling though.

Battle Chatelaine Nita said:
"Hello-how-are-ya? Are ya in good form? I'm Nita. Welcome to the Battle Maison, pet."

And when I lost she referred to me as 'pet' again. I'm wondering if all of them do that or if its just her.
10/23/13 12:20AM
I know I kind of already said this, but I want to restate it: the Furisode Girls are gorgeous. I love their designs so much. Honestly, why does this game have such great character designs?
10/23/13 12:36AM
"Mamoswinelline" lol
10/23/13 03:41AM
Just got to the Frost Cavern, and I have to say, I'm really glad Game Freak decided to get rid of the seasons from Gen 5. They were kind of novel at first, but it was a pain in the ass having to wait several real-time months for certain Pokemon to be available, or certain areas to be accessible.

Also oh my god Heliolisk is the best. An electric 'mon with unique typing that learns a draining move and Surf? Yes please.
10/23/13 04:33AM
Woo! Caught a Rotom! Too bad I think I'd be better sticking with the Ampharos I have.
10/23/13 05:55AM
Mindwipe said:
Woo! Caught a Rotom! Too bad I think I'd be better sticking with the Ampharos I have.

I just caught mine as I'm typing this too~ And to be honest, it really depends on if you want Rotom's typing/ability advantages or Ampharos' mega. Both have really nice movesets but Rotom does have the speed so it really is up to you.

Mindwipe said:
I know I kind of already said this, but I want to restate it: the Furisode Girls are gorgeous. I love their designs so much. Honestly, why does this game have such great character designs?

I'm so happy with all the designs this generation too, Hex Maniacs are definitely my favorite though, plus the Ace Trainers (as usual), eheh/////

petal said:
"Mamoswinelline" lol

Maybe she was born with it. Maybe its Mamoswinelline~
10/23/13 06:13AM
Zyii said:
I just caught mine as I'm typing this too~ And to be honest, it really depends on if you want Rotom's typing/ability advantages or Ampharos' mega. Both have really nice movesets but Rotom does have the speed so it really is up to you.

To be honest, Rotom's typing would help me a lot more than Ampharos' pure Electric typing or Mega Ampharos' Electric/Dragon typing (I already have a Dragon-type on my team, and another if you count Mega Charizard X). I also checked the Rotom I caught, and it's got a good nature (not Modest, but it'll do). I'm just not sure if its higher speed is enough to make up for its lower...everything else.

Maybe she was born with it. Maybe its Mamoswinelline~

10/23/13 09:34PM
Just caught Xerneas in a Quick Ball. :D
10/23/13 10:34PM
Vorp said:
Just caught Xerneas in a Quick Ball. :D

That's exactly what I plan on doing when I get there (I made no progress yesterday).
10/24/13 12:41AM
I tried that on Yveltal and it didn't work. :'(
10/24/13 08:17AM
Semi on topic here regarding the legends, as well as an interesting and kinda unknown mechanic, from what I've heard from others, (as well as my experience while going to catch my legend), when you're about to capture Yveltal or Xerneas, you're guaranteed what's called a Critical Capture. Critical Captures are essentially when you toss a Pokeball and it makes a different noise then usual when being thrown, followed by when the Pokemon itself goes inside, the ball used shudders and then falls down, followed by a single wiggle before either opening or being captured on the spot. Essentially, they boost the success rate of the capture by A LOT, but it still isn't a guaranteed catch.

The way you can use these outside of the legend encounter in the game is to literally catch a lot of Pokemon and fill your Pokedex. The more species you have caught, the better the chances it will occur starting at 30 species caught and recorded. Now I'm not sure if it counts towards Pokemon you evolved as well, like dex entries total, or if its legitimately just Pokemon captured, but its a really useful mechanic that I love for sure since it practically is a reward for catching a lot of Pokemon, and its hella useful during special encounters.
10/24/13 03:53PM
Oh that'd explain why my quick ball didn't work then. I knew about critical capture, but I had no idea it was effected by how many Pokemon you had in your Dex.
10/25/13 06:14AM
Beat the E4 today. While I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the game, I think it feels unfinished in some ways that make me look forwards to Z or XY2 or whatever we get (hopefully XY2, I haven't even played BW2 but I like that kind of updated release better.) Here's some stuff I'd like to see in the next game:

-The bag is a total mess. Am I alone in thinking this? Pokeballs should be in a separate pocket, and there should be some sort of auto-sorting.

-Why not just pop up the summary of your Pokemon in the Pokemon screen when you scroll over it, instead of having the entire top screen be empty until you hit something?

-PSS is really cool, but I'd like to be able to devote one of my lower-screen panels to my active team.

-I'd like to see more 3d models of trainers (maybe all trainers) and have them stand behind their Pokemon while they fight, and react during battles like they did in BW. At least for the Gym leaders. Also, I'd like to see more battle backgrounds and a slightly better camera.

-The plot was a weird mix of dark and goofy. I don't want to talk about the plot of a Pokemon game too much, but BW's was better and that's not saying much.

-3 legendaries... really? And isn't it kind of weird to only give Blaziken a Mega evolution? (Swampert is one of my favorite pokemon so I'm biased)

-The game is super easy. I turned off my Exp share because it would've probably put me into the 70s by the E4. (Still got to 60-64.) The plus side of this is that I was able to bring a Butterfree to the Elite Four and it was AWESOME.

Most of the new Pokemon were pretty great though. Goodra is the cutest dragon monstrosity ever :3 I also love Greninja wearing his tongue as a scarf and Ampharos getting hair. Sycamore is my favorite Professor ever, and Fairy type and Mega Evolutions are cool. It's a good game, there's just some things about it that seem off.
10/25/13 07:20AM
Okay, Wonder Trade is awesome. Someone just gave me a Froakie with its hidden ability. :O
10/25/13 07:32AM
I got to a new town, and the first thing I did was raid the boutique and buy all its clothes. I'm still jealous of all the options you female trainers have. >:(

And, man, I'm so far behind everyone. I just got my 7th badge, and now I'm in the Rocket HQ... I mean Team Flare HQ. Have I mentioned that I miss Team Rocket? I feel like they were the only evil team in the series to not seem like... well, cartoon villains. With the exception of Team Plasma, who were at least interesting in the way they presented themselves (even if their actual goal was really generic), I feel like every other evil team has just been stereotypical baddies with increasingly ridiculous goals.
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