10/25/13 09:20AM
Mindwipe said:
I got to a new town, and the first thing I did was raid the boutique and buy all its clothes. I'm still jealous of all the options you female trainers have. >:(

Yeah I feel like the Male Trainer's really got the crap end here. Alot of times where I actually would like to restart to play as a Female to be honest.
10/25/13 10:10AM
Hypster said:
Yeah I feel like the Male Trainer's really got the crap end here. Alot of times where I actually would like to restart to play as a Female to be honest.

The male trainers are always getting the short end of the design stick, it seems. I've never bought both versions of a game before, but I think this duo will be my first, and as petty as it sounds, choosing the opposite gender is one of the main reasons I want to.

Anyway, I love it when Game Freak puts long cutscenes and battles between catching a legendary and getting to check its nature. My Xerneas' nature doesn't suck, but it's basically useless. Oh well, I'll probably ditch it after the E4, anyway.
10/25/13 10:16AM
I caught a Yveltal and named him Carlos. We were going to be friends, but he was Adamant and I had already saved my game. I would much rather use Oblivion Wing and Dark Pulse over Sucker Punch and Fly...

I'm toying with the idea of getting X, just to do it again with different Pokemon, but it seems so wasteful... I haven't got both flagship versions since Gen III.
10/26/13 08:31AM
So, I just fought a psychic outside of the city that has the second gym laying around (not used to there being so many gymless cities xD) and when I beat him he said "You and your Pokemon's energy levels are amazing. They are over 9000 for sure!"

10/26/13 08:33AM
Changer said:
So, I just fought a psychic outside of the city that has the second gym laying around (not used to there being so many gymless cities xD) and when I beat him he said "You and your Pokemon's energy levels are amazing. They are over 9000 for sure!"


Yeah, I mentioned him on the 2nd page. I smiled so hard when I saw that.
10/26/13 05:25PM
i managed to miss that post xD Also, a bit earlier there was another 'shorts are comfy and easy to wear' kid.

I hope I get fly soon though, its getting increasingly tedius to backtrack all the way back to the farm every day. xD
10/26/13 05:39PM
Changer said:
i managed to miss that post xD Also, a bit earlier there was another 'shorts are comfy and easy to wear' kid.

I actually think just about every Youngster in this game is obsessed with shorts.
10/26/13 11:19PM
I'm upset that Youngster Joey doesn't even have a Rattata in this game, let alone one in the top percentage of Rattata.
10/27/13 02:53AM
I found one Noibat in my trip through Terminus Cave... aaaaand I killed it. :(

Is anyone keeping track of all the references/possible references to older generations in this game? I just talked to the scientist in the Couriway Town Pokemon Center who asks if anyone would want a machine that could turn them into Pokemon, and all I could think about was Bill in the Gen 1 games.
10/27/13 03:47AM
Mindwipe said:
I found one Noibat in my trip through Terminus Cave... aaaaand I killed it. :(

Is anyone keeping track of all the references/possible references to older generations in this game? I just talked to the scientist in the Couriway Town Pokemon Center who asks if anyone would want a machine that could turn them into Pokemon, and all I could think about was Bill in the Gen 1 games.

There are actually multiple references to previous regions by alot of the NPCs in the towns. One example being an Elder referencing the Lava Cookies sold in the Hoenn Reigon.

Another quote that stands out is someone tells you something along the lines of "Have you been to---oh, I guess you'll see it soon enough." leading people to believe that we might get a chance to explore a different region via event or a "Z" version.

Its all speculation though, but I personally would love to revisit Hoenn.
10/27/13 03:58AM
Hypster said:
There are actually multiple references to previous regions by alot of the NPCs in the towns. One example being an Elder referencing the Lava Cookies sold in the Hoenn Reigon.

Oh, I know. That's why I asked if anyone was keeping track. There's also a woman in Lumiose City who says that Prof. Oak's grandson came to visit once, and he still said "Smell ya later" whenever he left.

Another quote that stands out is someone tells you something along the lines of "Have you been to---oh, I guess you'll see it soon enough." leading people to believe that we might get a chance to explore a different region via event or a "Z" version.

Well, there's already been an item discovered that's stated to come from some far-off region, and I believe it was also confirmed that it isn't any of the previous 5 regions...
10/27/13 02:11PM
Mindwipe said:
I found one Noibat in my trip through Terminus Cave... aaaaand I killed it. :(

Noibats are uncommon since they only appear from 'swooping down' spots, if you repeatedly go to spots where dust falls from the ceiling you can encounter them multiple times easily.
10/27/13 05:30PM
So last night while I was deciding what to do in the game I found myself thinking, "Oh, I need to go to work at the hotel so I have money to buy clothes..." Such is the magic of life sim video games, I guess D:
10/27/13 08:41PM
Mr.H said:
Noibats are uncommon since they only appear from 'swooping down' spots, if you repeatedly go to spots where dust falls from the ceiling you can encounter them multiple times easily.

I know, that's why I intentionally ran under every shaking spot I found. But I wasn't really interested in having a Noibat in my party, so I didn't bother going back to look for another one after I emptied the cave of its items. There are also Shuckles in the breakable rocks in that cave. I broke every single rock and never found one.

petal said:
So last night while I was deciding what to do in the game I found myself thinking, "Oh, I need to go to work at the hotel so I have money to buy clothes..." Such is the magic of life sim video games, I guess D:

Speaking of this, I think I finally found a combination of clothes that make my character look cool. I just had to spend $100,000 on a jacket in Lumiose City. -_- (Still wanna play as a girl now.)

So, I've finally made it to the route where I can catch a Scyther. That means it won't be too much longer until I need the help of someone here to evolve it.
10/27/13 09:16PM
It only took until the last Gym but there's a store that sells hoodies, something I wanted from the start, but so far I'm yet to see them in a colour I actually like...Anyone got any idea how many colours each item of clothing comes in?

Mindwipe said:
I know, that's why I intentionally ran under every shaking spot I found. But I wasn't really interested in having a Noibat in my party, so I didn't bother going back to look for another one after I emptied the cave of its items. There are also Shuckles in the breakable rocks in that cave. I broke every single rock and never found one.

I guess I was lucky to find both then, though there where a bunch of Ariados' before I encountered Noibat. Shame it starts to evolve only three levels after getting it, because look at this cute ass thing: 25.media.tumblr.com/4db9b...560kapOw1r22xmzo1_500.jpg

Also why did it take me this long to discover this?

Gothorita Y Pokedex entry:

According to many old tales, it creates friends for itself by controlling sleeping children on starry nights.

Between this and Cofagrigus I may end up drawing a lot of Pokemon smut. >.<;
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