10/13/13 09:58AM
Mindwipe said:

I have a feeling I'll be playing this tonight instead of sleeping...

Story of my life.

As for the nature, I never bother with nature breeding until the metagame. If you get a female you can breed it with any Field or Human-like egg group Poke later on :)
If you can wait until I'm finished and until I can transfer pokes, I could breed mine with my Modest natured Ditto for you
10/13/13 10:35AM
danni68 said:
As for the nature, I never bother with nature breeding until the metagame. If you get a female you can breed it with any Field or Human-like egg group Poke later on :)
If you can wait until I'm finished and until I can transfer pokes, I could breed mine with my Modest natured Ditto for you

I don't really understand the finer points of breeding, as it's not something I've ever bothered with (except to get Pokemon that only come from eggs), nor is the metagame something I've ever concerned myself with. I just usually try to catch Pokemon with natures that are at least somewhat beneficial to them. Obviously, this is easier with some more than others, and Riolus appear to be quite rare. I think I'm gonna just keep my Quirky Riolu at least until I get the gift one. I'd rather continue the game than try forever to get a Pokemon I may replace anyway. Besides, there will probably be plenty of soft resetting when I get my Kanto starter.
10/13/13 11:18AM
First Gym Badge get! That battle was fantastic. Just fantastic.
10/13/13 11:41AM
Mindwipe said:
First Gym Badge get! That battle was fantastic. Just fantastic.

sure was!
10/13/13 10:32PM
Man, these games should really make the Super Training and Pokemon-Amie features more apparent. I didn't figure out where they were until 5 AM yesterday. -_- Anyway, got a Charmander with the nature I wanted (took a few soft resets, which means going through a battle and long exposition sequence all over again), and my Spewpa evolved (my region apparently has the "Modern Pattern" Vivillon). I'll probably dump the latter into a box and find something else to raise. Onward to clues about Mega Evolution!
10/14/13 03:37AM
I heard these games don't have a very big postgame? That would be a bit of a disappointment, since most of the Gen IV-V games had tons of postgame content.
10/14/13 03:43AM
petal said:
I heard these games don't have a very big postgame? That would be a bit of a disappointment, since most of the Gen IV-V games had tons of postgame content.

Actually, from what I read on Serebii, there's a pretty impressive side quest that begins after the E4 and I may be reading what was said incorrectly, but they made it sound like it involves a girl being mind controlled. They were actually cursing the reviewers for seemingly ignoring it. Beyond that, there's also Mega Stone hunting, but that's not much of a postgame addition.
10/14/13 07:31AM
petal said:
I heard these games don't have a very big postgame? That would be a bit of a disappointment, since most of the Gen IV-V games had tons of postgame content.

Pokemon is a social game. If you have people you know who play Pokemon competitively, then postgame is really where the game begins. The story is on average 60 hours long anyway. But as stated, postgame is where everything starts for a social gamer like myself
10/14/13 07:51AM
danni68 said:
Pokemon is a social game. If you have people you know who play Pokemon competitively, then postgame is really where the game begins. The story is on average 60 hours long anyway. But as stated, postgame is where everything starts for a social gamer like myself

But there are plenty of people (like myself) who don't play competitively (and I don't have any friends to play with even if I did). So, having a lame postgame would really hurt the longevity of the game for some of us. But 60 hours; that's pretty damn good, if true.
10/14/13 08:12AM
Mindwipe said:
But there are plenty of people (like myself) who don't play competitively (and I don't have any friends to play with even if I did). So, having a lame postgame would really hurt the longevity of the game for some of us. But 60 hours; that's pretty damn good, if true.

I haven't finished this one but 3rd gen, 4th gen and 5th all took me about 60 hours to complete.I was too young to remember how long 1st and second took me :p
Black and White 2 had a lot of postgame events. Perhaps this one follows suit
10/14/13 09:35AM
Okay, EV training people (*cough*danni*cough*), tell me if I've got this right. EVs are points placed on individual stats after battles and Super Training. It takes 4 EVs to raise a base stat one point. So, 12 EVs on Attack will raise it by 3 when the Pokemon levels up. You can only have 510 EVs total, and only 255 on a single stat.

Everything right so far?

So, Super Training. Doing an easy-level Super Training regimen increases the EVs of the selected stat by 4, essentially increasing the base stat by 1. Medium adds 8 EVs (2 to base stat) and Hard adds 12 Evs (3 to base stat). So, if you have a lot of time on your hands, you can keep doing regimens for the specific stats you want, and keep count of how many EVs are in each stat until you've maxed out your total. And, basically, you could max out your EVs before your Pokemon's first battle.

Also, about the Super Training interface: As far as I can tell, the green on the graph represents your Pokemon's base stats, and the yellow represents their EVs (or, essentially, where their base stats will be as they level up), and the meter at the side is your total EVs.

Did I get any of that wrong?
10/14/13 09:58AM
Mindwipe said:
Okay, EV training people (*cough*danni*cough*), tell me if I've got this right. EVs are points placed on individual stats after battles and Super Training. It takes 4 EVs to raise a base stat one point. So, 12 EVs on Attack will raise it by 3 when the Pokemon levels up. You can only have 510 EVs total, and only 255 on a single stat.

Everything right so far?

So, Super Training. Doing an easy-level Super Training regimen increases the EVs of the selected stat by 4, essentially increasing the base stat by 1. Medium adds 8 EVs (2 to base stat) and Hard adds 12 Evs (3 to base stat). So, if you have a lot of time on your hands, you can keep doing regimens for the specific stats you want, and keep count of how many EVs are in each stat until you've maxed out your total. And, basically, you could max out your EVs before your Pokemon's first battle.

Also, about the Super Training interface: As far as I can tell, the green on the graph represents your Pokemon's base stats, and the yellow represents their EVs (or, essentially, where their base stats will be as they level up), and the meter at the side is your total EVs.

Did I get any of that wrong?

4 EV's equals one stat point at level 100. So at level 50, 8 evs would give you 1 stat point. Also, remmeber rule of 252. By giving 2 stats 252 EVS, you have 6 EVs left for another stat (one whole extra point in HP saved me once). If you look on Smogon.com, you'll find some other weird spreads. If this sounds confusing, don't get me started on IV breeding... I don't even bother with that stuff

As for super training, I never noticed the green. I'm also guessing the bar on the right is your EV limit (510)

10/14/13 10:11AM
danni68 said:
4 EV's equals one stat point at level 100. So at level 50, 8 evs would give you 1 stat point.

Okay... That confuses me. So, EVs are for some reason worth less before level 100? Well, the article I read did say their full worth wouldn't be reached until level 100. So, I guess this information doesn't conflict with anything I read...

I'm also guessing the bar on the right is your EV limit (510)

Right, that's what I figure. It fills as you approach your limit (and it resets when you use a Reset Bag, which removes all your current EVs).

Holy shit. Props to Game Freak for taking a mechanic that both confused and pissed me off when I learned about it, and making it so I can actually understand and utilize it. I may use my Reset Bag on my Charmeleon and start watching his EVs more closely, now that I actually get it. I still don't care about competitive battling, though, so I doubt I'll have the patience to actually maximize anything.
10/14/13 10:35AM
Mindwipe said:
Okay... That confuses me. So, EVs are for some reason worth less before level 100? Well, the article I read did say their full worth wouldn't be reached until level 100. So, I guess this information doesn't conflict with anything I read...

Right, that's what I figure. It fills as you approach your limit (and it resets when you use a Reset Bag, which removes all your current EVs).

Holy shit. Props to Game Freak for taking a mechanic that both confused and pissed me off when I learned about it, and making it so I can actually understand and utilize it. I may use my Reset Bag on my Charmeleon and start watching his EVs more closely, now that I actually get it. I still don't care about competitive battling, though, so I doubt I'll have the patience to actually maximize anything.

Reset bag? Wow this game makes everything super easy :O
I never get competitive gaming, but Pokemon just sparks a certain love in me that nothing else can. I love getting together with people and seeing their pokes nicknames, and seeing them beat higher tier pokemon with their favourites. On top of all that, there is no perfect team, making pokemon one of hte most balanced experiences I have had in social gaming. If you wanted someone to play with (this goes to everyone) I'm not TOO serious about winning, but I do love a match :) my friend code: 4339-2722-1001
10/14/13 10:40AM
danni68 said:
Reset bag? Wow this game makes everything super easy :O

I'm sure you noticed already, but sometimes your Pokemon will find random bags when you having the Super Training tag open. Mine found 2 Reset Bags so far. Unfortunately, I discarded one before I realized how incredibly useful they could be. =/

I love getting together with people and seeing their pokes nicknames

I... I never nickname my Pokemon. >.>

Edit: And I'm adding you just because there's something in the postgame that uses your friends list, and I have no friends. T_T
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