10/30/13 02:41AM
Well, I thought I might beat the E4 today, but then I got totally into Pokemon-amie for the first time. Maxed out my affection level with 3 of my favorite party Pokemon. I am loving it. Seeing my Pokemon look to me for directions during battle, shouting words of encouragement when it lands a powerful hit, watching it dodge or land criticals because it's "so in sync" with me. Awesome.

That said, it seems like every time I'm ready to make some progress in this game, I find something new to be distracted by. Not that that's really a bad thing...
10/30/13 09:51AM
Mindwipe said:
Well, I thought I might beat the E4 today, but then I got totally into Pokemon-amie for the first time.

I really love some of the details they put in Poke-Amie.
Some funny stuff like I burned my hand when I tried to pet my Slugma, then my hand was frozen on my Froslass, and it just straight up went through my Duskull's body!
10/30/13 11:33AM
I got my Haunter into a Gengar and I swear she loves to mess with me. Left idle she laughs and looks like she's doing trollface.jpg or turning invisible when I pet her wrongly. It almost a little unsettling.

Though to be fair, petting Malamar while it stares straight at you seemingly ever happy at your actions is equally unsettling too.
10/30/13 09:01PM
Hypster said:
I really love some of the details they put in Poke-Amie.
Some funny stuff like I burned my hand when I tried to pet my Slugma, then my hand was frozen on my Froslass, and it just straight up went through my Duskull's body!

Yeah, I found out the hard way that massaging Pikachu's cheeks is not a good idea, no matter what the anime tells you. I also love how every Pokemon has a favorite place to be petted. I guess I shouldn't have been to surprised to find out Scizor wants to be petted on its claws, but...

Also, it's a little disturbing to see Garchomp smile. *shivers*
10/31/13 02:12AM
I just needed to pause for a moment to note that a Veteran in Victory Road says "my body is ready". A.) That's awesome, B.) So, that makes at least 2 memes in this game's dialogue.
10/31/13 02:49AM
I actually felt kind of bad when my max affection Raichu survived a KO hit to impress me then the game said "Raichu is in a pinch... It looks like it might cry." :'(

BTW, what teams are people using right now? Here's mine in unnecessary detail:

Reinz Chunze (Raichu) lv 73 @ Amulet Coin
-Bold, loves to eat. 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Moves: Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Strength, Focus Blast

Doopie (Butterfree) lv 66 @ Rocky Helmet
-Compound Eyes
-Lax, somewhat stubborn. Random EVs
-Moves: Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Bug Buzz, Gust (I know, I know)

Blaziken (Blaziken) lv 73 @ Blazikenite
-Speed Boost
-Modest :( , somewhat vain. Random EVs
-Moves: Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance, Brave Bird, Flare Blitz

Pumpkin (Flygon) lv 68 @ Metronome
-Lax, a little quick tempered. Random EVs
-Moves: Fly, Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Claw

Frogger (Greninja) lv 70 @ Lax Incense
-Calm, alert to sounds. 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse

Floopa (Florges) lv 68 @ Quick Claw
-Flower Veil
-Jolly D: , hates to lose. Random EVs.
-Moves: Nature Power, Calm Mind, Moonblast, Petal Dance
10/31/13 03:56AM
Hot damn! Now, that is an ending! 'Bout time you actually get celebrated for beating the Pokemon League and saving the world. The song lyrics at the end were a nice touch, too. How long until someone actually makes a vocal version of that song? Also, does Malva seem like Lorelei's punk rock sister to anyone else?

petal said:
BTW, what teams are people using right now?

Here's the team I beat the E4 with, guaranteed to change over the next couple days as I start the postgame. Copying your format:

(Am I really the only who doesn't nickname his Pokemon? That kinda makes me feel like an asshole.)

Xerneas lv 67 @ Expert Belt
-Fairy Aura
-Gentle, Capable of taking hits. 6 HP/252 Atk/252 SpA
-Moves: Geomancy (never used it, lol), Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Horn Leech

Scizor (male) lv 68 @ Rocky Helmet
-Adamant, Proud of its power. 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Moves: Fury Cutter, Iron Head, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance

Lapras (female) lv 67 @ Leftovers
-Water Absorb
-Docile, Takes plenty of siestas. 252 HP/126 SpA/126 SpD
-Moves: Waterfall, Body Slam, Surf, Ice Beam

Garchomp (female) lv 68 @ King's Rock
-Sand Veil
-Lonely, Thoroughly cunning. 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Moves: Dragon Claw, Sandstorm, Crunch, Earthquake

Charizard (male) lv 70 @ Charizardite
-Lonely, Scatters things often. Was supposed to be 6 HP/252 Atk/252 SpA, but something got messed-up even after using a Reset Bag. It's close to that, though.
-Moves: Fly, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Fang

Lucario (male) lv 69 @ Lucarionite
-Hasty, Alert to sounds, 252 Atk/252 SpA/6 Spd
-Moves: Brick Break, Aura Sphere, Extreme Speed, Poison Jab
10/31/13 09:54PM
...No one else? Well, I'm convinced that I'll be changing at least half of my party, so I'll be posting a 2nd list eventually.

I made sure I got all the Mega Stones available in my game last night, and I tried the Friend Safari for the first time. I caught 3 Pokemon that aren't native to my game so far. I seriously need more friends, though. I only have 7 safaris to choose from, and 2 of those people don't even have the game (though I did catch a Phanpy in Vanndril's safari, regardless :D). I'm curious, what is my safari? What type am I and what Pokemon show up?
10/31/13 10:10PM
Presently my team is

Delphox Level 82

Slyveon Level 80

Lucario Level 68

and whatever 3 pokemon I need to evolve to fill up PokeDex.

I'm seriously just pissing about until I beat the Elite Four and then I'll get serious about playing.
10/31/13 10:31PM
Mindwipe said:
...No one else? Well, I'm convinced that I'll be changing at least half of my party, so I'll be posting a 2nd list eventually.

I made sure I got all the Mega Stones available in my game last night, and I tried the Friend Safari for the first time. I caught 3 Pokemon that aren't native to my game so far. I seriously need more friends, though. I only have 7 safaris to choose from, and 2 of those people don't even have the game (though I did catch a Phanpy in Vanndril's safari, regardless :D). I'm curious, what is my safari? What type am I and what Pokemon show up?

You're Doug, right? You gave me a fighting type safari with Sawk and Medicham. (No third Pokemon for some reason. Don't you just need to show up in my PSS to get 3?)

I'm also curious as to what my Safari is. My trainer's name is Alicia.
10/31/13 10:52PM
petal said:
You gave me a fighting type safari


with Sawk and Medicham.

Aww... D:

(No third Pokemon for some reason. Don't you just need to show up in my PSS to get 3?)

The person has to beat the E4 to unlock the 3rd slot. I just beat them yesterday, and I'm guessing it won't update unless we're online at the same time.

I'm also curious as to what my Safari is. My trainer's name is Alicia.

Bug-type: Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir (Good for Y-owners)

Also, the friend safari uses the name of your Mii, not your trainer name (this makes it harder for me to remember who's who).
10/31/13 11:33PM
Mindwipe said:
I only have 7 safaris to choose from, and 2 of those people don't even have the game

Wait, I can still be helpful even though I don't have the game?
FC: 0061 - 0543 - 5828

Edit: Added all the FC's I found in this thread, so if you want a dwebble/magcargo friend safari just add mine. Rock type... didn't see that coming.
10/31/13 11:46PM
BML-20XX said:
Wait, I can still be helpful even though I don't have the game?

Hey, you never know. Let's find out. My friend code is on the first page, in the 2nd post. Add me, and we'll see what kind of Friend Safari you give people.

Edit: You give a Rock-type safari with Dwebble and Macargo. Nothing that can't be caught within the regular game, unfortunately. But, on the plus side, those 2 can only be found using Rock Smash, normally. So, some people may find it easier to get them from the safari.
11/01/13 01:47AM
Keep up the Safari hunting guys. The Shiny Rate in there is definitely different, as numerous people are reporting to find multiple Shinies there. I myself have found at least 10+.

Oh and as for my team, I've been raising a bunch of different Mons of varying levels but I usually have at least a few of these with me:

Aerodactyl / Mega Aerodactyl
11/01/13 01:57AM
Right now, my team consists of...

Stummy (Swalot) w/ Black Sludge
Uvia (Heliolisk) w/ Big Root
The Egg Men (goo goo g'joob) (Exeggutor) w/ Leftovers
Scyld (Aegislash) w/ Spell Tag
Michigan (Greninja) w/ Expert Belt
and Don (Charizard) w/ Charizardite X

Bonus points to anyone who can catch the Homestar reference.
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