11/01/13 06:58AM
I just noticed something, and it's quite relevant to our interests. Trevenant's pokédex entry states: "It can control trees at will. It will trap people who harm the forest, so they can never leave." Now, this is pretty neat by itself, but then you realize that Trevenant's signature move is "Forest's Curse," which makes its victims grass-type...

...is someone else going to draw this, or am I going to have to level up my art skills?

The other entry is: "Using its roots as a nervous system, it controls the trees in the forest. It's kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body."

Its pre-evolution, Phantump, has some interesting entries too:
"These Pokémon are created when spirits possess rotten tree stumps. They prefer to live in abandoned forests."
"According to old tales, these Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest."
So, the pokémon isn't the plant bits, but the ghost? Possess the transformed grass-types!

I have a new favorite pokémon. This stuff is just too good.
11/01/13 07:20AM
GorgonEyed said:
I just noticed something, and it's quite relevant to our interests. Trevenant's pokédex entry

As you can tell from some of the other posts in this thread, there are a lot of Pokedex entries in this game that are relevant to our interests. Between these and the postgame quest, I'm wondering if one of the higher-ups for this game has an MC fetish.

I think I've figured out what I want my postgame team to be. Suffice it to say, I'm going to need to do a lot of breeding. >.>

Has anyone figured out what the 3rd Pokemon in my safari is yet? I'm dying to know.
11/01/13 07:23AM
Mindwipe said:
Has anyone figured out what the 3rd Pokemon in my safari is yet? I'm dying to know.

11/01/13 07:39AM
Hypster said:

Dammit. I suck. :(

Edit: I just realized Sawk is exclusive to X. So, at least I'm not completely useless to Y owners. =/
11/01/13 07:50AM
Just curious, will my friend safari change when I get a copy of the game, or is my 3DS permanently typeclassed?
11/01/13 07:51AM
Mindwipe said:
Dammit. I suck. :(

Edit: I just realized Sawk is exclusive to X. So, at least I'm not completely useless to Y owners. =/

Yeah, the only saving grace in mine is the Heracross since its also version exclusive. Otherwise i don't know too many people who would look for a Combee or Volbeat, especially since you can catch them normally.;/
11/01/13 07:57AM
BML-20XX said:
Just curious, will my friend safari change when I get a copy of the game, or is my 3DS permanently typeclassed?

It's locked to your friend code. So, you'll still be a Rock-type safari with Dwebble and Magcargo. When you beat the E4, another Pokemon will appear in your safari. According to Serebii, it could be Rhydon, Shuckle, or Barbaracle (only 3? Weird).

Hypster said:
Yeah, the only saving grace in mine is the Heracross since its also version exclusive.

I was excited to find that Heracross. Then the bastard broke like 10 of my Ultra Balls.
11/01/13 03:44PM
So. I beat the game and am Friend Safari'ing. May I ask for friends from the hub? My ID is 4141-2255-0147

I'll show up as Dawn.
11/01/13 04:00PM
bellchan said:
So. I beat the game and am Friend Safari'ing. May I ask for friends from the hub? My ID is 4141-2255-0147

I'll show up as Dawn.

Just added you.
11/01/13 08:07PM
bellchan said:
So. I beat the game and am Friend Safari'ing. May I ask for friends from the hub? My ID is 4141-2255-0147


I'm kind of disappointed my safari is so lame... Speaking of which, kind of a personal question, but are people using personal Miis that actually look like them in real life? Because mine looks almost nothing like me.

Also, somebody traded me Pokerus, so I can spread it to you guys if anybody wants it.

11/01/13 09:03PM
bellchan said:
So. I beat the game and am Friend Safari'ing. May I ask for friends from the hub? My ID is 4141-2255-0147

I'll show up as Dawn.

I'll add you as soon as I start playing here in a bit.

petal said:
Also, somebody traded me Pokerus, so I can spread it to you guys if anybody wants it.

With Super Training, is there even a point to Pokerus anymore?
11/01/13 09:16PM
bellchan said:
So. I beat the game and am Friend Safari'ing. May I ask for friends from the hub? My ID is 4141-2255-0147

I'll show up as Dawn.

I don't have the game yet, but you can enjoy my rock garden. 0061 - 0543 - 5828

Also, I drew some of you who already added me a Swapnote, but I think Spotpass service was discontinued moments before I sent it.
11/01/13 09:39PM
I've added everybody new on the thread I didn't have before~ (only 2 atm)

petal said:
Speaking of which, kind of a personal question, but are people using personal Miis that actually look like them in real life? Because mine looks almost nothing like me.

Mine looks just like I do~ Or as close as I can get it, since none of the hairs match it exactly;;

As for my current team though!

Talia (Swellow) Lv. 39
- Scrappy
- Adamant, Capable of taking hits; 6 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Aerial Ace, Fly, U-turn, Endeavor

Kyte (Breloom) Lv. 45
- Technician
- Adamant, Capable of taking hits; 6 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Sky Uppercut, Mach Punch, Seed Bomb, Rock Slide

Alicia (Gardevoir) Lv. 42 @Gardevoirite
- Trace
- Rash, Likes to thrash about; 6 HP/ 252 Atk/252 Spe
Calm Mind, Psychic, Moonblast, Shadow Ball

And then my E4 Team was(with current levels and such~):

Cyrix (Charizard) Lv 85 @Charizardite Y
- Blaze
- Adamant, Likes to thrash about
Solarbeam, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Fly

Fiora (Delphox) Lv 85 @Expert Belt
- Blaze
- Calm, Loves to eat
Flamethrower, Hidden Power (Grass), Shadow Ball, Psychic

Zelos (Raichu) Lv 83 @Rockey Helmet
- Static
- Impish, Quick to flee
Nuzzle, Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Grass Knot

Marina (Vaporeon) Lv 83 @Leftovers
- Water Absorb
- Relaxed, Good Endurance
Ice Beam, Surf, Aqua Ring, Attract

Myura (Aegislash) Lv 84 @Quick Claw
- Stance Change
- Serious, Quick Tempered
Iron Head, Sacred Sword, Shadow Claw, King's Shield

Jaeger (Lucario) Lv 83 @Lucarionite
- Steadfast
- Hasty, Alert to sounds
Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab, Rock Slide

If I had ChariziteX, I would retrain my Charizard so he could be physical cause wow I didn't expect his nature to be adamant.
11/01/13 10:32PM
petal said:
Speaking of which, kind of a personal question, but are people using personal Miis that actually look like them in real life? Because mine looks almost nothing like me.

If there's a person in real life who looks like a Mii... *shiver* In seriousness, though, mine's... close, I guess. But I really wasn't too invested in it. I only made one because I had to.

BML-20XX said:
Also, I drew some of you who already added me a Swapnote, but I think Spotpass service was discontinued moments before I sent it.

If it makes you feel any better, I apparently never even downloaded Swapnote. Still, I just read about this. It took Nintendo this long to realize people would use that to send pictures of dicks to people? And their response to that is to shut down the entire service? God help us if Nintendo ever finds out what else is out there on the internet.

Zyii said:
If I had ChariziteX, I would retrain my Charizard so he could be physical cause wow I didn't expect his nature to be adamant.

I've decided to breed my Charizard with a Ditto, because my current one suffers from a combination of bad IVs and messed-up Super Training. The thing is, I can't really decide what I want my new Charizard to be. Its nature or its training. I want it to be able to take advantage of Mega Charizard X's ability, but I don't want him to be a pure physical attacker (for Fire attacks, I'd rather use Flamethrower and Heat Wave than Fire Fang and... Flare Blitz, I guess?). So, I've been debating with myself for a while over what to do while I train my Gardevoir.
11/02/13 01:53AM
Welp. I got X today =)
And I will say this. Niiiiice graphical upgrade.

If you want to add me to your friendslist, I posted a couple pages back, but here's my friend code again =)

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