11/02/13 02:20AM
Lunakiri said:
Welp. I got X today =)

I look forward to you beating the E4, because no matter what the last Pokemon in your friend safari is, it's guaranteed to be something I can't catch in my game.
11/02/13 02:34AM
Mindwipe said:
I look forward to you beating the E4, because no matter what the last Pokemon in your friend safari is, it's guaranteed to be something I can't catch in my game.

Huh...? Why?
11/02/13 02:39AM
Lunakiri said:
Huh...? Why?

Because, at least according to Serebii, the 4 possibilities for your 3rd slot (you have an Electric-type safari) are Manectric, Luxio, Zebstrika, and Galvantula. Manectric is exclusive to Y version, and the other three only appear in friend safaris.
11/02/13 02:59AM

I just caught my first ever shiny. :O
It's a Swirlix. :3
11/02/13 03:01AM
Mindwipe said:
Because, at least according to Serebii, the 4 possibilities for your 3rd slot (you have an Electric-type safari) are Manectric, Luxio, Zebstrika, and Galvantula. Manectric is exclusive to Y version, and the other three only appear in friend safaris.

Fair enough
It'll be a bit before I beat the E4 though >>
11/02/13 03:07AM
Vorp said:

I just caught my first ever shiny. :O
It's a Swirlix. :3

Congrats! One day, I'd love to catch a shiny I can actually use.
11/02/13 03:09AM
Mindwipe said:
With Super Training, is there even a point to Pokerus anymore?

Pokerus+Power items+forced horde encounter with Sweet Scent gets you 50 EVs per encounter, i.e. you can completely finish EV training a mon in 10-20 minutes depending on luck and how complicated your spread is, versus 45-90 minutes in Super Training. For that matter, thanks to the new Exp Share, if you have multiple Power items you can even train multiple Pokemon at the same time.

Also, I'm left handed, so I find high rank Super Training to be extremely difficult :(

Vorp said:
shiny Swirlix

Swirlix is so cute :3
11/02/13 03:23AM
petal said:
Also, I'm left handed, so I find high rank Super Training to be extremely difficult :(

Oh geeze, they don't have a left handed option? That really sucks. D:
The 3DS really should've had analogue sticks on both sides.

petal said:
Swirlix is so cute :3

Innit just? :3
Its shiny form looks like a chocolate cupcake.
11/02/13 03:32AM
Vorp said:

I just caught my first ever shiny. :O
It's a Swirlix. :3

I bred a shiny Elekid once, back when I played Fire Red for the first time XD
11/02/13 04:20AM
And I officially love the Wonder Trade XD
11/02/13 04:59AM
Lunakiri said:
And I officially love the Wonder Trade XD

That's something I haven't played with yet. I should try it sometime just to see what kind of crazy shit I get.
11/02/13 05:03AM
Mindwipe said:
That's something I haven't played with yet. I should try it sometime just to see what kind of crazy shit I get.

I love it. I've managed two froakies, an Eevee, a Growlithe, and a Rotom.

11/02/13 07:07AM
Thanks everyone for adding me! I've quickly scanned though this Forum and added every number I saw. If you haven't already added me, my trainer safari element is water, and this is my FC again: 4339-2722-1001

Also bit of a warning... hacked pokemon have been found over Wonder Trade. htese Pokes duplicate themselves until all your boxess are full, and cannot be released :(

Why do idiots ruin everything? Wonder Trade was SUCH a good way to expand your dex. I'm glad we have each other to keep the social aspect going
11/02/13 07:25AM
Hi everyone, apologies if this has come up already, but reading lots of text on screen hurts my eyes. What are people's types for friend safari? I'm looking for electric so I may catch a Shinx. Mine is fire and once I have access to my ads I can post my friend code.
11/02/13 07:46AM
danni68 said:
Also bit of a warning... hacked pokemon have been found over Wonder Trade. htese Pokes duplicate themselves until all your boxess are full, and cannot be released :(

Dammit. Now I'm too scared to try it. :(

MrGerp said:
Hi everyone, apologies if this has come up already, but reading lots of text on screen hurts my eyes. What are people's types for friend safari? I'm looking for electric so I may catch a Shinx. Mine is fire and once I have access to my ads I can post my friend code.

Lunakiri's is Electric, but we don't know what her 3rd Pokemon is yet.

Here's everyone who's shared their friend codes so far:

Mindwipe: Fighting; Meditite, Sawk, Hariyama
danni68: Water; Bibarel, Quagsire, ???
Vorp: Ghost; Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops
Zyii: Dark; Mightyena, Cacturne, Sableye
Petal: Bug; Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir
Lunakiri: Electric; Pachirisu, Pikachu, ???
BML-20XX: Rock; Dwebble, Magcargo, ???
bellchan: Poison; Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak

If you know what the missing 3rd Pokemon is in any of these, let me know. I never seem to be on at the same time as other people. =/

Also, I look forward to you sharing your friend code, MrGerp. I love me some Fire-types. Same goes for all of you! Share your friend codes! We won't bite (but we may battle)!
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