10/14/13 11:06AM
So, I just wanted to say one word to this thread:

Nerds ...

Having said that, I bought the game as well. Pokemon Y is actually my first Pokemon game (other than maybe playing one of the old Gameboy ones on an emulator for 1h or so) and I have yet to find what is so great about that game, but I'll give it a chance I guess.
10/14/13 12:46PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
So, I just wanted to say one word to this thread:

Nerds ...

Having said that, I bought the game as well. Pokemon Y is actually my first Pokemon game (other than maybe playing one of the old Gameboy ones on an emulator for 1h or so) and I have yet to find what is so great about that game, but I'll give it a chance I guess.

Haha nerdy indeed :p
Cannot help it. Pokemon gives me this warm fuzzy feeling that I find extremely alluring.

If you enjoy previous pokemon games you'll like it. It's as simple as that. There's a lot of Gen 1 love so if you've played the first lot of games you'll feel right at home.

10/14/13 12:52PM
I am in LOVE with this game!
Like stated, Gen 1 gets a lot of love so for someone who hasnt played the past few games like myself will feel very comfortable!

So out of irony and curiousity, has anyone found or come across a Drowzee or Hypno? xD Have yet to see either in game and the only Drowzee being traded wanted a Legendary I dont have yet. D:
10/14/13 05:47PM
Well from the time I initially posted until now, I was finally able to obtain a Drowzee! Of course it was through a long series of trades, but well worth it. :)
10/14/13 11:59PM
There really is something to be said for the nostalgia factor in games like Pokemon. I won't speak for everyone on this board, but I can remember when Red and Blue first came out, and the Pokemon fad really exploded. Pokemon was so popular at my school that they banned Pokemon memorabilia from the classrooms (which meant you couldn't wear Pokemon T-shirts, either), but they still allowed it during recess. We'd all bring our Gameboys and trade, battle, or just show off to each other on the playground. We'd all spread rumors we heard over the (still crappy at that time) internet, and try to figure out how to get things like Mew or the "Pokegods".

When a new Pokemon game comes out, I feel like that kid on the playground again. The games are different, the creatures are different, and the friends are gone, but something about it feels the same as then. I don't know what it is, but I don't get that feeling from any other game.

/sappy reminiscing
10/15/13 01:32AM
Oh, by the way, can anyone who played the game as a female tell me how the fireworks scene with Shauna plays out? I know, as a male, she says she's never watched fireworks alone with a boy before, and the whole rest of the scene has this huge romantic undertone to it. Does it play out differently if you choose a female, or is Shauna a lesbian in that case?

Also, I have no idea what happened, but it seems I was only able to put 506 EVs on my Charmeleon, and I was only able to put 250 on his Sp. Atk, before the game told me it couldn't go higher. Either I really screwed up the counting somehow, or how high your Pokemon's base stat is affects how many EVs you can assign to it.
10/15/13 03:42AM
Mindwipe said:
Pokemon fad

I remember back when I was a little kid my parents were so sick of Pokemon, and we stumbled across a freaking bootleg Pokemon store in Jamaica. It was inescapable. (The very, very unofficial rastafari Pikachu I bought there is still totally awesome, by the way.)

Also, I'm totally shaking my fist at Columbus Day right now.
10/15/13 05:14AM
I get the feeling that while Microsoft makes a big leap in the wrong direction, Sony makes a step in the right direction, and Valve shoots a portal into the horizon of the right direction to see what happens, all of them risking their companies for something bigger, <<blog.search-mojo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/cash-cow.jpg|Nintendo>> is like releasing the same games for years and selling sub-par consoles for a profit.
10/15/13 05:48AM
All I've ever wanted out of a console is for it to play games and have games I want to play. Anything else is fluff.

But let's not drag this thread off-topic.
10/15/13 08:40AM
Mindwipe said:
Also, I have no idea what happened, but it seems I was only able to put 506 EVs on my Charmeleon, and I was only able to put 250 on his Sp. Atk, before the game told me it couldn't go higher. Either I really screwed up the counting somehow, or how high your Pokemon's base stat is affects how many EVs you can assign to it.

Base stat has nothign to do with how high your stat can go with EV's. 255 is max amount of EVs for a stat (but remember rule of 252!). This is a strange case.....

Im SO gald everstone breeding is the same as it was in B/W 2.
10/15/13 09:26AM
It's a thread I can chat in! I, much like everyone else in this thread is really digging this game. I went with X to get dat Charizard. However, I picked Fennekin (cutest starter of the three) and then went with Squirtle, I have friends that can hook me up with the others. I'm 6 badges in and yes, I don't take my time like everyone else because that's how I play so I haven't thoroughly explored a lot of the areas, I'm impatient by nature. I have been nicknaming my pokemon cause it's a ton of fun. I have Syrup the Delphox (le gasp I'm Canadian), Felix the Lucario, DunkTank the Blastoise, GogoPwrRngr the Gogoat, JinsReturn the Vibrava, and Beard the Fletching. I'm loving this game and can't wait to see more of it.
PS what do you guys think of the name Syrup for Fennekin? I thought it was cute and my friend started making fun of me. It's ok though cause I started geckling him for naming his Charmander Blaze since that's cliche and kinda boring.
10/15/13 10:06AM
danni68 said:
Base stat has nothign to do with how high your stat can go with EV's. 255 is max amount of EVs for a stat (but remember rule of 252!). This is a strange case.....

Is it possible they’ve changed it? Here’s how it looked to me: the green part of the graph definitely represents your Pokemon’s current base stats. As I was putting EVs into my Charmeleon’s Sp. Atk, the game told me it couldn’t go higher once the yellow part (the one that measures EVs) hit the edge of the graph. But the yellow doesn’t start from the center of the graph, it starts where the green ends. Since my Charmander’s Sp. Atk was its highest stat, it started closer to the edge of the graph than with the other stats... But then I hit the cap with one of my Zubat's stats, and the yellow didn't reach the edge of the graph, so I have no idea.

In any case, according to my count, I put exactly 252 EVs into Attack (there was still room on the graph for more), 250 into Sp. Atk (hit the edge of the graph and wouldn’t let me go higher), and 4 into HP (I did a Medium HP Training, and that was as high as it went). Then it told me I finished Charmeleon’s training. And I used a Reset Bag on him before I started all this, and never battled in-between. So, I had a blank slate to start with.
10/16/13 09:39AM
I realized today that I'm not making any progress in this game. But it's not because of anything the game does wrong. I'm spending so much time trying to catch each new Pokemon I see, pumping my Pokemon up in Super Training, and just admiring the scenery, that I've barely advanced in the game at all. I mean, I've been playing for more than 20 hours, and I don't have my 2nd Gym Badge yet! XD
10/16/13 11:32AM
Mindwipe said:
I realized today that I'm not making any progress in this game. But it's not because of anything the game does wrong. I'm spending so much time trying to catch each new Pokemon I see, pumping my Pokemon up in Super Training, and just admiring the scenery, that I've barely advanced in the game at all. I mean, I've been playing for more than 20 hours, and I don't have my 2nd Gym Badge yet! XD

I know! I'm exhausted thinking about how much content is in this little flashcart!

10/16/13 05:02PM
Y is a super great game. Not nearly as good as gen V, in my opinion, but still awesome. I do have a few complaints (Fairy-type's a liiiittle overpowered and Team Flare aren't very interesting, to start), but overall it's definitely up there with Kid Icarus Uprising in terms of the best 3DS games I've played.

(Team Froakie over here btw)
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