11/13/13 10:04PM
Mindwipe said:
Maybe scans of the book will turn up.

I've seen some pictures of some characters on tumblr but... hopefully someone scans the whole thing.
Mindwipe said:
By the way, that HypnoHub League idea is still stuck in my head. >_<

Is it now~? :3c
11/13/13 11:01PM
Zyii said:
Is it now~? :3c

Curse you, Zyii! *raises fists in air*

But even if we got it all planned out, I'm not sure if we'd have enough people to participate.
11/13/13 11:15PM
Mindwipe said:
Curse you, Zyii! *raises fists in air*


Mindwipe said:
But even if we got it all planned out, I'm not sure if we'd have enough people to participate.

Well I mean considering the amount of us that play the game, I'd say we can have like 4 leaders similar to how the Orange Islands arc of the anime was, and have a champ, and we can have title matches to rotate people out too? That's the way it was set up for the one I was in anyway.
11/14/13 01:16AM
Putting the league thing aside for a moment: grrr... I am not having much luck with IV breeding today. I wanna get done with this fast so I can continue the postgame stuff!
11/14/13 03:11AM
Mindwipe said:
Putting the league thing aside for a moment: grrr... I am not having much luck with IV breeding today. I wanna get done with this fast so I can continue the postgame stuff!

I don't think I'd have the patience for IV breeding, I'm impatient as is with EVs and Nature Breeding... I wish you luck Mindwipe, may the number gods be with you! ` m `)7
11/14/13 03:43AM
Zyii said:
I don't think I'd have the patience for IV breeding, I'm impatient as is with EVs and Nature Breeding... I wish you luck Mindwipe, may the number gods be with you! ` m `)7

Honestly, it's not all that bad, thanks to the Friend Safari and new Destiny Knot mechanics, but it can still take a very long time. It's hardest at the start of the process, since you'll usually want to catch a Pokemon with a specific nature, and we all know how trying that can be. >.> It gets a bit easier as you continue, though.

In any case, the random number gods took pity on me and helped me along a bit, but I still have a ways to go.
11/14/13 04:22AM
Mindwipe said:
Honestly, it's not all that bad, thanks to the Friend Safari and new Destiny Knot mechanics, but it can still take a very long time. It's hardest at the start of the process, since you'll usually want to catch a Pokemon with a specific nature, and we all know how trying that can be. >.> It gets a bit easier as you continue, though.

In any case, the random number gods took pity on me and helped me along a bit, but I still have a ways to go.

Yeah, I am glad that its easier, but it's still too much work for me at the moment-- Might give it a shot later on when I feel like trying to get a good natured Trapinch or something.

11/14/13 05:07AM
Whew. Finally made it to the last step of the process. Is this really worth it for a Gardevoir I'm not even sure if I want?

Edit: Done. 4 down, 2 to go.
11/14/13 10:41PM
hello everyone! I have y, but I will post a friend code another time. I wanted to tell a funny story while I was here however without my 3ds.

my brother has x, so when he caught the legendary he said I could have it as he wanted to restart his game. I was so excited, but he made me do stuff for it. I had to drive him to see a friend, pick him up, and do his chores for the day. I thought it was not big deal so I did it.

the time came and he traded it to me. I was really happy and was about to accept the trade...he named it puzzy faker. say what you will, but I felt very sad that if I want to use that thing in public I will be forever shamed.
11/16/13 03:07AM
Shiny Pinsir hatched! :D
11/16/13 03:15AM
Vorp said:
Shiny Pinsir hatched! :D

lol, I was right. I got 4 max IV Pokemon (5, counting the one I gave to petal) while you worked on that Pinsir. XD
11/16/13 09:13AM
Got my first shiny. A Pancham with Max IV in Atk and Sp. Atk.

It's nature favors Sp. Def for EV training.

I need to work hard to work out what to do with this little scamp.
11/16/13 09:24AM
My only shiny in Y is a shiny Delibird. :cccc

Only thing it has going for it is that it's purple. //singletear
11/17/13 03:28AM
Mindwipe said:
I got 4 max IV Pokemon (5, counting the one I gave to petal) while you worked on that Pinsir. XD

Yeah. ¬.¬
The Masuda Method's hit or miss. Sometimes you'll get the shiny in 50 tries, sometimes in 500.
I've got like 10 boxes fulla Pinsirs now if anyone wants one. They're not IV bred, but they're Jolly nature and have their hidden ability. Plus, Pinsir's X-exclusive.
11/17/13 03:32AM
Vorp said:
Yeah. ¬.¬
The Masuda Method's hit or miss. Sometimes you'll get the shiny in 50 tries, sometimes in 500.
I've got like 10 boxes fulla Pinsirs now if anyone wants one. They're not IV bred, but they're Jolly nature and have their hidden ability. Plus, Pinsir's X-exclusive.

What do you want in return? I have pichu babies all over the place
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